Dating a Sagittarius man

Author: Charles Brown
Date Of Creation: 10 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024


Sagittarius men are known for their reserved attitude, work ethic and the fact that they don't trust anyone easily. But if you do manage to break through their sometimes cool exterior, you'll find an intelligent, passionate, and dedicated man waiting for you underneath. To find out how best to date a Sagittarius man, go to step 1.

To step

Method 1 of 2: Courting your Sagittarius.

  1. Go to some networking events. The first thing to know about a Sagittarius man is that he will undoubtedly be very passionate. The best places to meet the perfect Sagittarius man include work-related gatherings, charity gatherings, or networking get-togethers. Sagittarius men want to progress to the top of the company they work for, so it is best to have a motivated attitude and make sure you are the best at your work meeting; that will undoubtedly help you get your Sagittarius' attention.
  2. Don't dress too flashy. Sagittarius men are best reserved. Therefore, they are generally more attracted to partners who dress in a sophisticated and somewhat more conservative way. So grabbing attention with your stilettos and a bare dress isn't exactly the best way to get your husband's attention. Go for the classic look with a touch of femininity.
  3. Show that you have intellectual capabilities. Sagittarius men are mainly attracted to the intellect of women. Even if you wear a beautiful dress or have a ridiculously beautiful face, if you come across as shallow or empty-headed, your Sagittarius man may lose interest in you. Instead, you better show him your beautiful brain by involving him in a high-level conversation. But make sure you stay cool and in control - don't laugh out loud when he is joking.
    • But don't be afraid to put on some of that witty humor either - Sagittarians often have a sense of humor that borders on sarcasm.
  4. Make sure you gain his trust. Sagittarians have a hard time opening up to others. Before he opens up to you, he needs to know he can trust you. Be honest and forthright with him, but with the expectation that it will take him a little longer before he shares his inner self with you. Your Sagittarius man will need his time, but with your help - if you show that you support him and can be trusted - he will eventually let you into his heart.
    • Be careful not to betray Sagittarius' trust, even by accident. After all, once a Sagittarius man feels betrayed, he usually doesn't let you in emotionally again until very slowly - if he does at all.
  5. Don't play games with him. If there is one thing that a Sagittarius man doesn't feel like doing, it's games played in a relationship with him. If you like him, let him know and wait for him to meet you somewhere halfway. Don't try to make him jealous by strolling around with another guy in front of him, or acting passive-aggressive, or pretending you don't like him when you like him. For a Sagittarius man, all this has the opposite effect - he will quickly pick up his own life again, without looking up or back.
  6. Invite him over for a quiet evening at your place. The best way to get to know your Sagittarius man better and to show him that you are really interested in him is to take the first plunge yourself. Invite him over for dinner, or organize a picnic for you and him, or do something else for the two of you. Inviting him to a big party will probably only make him uncomfortable, while an invitation to dinner will probably just open up. This is also when you can shine - raise topics that you are passionate about and let him relax by engaging him in a stimulating conversation.
  7. Be patient. Sagittarius men are known for befriending a woman before considering actually dating her. Therefore, your patience will likely be tested. So if you are courting the Sagittarius, you better not put pressure on him or want to go too fast. He will draw his own conclusions as you spend more and more time with him. Hold his attention by showing him that you support the things he is doing. So go to the fundraiser he has run, read the article he wrote, or give him a heartfelt compliment that shows him that you can be a supportive partner.

Method 2 of 2: Keep your relationship good

  1. Trust your husband. Sagittarius men are known for taking their love life - just like their job - very seriously. That means that your Sagittarius is probably not cheating on you. Once he has fallen for you, he will work hard to keep the relationship going. Although it takes a Sagittarius man a while to surrender to you, once he decides it's you for him, you have a very dedicated man by your side.
  2. Realize that he will work long hours at the office. Sagittarius is known among the zodiac signs as the workaholic. He takes his job very seriously and will sometimes work overtime. Be prepared for this and know that it doesn't mean he's no longer interested in your relationship. He just takes his job really seriously and wants to do it the best he can.
  3. Avoid drama as much as possible. Sagittarians are looking for stability - they want someone who is committed and serious about the relationship. Hysteria or playing games cause a Sagittarius to turn away from the relationship. If he upset you, tell him what he did and why it upset you. Your Sagittarius wants to make you happy, and if you tell him directly what you need or don't like, he will do everything in his power to stop him from upsetting you.
  4. Be a support to him as you also work toward your own goals. The perfect relationship for a Sagittarius is one in which both individuals are powerful. Support him in his endeavors, just as he supports you in yours. Since he is very ambitious, you need to have your own goals and ideas that you are working on. The best relationship with a Sagittarius is one of why you are both supportive and independent.
  5. Be passionate in the bedroom. While a Sagittarius man can be a bit reserved in his day-to-day life, he can be an amazingly passionate lover in the bedroom. Sagittarians have an excellent eye for detail (which is one reason why they do their job in the office so well) that also makes them good lovers. Meet his passion with yours.
    • However, keep in mind that Sagittarians are quite traditional - he's probably not going to like role-playing and massages and other things more on the kinky side of the bedroom spectrum.
  6. Know that the Sagittarius man doesn't like big parties. This means that it probably wouldn't be such a good idea to organize a surprise party for his birthday. As you noticed when you tried your best to get his attention, the Sagittarius is only vulnerable with a select few friends and family. Sagittarius men take their time to admit people into their circle of people they trust. Because of this, a night out, to his favorite pub with a group of his best friends, or a night at your house, is more his thing than dancing in a busy nightclub or going to a party where he hardly knows anyone.
    • Your Sagittarius man will be truly grateful if you take charge of social occasions where he is uncomfortable. Being social is a quality that Sagittarius loves very much.
  7. Buy simple, practical gifts for him. Sagittarius men like functional items that are not particularly flashy. It is better to give him something like a Swiss army knife or a grill that he can use for the BBQ parties in his garden that he loves to throw, than that € 2,000 watch with all those rhinestones.
  8. Don't be too intimate in public. The Sagittarius doesn't really like hugging or kissing in public. While holding hands is probably fine (he probably even prefers to hold hands because he's very protective of nature), kissing in the middle of a busy street is likely to make him a bit uncomfortable. Sagittarians don't really like their private lives going public, so think carefully before grabbing him by the collar and kissing him in public.
    • This includes gossiping about your Archers. These men are really very private. If he learns that you've shared the secrets of your relationship with anyone who would listen, he may feel betrayed by you or lose faith in you. Only discuss your love life with the friends you know you can really trust.


  • Be patient. Most Sagittarius men don't fall in love just like that. They want to get to know you as a girlfriend first.
  • Always show your best manners. Sagittarians are quite conservative and they don't like someone who burps in public and is vulgar.