Naturally soothe toothaches

Author: Roger Morrison
Date Of Creation: 5 September 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
10 Ways to Kill a Toothache In a Minute
Video: 10 Ways to Kill a Toothache In a Minute


Tooth or toothache can be very painful, making you miserable and disrupting your daily rhythm. In addition to pain in the tooth, you may also have other symptoms, such as a mild fever, swelling where the infected tooth is or a sore jaw.There are several natural remedies for toothaches that can help relieve the pain. If you suffer from persistent tooth pain, you should always go to the dentist to have your teeth examined for cavities or other dental problems.

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Method 1 of 2: Using home remedies

  1. Rinse your mouth with warm saline solution. The first thing you can do at home to soothe a toothache is to rinse your mouth out with a saline solution. One of the most common causes of toothache is infection, and salt can clean the affected area and deal with the infection. Salt can drain fluids from the infected area, relieving tension in the soft tissue and easing pain.
    • To prepare a saline solution, pack a glass full of warm water and add a teaspoon of regular table salt or sea salt. Mix in the salt thoroughly so that it dissolves completely.
    • Make sure the water is warm and not hot. Of course you don't want to burn your mouth.
    • Rinse your mouth with the warm saline solution by taking a sip and flushing the water all over your mouth, especially around the painful tooth. Do this for at least 30 seconds and then spit out the solution. Do not swallow the solution.
    • Repeat this every hour and you may be able to soothe your toothache.
    • If you don't have salt, rinsing your mouth with warm water will also help.
  2. Floss your teeth to remove food debris and plaque. After rinsing your mouth, you should continue cleaning by gently removing any plaque and food debris stuck between your teeth. Use dental floss and gently clean the areas around and between your teeth. Be careful not to irritate sensitive teeth. Still, it is important to delete anything that could make the infection worse.
  3. Dab clove oil on the tooth in question. Clove oil is an old home remedy for toothaches. Namely, it has antibacterial and analgesic properties. It can reduce inflammation and also acts as an antioxidant. Clove oil can help numb the area around the tooth that is causing you discomfort and soothe the pain.
    • Dab a few drops of clove oil on a cotton ball and rub it gently on the painful tooth. The pain should subside now. Repeat this treatment three times a day for the best results.
    • Clove oil is safe in small amounts, but it can cause health problems if you consume a lot of it. So make sure you follow the directions on the packaging.
    • You can buy clove oil at the pharmacy or health food store. However, if you want to make your own clove oil, just crush two cloves and mix them with olive oil.
  4. Use a cold compress. If the pain you are experiencing is caused by an injury to the tooth, use a cold compress to ease the pain. Wrap an ice cube in a clean cloth or tissue and hold it directly against the outside of your cheek where the painful tooth is located for about 10 minutes.
    • The cold makes you feel numb, which helps to relieve the pain. You can also use an ice pack or a bag of frozen vegetables instead of an ice cube.
    • Never put the ice cube on the gum itself, as this could damage the delicate tissue.
  5. Try to use a moist tea bag. Place a damp tea bag on the painful tooth. A moist tea bag is a very simple remedy that everyone has at home. This is not treating the infection or the cause of your toothache, but it is said to help soothe some of the symptoms. Simply moisten a tea bag in a cup of warm (not hot) water, squeeze out the excess water, and place the tea bag on the sore tooth for about 15 minutes.
    • The tea bag contains tannins that have strong astringent properties and can temporarily soothe pain.
    • Eucalyptus and peppermint tea can be especially effective.
    • If you do this regularly, you run the risk of staining your teeth and gums.
  6. Soothe your toothache with turmeric. Turmeric is not only a fragrant spice used in cooking, but there is some evidence that it has medicinal properties. Turmeric contains curcumin, an active ingredient responsible for lowering histamine levels in your body. This can help relieve the pain.
    • Dissolve 5 grams of turmeric, two cloves of garlic and two dried guava leaves in 240 ml of boiling water. Boil the mixture for 5 minutes.
    • Pour the mixture through a strainer to strain it. Let it cool, then rinse your mouth with the turmeric mixture for a minute to soothe the pain.
    • You can also roast two tablespoons of ground turmeric in a pan. Let the turmeric cool, then gently apply the roasted turmeric to the painful tooth with a clean cotton swab.
  7. Know what to avoid. In addition to trying to soothe the toothache, you should also avoid certain things that are sure to irritate your tooth and cause your tooth to hurt even more. This varies from person to person and you will have to assess for yourself which things cause discomfort and then try to avoid these things. Usually very hot or very cold foods and drinks will be painful for someone with a toothache.

Method 2 of 2: Understand the limitations of natural remedies

  1. Be careful with natural products. Natural remedies can help soothe your toothache and ease your discomfort, but if you have persistent toothaches, you need to get to the root of the problem. You will probably have to go to the dentist. There is no conclusive evidence that herbal remedies are actually effective for dental problems.
    • If you choose an herbal remedy, stop if you think it is not working. Don't keep applying it to your sore tooth thinking that a larger dose will help. In fact, your toothache could get worse if you increase the dose.
    • If you experience a burning or stinging sensation after using an herbal remedy, rinse your mouth immediately. Don't use mouthwash as the alcohol it contains can irritate the delicate tissues in your mouth even more.
    • Remember, toothaches caused by an infection will not go away until the infection is healed.
  2. Make an appointment with your dentist. If you have a toothache that lasts for more than one or two days, you should make an appointment with your dentist as soon as possible. Natural remedies may help relieve pain in the short term, but they will not cure the underlying condition. Untreated toothaches can cause an abscess in the mouth.
    • Painkillers such as acetaminophen and ibuprofen are likely to work a lot more effectively than natural remedies for soothing toothaches.
    • Never hold a pain reliever directly against your gums. This can damage the gum tissue.
  3. Understand what causes toothaches. If you have a toothache, you need to understand why you need to take steps to prevent the pain from coming back after treatment. Tooth pain occurs when the inner part of the tooth, also called dental pulp, becomes inflamed. The nerve endings in the inner part are very sensitive to pain, which can make your toothache very unpleasant. The inflammation is generally caused by cavities, an infection, or an injury.
    • To avoid toothaches, it is very important to maintain excellent oral hygiene. Keep your teeth and gums clean by minimizing sugary foods and drinks, brushing your teeth twice a day, and flossing or using mouthwash as an added precaution.
    • The next time you get a toothache, chances are you have a cavity or an infection. Remember that you may be able to suppress the painful feeling with natural remedies, but you will never get rid of the hole itself.


  • Natural remedies for toothaches are only a temporary alternative and not a substitute for medical care. Once you have the pain under control, you should seek professional help as soon as possible.