Stop crying

Author: Eugene Taylor
Date Of Creation: 10 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Oasis - Stop Crying Your Heart Out (Official Video)
Video: Oasis - Stop Crying Your Heart Out (Official Video)


While crying is a natural result of some emotions and an expected response to many life experiences, you may eventually find yourself in a situation where it is not convenient or inappropriate to cry. You may also find yourself in a situation where someone else is crying and you want to help them calm down. Regardless of the occasion, there are several physical and psychological actions that can help you stop crying.

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Method 1 of 5: Physically prevent tears

  1. Try to blink, or not blink at all. For some people, rapid and repeated blinking can disperse the tears and help re-absorb them into the tear duct, preventing the first tears from collecting. Conversely, not blinking and opening the eyes wide can discourage tearing by tightening the muscles in and around the eye. Only practice will tell in which group you fall.
  2. Pinch your nose. Since your tear ducts run from the side of your nose to an opening in your eyelid, you can block the tear ducts by squeezing the bridge of your nose and the sides while squeezing your eyes (this works best when applied before the tears begin to flow).
  3. Smile. Studies have shown that smiling positively impacts emotional health. It also positively affects the way others view you. In addition, the act of smiling counteracts the symptoms of crying, making it easier for you to avoid tears.
  4. Try to cool down. One way to reduce intense, unpleasant emotions is to splash some cold water on your face. Not only does it relax you, but it can also boost your energy and make you more mindful. You can also drip cold water on your wrists and pat it behind your ears. Major arteries run through these areas just below the surface of the skin, and cooling them can have a calming effect on the entire body.
  5. Have a cup of tea. Research has shown that green tea contains l-theanine, which can promote relaxation and reduce tension, while also increasing awareness and focus. So the next time you're overcome with grief and feel the tears well up, treat yourself to a cup of green tea.
    • Black tea also contains l-theanine, but not that much.
  6. Try to laugh. Laughter is an easy, inexpensive form of therapy that can improve your overall health and reduce feelings that lead to crying or depression.Find something that makes you laugh and give yourself some much-needed relief.
  7. Try progressive relaxation. Crying often occurs as a product of prolonged stress. This process allows your body to relax tense muscles and calm your thinking. It is also a cognitive activity because it teaches you to recognize how your body feels when you are upset and tense, as opposed to when you are relaxed and calm. Start at your toes and contract the muscle groups of your body one at a time for 30 second intervals, slowly working your way up towards your head. This activity also has the added benefit of relieving insomnia and restless sleep.
  8. Take control. Research suggests that feelings of helplessness and passivity are often at the root of crying fits. To avoid crying, you need to move your body from passive to active. This could be something as simple as getting up and walking across the room, or opening and closing your hands with a light push to engage your muscles and remind your body that your actions are voluntary and that you are in control.
  9. Use pain as a distraction. Physical pain distracts your senses from the root of your emotional pain, making you less likely to cry (If you find yourself bruising or causing other physical harm, it is recommended that you stop this method and try to use one or more of the other tactics). You can pinch yourself (such as between your thumb and forefinger, or on the back of your upper arm), bite your tongue, or pull hairs on your legs from the inside of your pocket.
  10. Take a step back. Remove yourself physically from the situation. If you have an argument that makes you cry, politely excuse yourself for a moment. This is not running away from your problem; removing yourself allows you to refocus your emotions and removes the threat of conflict. During this time, practice some of the other techniques to make sure you don't cry when you come back into the room and continue the discussion. The goal here is to bring yourself back to a place where you have control over your emotions.

