Still enjoy your period

Author: Robert Simon
Date Of Creation: 24 June 2021
Update Date: 22 June 2024
Your Menstrual Cycle Is More Than Just Your Period
Video: Your Menstrual Cycle Is More Than Just Your Period


Periods are usually unpleasant because you can feel stressed, depressed, in pain and sometimes even ashamed. But you don't always have to suffer. It is still possible to enjoy your period when you have your period, so that you hardly notice that it is that period of the month.

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Part 1 of 3: Planning ahead

  1. Know when the time comes. Nothing puts a bigger damper on a fun brunch with your friends than having an unexpected period, especially if you're wearing white pants. Although you may not always know exactly when your period is due, you often have a reasonable idea of ​​your cycle. Knowing it can happen will help you prepare for it and avoid potentially embarrassing accidents.
    • Mark the approximate time of your period each month with a red dot on a calendar or in your phone's calendar to remind yourself when it is going to happen. There are even apps, such as Period Tracker, to keep track of your cycle.
    • Wearing a thin panty liner around the day of your period can help prevent leakage.
  2. Don't feel self-conscious. Think about it. Do you think it's strange when you see another woman buying tampons? Have you ever looked at a woman and thought, "she smells like she's having her period". Probably not. While you don't have to scream about your period, you don't have to be ashamed or paranoid about it.
    • If you have an unexpected period, don't be afraid to ask another woman for a tampon or pads. Every woman has her period from time to time and this has happened to many of them. No one will make fun of you or make fun of you.
  3. Remember that having periods is a good thing. While it may seem unpleasant, having your period means that you are healthy and that your body is working as it should. Your brain sends chemical messages to your ovaries to make hormones such as estrogen and androgens, which are important substances. Reminding yourself of this will help you appreciate what's going on in your body and then focus on the good things in life.
  4. Use the best menstrual products for your body. There are numerous products for menstruation, such as sanitary towels, tampons, menstrual cups, sponges, and much more. If you don't like one product, try something else! Don't think you have to use a particular product because all your girlfriends do too. Find the most comfortable option for your body, because when you feel comfortable, you will be less aware that you have your period.
  5. Learn to deal with an irregular cycle. You may have an irregular cycle, which makes planning around your period more difficult. With an irregular cycle, you will not have your period around the same time every month. There may also be heavier and less heavy periods. If you have an irregular cycle, see your doctor to have the problem examined. Then you can better see when your period starts and make it easier to plan around your period.
    • If you have just started your period, it is not uncommon for you to have an irregular cycle for the first few years. However, an irregular cycle can also be caused by a variety of conditions, such as ovarian cysts, pelvic inflammation and habits such as heavy exercise or a lot of weight loss. If your cycle is irregular, find the cause so that you worry less. Then you can enjoy better if you have your period.
    • Your doctor may be able to treat your irregular cycle. Some women start taking the pill so that they have more control over when they have their period. Ask your doctor if the pill can help you if you have an irregular cycle.

Part 2 of 3: Relieve the symptoms

  1. Watch what you eat. It's okay to give in to your needs every now and then. But if you consistently eat milk chocolate during your period, you're not doing yourself any favors. Sugar, salt, and coffee can make symptoms worse during your period. So try to leave it on for the days before and during your period.
    • Why are sugar, salt and coffee bad? Sugar causes spikes in your blood sugar. Spikes in your blood sugar can make you more irritable. Salt makes you feel even more bloated, and coffee increases estrogen production, which can make PMS symptoms worse.
    • Try to eat more green, leafy vegetables, salmon, whole grains, bananas, and yogurt. These foods are full of vitamins and can relieve your symptoms so that you can enjoy yourself more and forget your period.
  2. Get moving. You may be tempted to curl up on the couch and watch TV all day, but you'll feel happier getting up and moving. Exercise relieves symptoms such as cramps and bloating, and releases endorphins that improve your mood. Your body temperature is a bit lower during your period, so you will be less likely to get too hot.
    • You don't have to run a marathon or climb a mountain to get some exercise. Call a friend and do a spinning class, take your dog for a walk in the park, or roll out your yoga mat and do the sun salutation a few times. Anything that gets your body moving will make you feel better.
    • You can sometimes leak when you are exercising. That's why it's a good idea to wear both a tampon and a sanitary napkin to prevent leakage. You can also wear dark sportswear to be on the safe side.
  3. Try essential oil. Essential oils are great for giving yourself a natural boost when you're cranky. Put some drops in a warm bath, or massage your temples and wrists with it. The scent alone makes you feel happier and more relaxed.
    • Although there are numerous types of essential oils, some are especially suitable for menstruation. Bergamot and sage keep your mood steady, geranium is great when you're grumpy, and lavender helps you relax. White peppermint relieves headaches, and grapefruit and lemon are great for bloating.
  4. Deal with stress. If you are stressed, the symptoms during your period are often more severe. Think about what stresses you out. If it is something that you can easily do something about, do it so that you can let it go. If it's something you can't control, try to convince yourself and relax by taking a nice bath or doing some yoga or meditation.
  5. Take a pain reliever. If you have a lot of cramps, sore breasts, back pain or headaches, and nothing natural is working, you can take a pain reliever such as acetaminophen or ibuprofen. You can also take a pain reliever specially formulated for menstrual pain, such as Aleve Feminax.
    • Always follow the recommended dose on the packaging and talk to your doctor or pharmacist if you have any questions about the medicine.
  6. Use a hot water bottle. Another remedy for period pain is a hot water bottle. A hot water bottle can be very pleasant, so that you can enjoy more even when you have your period. See your stomach cramps as an excuse to treat yourself to a water bottle.
    • You can buy a pitcher at most drug stores. Read the instructions carefully first, because sometimes you have to wrap a pitcher in a towel or blanket.
    • There are also electric jugs. Never leave it plugged in all night.

