Knowing if a girl is pretending to be hard to get

Author: Roger Morrison
Date Of Creation: 6 September 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How To Instantly Tell If She’s Faking An Orgasm
Video: How To Instantly Tell If She’s Faking An Orgasm


In the big dating game, a girl can pretend to be hard to get to test your motivation and push you to work harder to hit on her. She can pretend she's too busy to go out and take a long time to call back. But how do you know if a girl is pretending to be hard to get or just isn't attracted to you?

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Part 1 of 2: Know if she's pretending to be hard to get

  1. Ask her out and notice if she rejects you in a way that can be explained in several ways. This technique makes you cling to that little bit of hope it offers you. She might say she can't, but is free some other day. She could say "no" but tell you about an interesting place she wants to see. Or she may not want to commit to a specific date so you just have to wait and see.
    • A rejection or blatant, definitive "no" means she's not interested. She will not offer the option of a second chance or contact you again.
    • Learn to give her space and when to stop. If you ask her out too often, you will become less attractive and look desperate.
  2. Contact her and see how long it takes for her to respond. If she always takes the time to respond to your calls or messages, even if it's just to say "hello," then she's probably testing you. And if they well she may have an apology ready for how incredibly busy she was. She will say she was at a party or someone else's. She'll want to show you that she's a busy girl and doesn't have to spend her time with you.
    • Her delayed responses should occur consistently and almost strategically. If she doesn't respond to you for days or comes up with a strange excuse, it probably means she's not interested enough to respond in a timely manner.
    • Some girls just don't immediately respond to messages a phone call. Don't analyze this and don't get angry. If she's sending out signs that she's interested in you, take a deep breath and understand that people are often busy or forgetful.
  3. Notice if she introduces you to the competition. A girl testing you will want happen like she's hard to get. It's her way of showing that she has many options to choose from and can be busy anytime.
    • She can take some pretty friends to a party to make you jealous.
    • She will tease you by talking about guys who have tried, unsuccessfully, to hook up on her. She seems like she's making fun of them, but she just wants to point out how attractive she is.
    • If she's talking to you about a guy she's dating, she probably isn't interested in you that way and sees you as a regular friend. Don't think of this as a failure, but rather as the beginning of a blossoming friendship. However, not everyone can stay friends with someone they are in love with, so know when it is time to accept your loss and find someone else.

Part 2 of 2: Find out if she's interested in you

  1. Watch for physical signs that she is flirting with you. Even if a girl is testing you, it still means she's interested in you. And if so, she will send subtle signals that she likes you. It can be difficult to tell if a girl is flirting, so carefully observe her body language and pay attention to the following common flirting behaviors:
    • She is constantly touching you. She can touch your shoulders or arms while you are talking to you. She may be leaning against you with her body. There are many excuses or reasons why the two of you are constantly touching each other.
    • She smiles at you a lot. She can catch your eye from across the room and give you a sweet, unsolicited smile.
    • She draws attention to her body. She can bite her lip, arrange her hairstyle, or spread her legs apart or across each other. She can do these things unconsciously or on purpose, but all these subtle movements draw your attention to a specific part of her body.
    • She gives you special hugs. If she's not a cuddler then it's easy to tell when she's giving a hug just to you. It's an excuse to get closer to you and be affectionate. Even if you're not sure if it's a special hug, you can be happy to receive such a friendly gesture.
  2. Listen carefully to the way she speaks to you. A girl who is interested will give you subtle hints with words. So it's important to learn to read between the lines. A simple "hello" can have tempting intentions, if you listen carefully to the way she says it.
    • She laughs at your stupid jokes. You can tell the same joke to your friends and get a few laughs on your side, but when she hears him, it is hilarious. She wants to make you feel like the star of the show, but don't confuse this with hysterical laughter.
    • She often compliments you. According to her, you are really funny, sweet and you have beautiful hair. However, other girls can do the opposite and insult you. This is an age-old flirting technique used by almost everyone. It lowers the self-esteem of the target and strangely makes the offender much more attractive. But don't confuse this with a girl who really isn't interested in you. A few lighthearted insults won't hurt, but if she's consistently throwing hurtful insults around, it's more likely she doesn't like you.
  3. Pay attention to how she behaves towards you versus others. She can behave in a drastically different way towards you. A change in behavior often means that she has special feelings for you, regardless of whether she becomes nervous or extremely distant or flirty.
    • You can usually check her normal behavior when she's with her friends. If you can, watch her behavior without her knowing you're around. Notice if she starts acting differently as soon as she notices you. She may sit up, become quieter and serious, or clearly very happy to see you.
    • Pay attention to how her friends react to you. If they are whispering, giggling, or sneaking glances at you, it is likely that they have been talking about you and are judging you.
    • Don't assume that a change in behavior means she's interested in you. She may be testing you, or she may just be really not interested in you.
  4. Pretend she has to do her best. If you're not sure yet, switch the roles of the game. This works even better if you know she's pretending to be hard to get or is actually interested in you.
    • Flirt with her now and then. Keep her in the dark about your true feelings for her. It's fun for both of you and keeps things fresh and entertaining.
    • Stay mysterious. Give hints about yourself to make her curious about who you are. You will appear more intriguing and attractive.
    • Some girls, even if they are the ones pretending to be hard to get, may not appreciate this approach. After all, the point of this game is to make the person you're interested in work harder for you - no less hard. You can go with her game and show her how much you want to do to win her love.
  5. Step back and give her space. Ultimately, you let her decide how she wants to let you know whether or not she likes you. The worst thing you can do is become obsessed with your desire to be with her. This can lead to your bothering her.
    • No means no. If she rejects or tells you to stop contacting her, respect her wish and stop.
    • Don't keep asking her out or demanding her attention all the time.
    • You may not stalk her or her friends to get information.


  • Know when a girl to seems difficult to get. If she's making things ridiculously difficult, it's a good idea to take a step back and re-evaluate your intentions with her. Your time is just as valuable as the girl whose interest you are trying to hold.
  • Be yourself. It's no good for a girl to fall for the person you supposedly are. That's not a great start to a long-term relationship, and it can be exhausting to keep acting.
  • Once you're in a relationship, it's better to stop making things difficult for each other. Now is the time to show her who you are and get to know her better. Treat her with the love and respect she deserves.
  • If you can't tell if she likes you, asking her is the best and surest way to find out. It can be nerve-wracking, but it saves your guesswork and helps break the deadlock.


  • There are exceptions to the signals explained above. Not every girl will play by the same rules. Think of each girl as a unique individual.
  • Every relationship is based on consent. You must ask each other for permission before proceeding to do certain things together. Getting consent is especially important when it comes to physical intimacy. Consent belongs in the form of voluntary, enthusiastic and verbal Yes to be given.