Know if you need therapy for anger management

Author: John Pratt
Date Of Creation: 13 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Anger Management in Counseling and Psychotherapy Video
Video: Anger Management in Counseling and Psychotherapy Video


Anger is a natural emotional response to an unpleasant treatment or an insult; it occurs when someone feels disadvantaged or treated unfairly. However, if you find yourself responding to many situations with anger and / or violence, it may be time to learn how to manage your anger through treatment. Being angry regularly can be unhealthy for your body: it has been linked to negative health consequences, such as an increased risk of heart disease, especially in men. It is common for people who cannot control their anger properly to seek treatment from a mental health professional. Anger management therapies can be effective in learning to manage and appropriately express anger.

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Part 1 of 3: Recognizing the causes and characteristics of anger

  1. Go through the history of your behavior. Ask yourself if you often react violently or even angrily. If you break things, attack people, or otherwise become aggressive, this is one of the main signs that there is a problem with your anger management. Seek appropriate treatment with the help of a counselor before harming yourself or others.
    • Assess whether you often argue with friends, family or acquaintances. While arguments are not alien in relationships, arguments that escalate quickly and are very common can be an indication that there is an anger management problem.
    • Think back to the number of times you came into contact with the law. Investigate whether you have often had problems with the law or whether you have often exhibited aggressive driving behavior that led to traffic violations.
  2. Check if you often find yourself holding up anger. Not all anger is expressed openly. If your anger is aroused and then held back, you may also benefit from an anger management treatment.
    • Pay attention to how you respond to both the more obvious situations in which your anger is aroused (e.g. someone is particularly rude to you), and the more daily activities, such as watching TV, commuting, driving, or working in the field. general.
  3. Pay attention to your body. Anger is a powerful and very primitive emotion, and it often leaves its mark on the body. Pay attention to how your body feels and pay particular attention to the specific signs of anger.
    • There are several physical signs of anger. These include grinding teeth, clenching of the fists, an increased heart rate and headache or stomach pain, feeling hot or dizzy, facial redness, sweaty palms, or general tension in your body.
  4. Try to put your anger aside. People with anger management problems may experience difficulty concentrating as soon as they feel anger. They may no longer be able to compromise, feel empathy, or accept that other people's views are different from their own.
    • Some people find that they channel this anger obsession with sarcasm, pacing and raising their voices. You may find that you quickly lose your sense of humor when anger starts to set in.

Part 2 of 3: Determining the price of anger

  1. Check your relationships. One indication that you may benefit from anger management therapy is if you find that your anger is negatively affecting others or your relationships with them.
    • Have you hurt others physically or emotionally because of your tantrum? Do you find that your social life is suffering from your anger? Do you find yourself regretting the way you treat others as a result of your angry outbursts? If so, the price of your anger is high and you can benefit from anger management.
    • Because of their hostility, those with anger problems often have fewer friends. Social support is an important factor that can help protect against stress and illness.
  2. List the negative impact of anger on your body. Frequent anger can make you feel unhealthy and be unhealthy for you. If you find that you often have headaches or other physical complaints and think that it may be caused by your anger, then anger management therapy may be for you.
    • Keep in mind that some of the negative physical effects of anger are not felt directly, but the price you pay for it is very real. For example, being angry often increases the risk of cardiovascular disease, especially among men.
  3. Take note if you break things. Anger leads people to lash out and sometimes things have to pay for it, by damaging or breaking them. If you find yourself breaking or damaging things during a tantrum, you can benefit from anger management.
  4. Pay attention to your attitude. Angry people are cynical about others. Cynicism can refer to a self-righteous attitude, where an individual thinks that the things that make him or her angry are not things the person would ever do.
    • For example, if a driver stops traffic because he hadn't seen the green light, you might think "only an idiot does such a thing," when in reality it's quite easy to get distracted at a red traffic light.If you suspect that anger is causing you to view the world in a negative way, then you may benefit from anger management therapy.
  5. Monitor your alcohol and drug use. Individuals with anger problems tend to consume more alcohol and other drugs than individuals without anger problems. Overconsumption of drugs is bad for health and can lead to social and other emotional problems.
  6. Pay attention to your well-being. Ask yourself if your anger is causing you to feel bad, either because of the consequences of your behavior or the way it makes you think about the world around you, or both.
    • If feelings of anger and the situations your anger throws at are taking their toll on your subjective well-being, it may be time to seek therapy for your anger problem.

Part 3 of 3: Decide which treatment is best for you

  1. Decide what options you have. There are many different approaches to anger management and many different ways to treat anger problems.
    • There is no need to limit yourself to just one approach; If you try an approach and are not satisfied with the outcome after you are sure you have given it a fair shot, try a different treatment option or combine multiple techniques.
  2. Learn about treatments that target your thoughts. Some treatments emphasize changing thinking patterns or techniques for becoming and staying calm.
    • One of the approaches focuses on relaxation. Relaxation techniques include deep breathing while visualizing relaxed images, or slow exercises such as yoga; all of these techniques can help you curb anger. Relaxation techniques may be best for you if you enjoy reducing your stress primarily in a physical way.
    • Another approach is called cognitive restructuring, which simply means changing the way you think. This approach emphasizes using logic and avoiding certain words such as "never" or "always" to overcome the thoughts that trigger or contribute to anger. This approach may be best for you if you find yourself aggravating anger through certain thoughts or ways of thinking.
  3. Learn about treatments that prioritize behavior or change of scenery. Some treatments emphasize immediate, beneficial change as a way of reducing the actual instigators of your anger. These can be used on their own or in conjunction with techniques specifically aimed at changing the way you think.
    • Another method emphasizes the use of problem solving. Sometimes frequent anger is not necessarily an overreaction to events, but reflects an adaptive response to trying to overcome real and important problems that are difficult to resolve. Taking a problem-focused approach may be your best option if you think this applies to your situation and your relationship with anger.
    • Sometimes the best option is to change environments. In some cases, there may be factors in your environment that contribute to excessive anger. An effective way to control your anger may be to work on somehow changing your environment. For example, if there are many triggers in your job that make you angry, consider applying for a new job that you think could make you happier or less angry. This is best for you if you have been able to pinpoint a specific environmental factor, like your job, that is highly contributing to your anger.
  4. Search online for information sources. There are blogs and websites dedicated to helping people accept and overcome their anger management problems. This can be a good resource if you are having trouble admitting your problem to others.
  5. Visit a psychologist or counselor. Ask your doctor for a referral letter to a psychologist or counselor. When calling the counselor's or psychologist's office, you can ask for a recommendation as to who is best suited to work with you on your anger management problem.
    • For another way to find a psychologist, you can search the Internet using terms such as 'anger management treatment' and the name of your place of residence, or go to to search for a psychologist in your area. region.
  6. Search for anger management books online or in the library. These may include worksheets that can help you more concretely identify triggers and determine the best approach to treatment.
    • For example, a worksheet can help you determine whether you are often in your head and whether specific thoughts contribute to your anger, which in turn can lead you to seek out a cognitive restructuring approach.
  7. Buy a punching bag and a pair of boxing gloves. Not only do you release your anger in a healthy and positive way, but you also get a great workout.