Part 3 of 3: Having fun

  1. Make it a ritual to watch a comedy. The first day of your period can be very frustrating. You may not feel well physically or emotionally. So make it a monthly ritual to watch a comedy on the first day so that you can boost your mood. Search Netflix, YouTube, or your own DVD collection for something you can laugh about. A fun comedy keeps you busy so that you don't think about the annoying symptoms. If you want, you can always watch the same movie or series on the first day of your period.
  2. Treat yourself. Your period can make you feel really bad, so treat yourself to relieve the symptoms. You can even enjoy your period more days, because you are doing things for yourself that you otherwise wouldn't do. If you are in a lot of pain, take a massage and enjoy total relaxation for an hour. Get your nails done at a nail salon, so that every time you see that beautiful color of nail polish you have to smile. Take a nice warm bath and read a book. Immerse yourself in something that will leave you happy, relaxed and refreshed.
  3. Dress up nicely. Many women feel bloated and ugly when they have their period. You can combat that feeling by using your period as an excuse to dress nicely. Resist the urge to walk around in sweatpants all day. Get dressed up and go out with your friends. Make this a monthly ritual. Whether you go to a good restaurant or go shopping, put on something that makes you feel good, style your hair and see how much better you will feel.
    • Don't be afraid to wear nice underwear when you have your period. You probably reach for your most worn-out underpants soon, but don't! A boring pair of briefs puts a damper on the party, so wear something that makes you feel beautiful. If you are afraid of stains, put a pantiliner in it.
  4. Relax. Being active can be fun, and often works wonders when you're on your period, but don't be afraid to take it easy either. Sometimes you have little energy during your period, and the physical complaints can be worse one day than the next. Give yourself permission to relax during the heavier days. Make some snacks (bonus points if they don't aggravate your symptoms), pick out a fun movie, and curl up on the couch. Sometimes rest is best for your body. Don't feel guilty if you don't do anything at all for a few hours while watching something fun on TV.


  • A hot water bottle can feel great if you have cramps in your stomach.
  • Epsom salt works wonders for cramps and muscle pain. Run a warm bath, throw in some Epsom salt, and lie back in it for a while.
  • If the symptoms are so bad that you cannot go to work or school, call your doctor. You may have a condition that can be treated.
  • Don't focus all your attention on your period. Thinking about it all the time will make you more aware of all the cramps and aches. If you prefer to focus your energy on other activities, you will forget that you have your period.
  • PMS can be very serious and painful. Don't let others tell you not to indulge, and listen carefully to what your body needs.
  • If you don't have a real calendar, you can also use the calendar on your computer, tablet or phone.
  • It is good to have a positive attitude towards it.
  • Embrace it; all girls have to go through it whether they like it or not, so you're not alone. It can be tricky at first, but you get used to it. Try the steps above, and if nothing works, see your doctor. He / she may be able to prescribe something stronger for the pain.
  • Use an app to track your cycle. In the Play Store or App Store you will find all kinds of different apps in which you can keep track of your cycle and your symptoms.
  • Make it a habit to always wear a red accessory during your period to show that you are proud of yourself and your body. You don't have to tell others what it means if you don't want to!