Know if you love a girl

Author: Christy White
Date Of Creation: 11 May 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
[Why Women Love] EP01 | CEO’s Young Son Tutors Girl Boss How to Love | Jin Chen/Wang Ziyi | YOUKU
Video: [Why Women Love] EP01 | CEO’s Young Son Tutors Girl Boss How to Love | Jin Chen/Wang Ziyi | YOUKU


Feelings of affection can be confusing, especially if you don't have much experience with love. If you find yourself stressing about whether you like a girl, finding out the truth might help you have a conversation about it. To find out, you have to pay close attention to your own feelings and body language. If you like her, chances are you are showing signs of it.

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Method 1 of 2: Listening to your feelings

  1. Determine if it makes you feel good to be around her. If you like a girl, you will be happy and delighted when you are around her. Think about how you feel when you are around her and pay attention to your emotions. If you don't feel joy or tension when you see her, you may not like her.
    • If you like someone, there will be more activity in the dopamine-rich areas of your brain that control feelings of pleasure and happiness.
  2. Determine if you always think about her when you split up. If you find yourself daydreaming about the girl and constantly wondering what she's doing, that's a strong sign that you like her. Find out what you think about throughout the day and count the number of times you think about her.
    • If you think about the girl more than 3-4 times a day, chances are you will like her.
  3. Consider whether you are nicer to her than to other people. When you like a girl, you often treat her nicer than the other people around you. You may feel compelled to pay for her meals or do favors for her. If you find yourself paying attention to how she feels and doing everything you can to make her day better, it's a sign that you like her.
    • For example, you could have her lead the way at a cafeteria, or offer to help her with her homework.
    • You can also be more polite to her than to others.
  4. Think about how you want your family and friends to feel about her. When you like a girl, you want important people in your life to like her too. If you always ask your friends or family members what they think about the girl and want them to accept her, chances are you will like her.
    • If your friends or family don't like her, that should be bothering you if you like her.
    • If you don't care how others feel about the girl, chances are you don't like her.
  5. Pay attention to how you feel when the girl succeeds. If you like the girl, you will feel happy and proud when the girl succeeds. Her success and wins will also make you feel good, even if you're not part of what she's doing. If you don't feel anything or feel jealous, it's a sign that you don't like her.
    • For example, you may find yourself cheering for her during competitions, or that you feel good when she has done well on tests and quizzes.

Method 2 of 2: Evaluate physical signals

  1. Consider if you get butterflies in your stomach when you see her. Butterflies are a sign of an adrenaline rush that sometimes happens when you see a girl you like. If you find yourself having a strange, weightless feeling when you are around the girl, it could be a physical sign that you like her.
    • You don't have to feel butterflies when you see a girl you like, but it's a common sign that you like her.
    • As you get older and have more romantic experiences, you may not feel butterflies as often.
  2. Touch her hand and see how you feel. Consider how you feel when you hug her or touch her hand. If you suddenly feel anxious or happy, these are signs that you may like her. If you're feeling annoyed or indifferent, it's a sign that you don't like her at all.
    • Make sure you're already friends with the girl before touching her.
    • If the girl seems uncomfortable or withdraws when you get closer, respect her personal space and don't touch her.
  3. Think about whether you are looking at her. If your eyes naturally turn to the girl, this is a physical response to something you like. If you didn't like her, you wouldn't find yourself looking at her. Think about where your eyes fall when you're around her. If you find yourself constantly looking in her direction, you might like her.
    • If you can't avoid looking at her, it is a sign that you feel a strong attraction to her.
  4. Notice if you sweat when you're around her. If you like a girl, you can feel anxious and sweat more. Notice if your heart is beating faster or if you are anxious. These are all signs that you like her.
    • Keep in mind that some people don't sweat when they're around a girl they like.