Method 2 of 5: Preventing tears with mental exercises

  1. Postpone the crying. As part of controlling your emotional responses, when you feel that you are about to cry, tell yourself that you cannot cry now, but that you will allow yourself to cry later. Take a deep breath and focus on de-escalating the emotions that make you cry. While this can be difficult at first, cognitively recognizing your emotions and conditioning your body to respond appropriately at the right times is a long-term solution to crying at inconvenient times.
    • It's never a good idea to put off crying completely, because repression can cause lasting emotional damage and worsen the symptoms of anxiety and depression. Always remember to create opportunities to express your emotions.
  2. Meditate. Meditation is an age-old way to reduce stress, fight depression, and relieve anxiety. You don't have to be a yogi to benefit from meditation. Just find a quiet spot, close your eyes, and focus on your breathing, taking long, deep breaths and exhaling slowly and steadily. You will find that your negative feelings melt away almost immediately.
  3. Find positive distraction. Find something other than negative emotions to focus on. Think of something that makes you happy or that makes you laugh. Watch funny animal videos on the internet. You can also try to focus on something you are looking forward to. If you're a problem solver, work out math equations or take on a small project. If this doesn't seem to work, mentally imagine a restful place. Let your mind focus on the details of that place that bring you happiness. This will force your brain to feel an emotion other than sadness, anger, or fear.
  4. Listen to music. Music has several benefits when it comes to dealing with stress. Soothing music can calm us down, while listening to music with empathetic lyrics can empower and reassure us. Choose what suits you and banish the tears with a well-curated playlist.
  5. Be aware. Concentrate on your current self, the way food tastes, how the breeze feels on your skin, the way the fabric of your clothes feels when you move. Focusing on the present and really paying attention to your senses can relieve mental stress and help you see that the problem you're facing isn't that impressive at all.
  6. Be grateful. We often cry because we feel overwhelmed by what we think is wrong with our lives, or because of problems we are dealing with. Take a deep breath and remember that the problem you are dealing with is less serious in relation to other problems you may or may have had in the past. Remind yourself of the good things you should be grateful for. Keep a journal to remind yourself of your blessings and help you through particularly difficult times.

Method 3 of 5: Find out the cause of your own tears

  1. Try to find the source. Is the urge to cry associated with certain emotions, events, people, or types of stress? Is the source something you can limit contact or interaction with?
    • If the answer is "yes," develop ways to avoid or limit contact with the source. This can be as simple as avoiding a long conversation with a co-worker who hurts your feelings or avoiding sad or violent movies.
    • If the answer is "no," consider seeing a therapist for coping strategies. This is especially useful when conflicts with close family or loved ones are the source of negative emotions that lead to crying.
  2. Acknowledge emotions when they arise. While distraction is helpful when crying is inconvenient, take the time to authentically experience your emotions in a safe, private place. Be introspective, analyze your feelings, the sources and possible solutions. Ignoring your emotions or constantly trying to suppress them is counterproductive for healing and improvement. In fact, ongoing problems can linger in your subconscious mind and even increase the crying spells.
  3. Take stock of the good things. Develop the habit of self-checking your negative thoughts and remind yourself of the good things about yourself. Whenever possible, try to maintain an equal relationship between positive and negative thoughts. Not only will this make you happier in general, it will help prevent unpredictable emotions by training your brain to know that, despite problems, you are a valuable individual.
  4. Keep a journal to understand the source of your tears. If you're struggling to control your tears or you're not even sure why you're crying, keeping a journal can help you get to the root of it. Keeping a journal can positively impact your health, help you see the positive benefits of a stressful event, and help you better understand your thoughts and feelings. Writing about anger or sadness can reduce the intensity of these emotions, which can help curb your crying. You will also get to know yourself better, gain confidence and become aware of situations or people that are harmful to you and should no longer be a part of your life.
    • Try to write in your journal for 20 minutes every day. Practice "free writing", not worrying about spelling, punctuation, or other "should" things. Write quickly so you can't censor yourself. You will be surprised by what you learn and how much better you will feel.
    • Keeping a journal allows you to express your emotions freely, without judgment or inhibitions.
    • If you've been through a traumatic event, keeping a journal can help you process your emotions and even make you feel more in control. Write about the facts of the event and the emotions you experienced to get the most from your journal.
  5. Seek help. If nothing seems to help contain episodes of crying and negative emotions and is impacting your relationships or work, take the first step toward resolution by contacting a licensed therapist. Often the problem can be solved with behavioral therapies; however, if there is a medical reason for these problems, a therapist can make sure you are getting the right medication.
    • If you have symptoms of depression, seek help from a counselor or therapist. Symptoms of depression include persistent sadness or "empty" feeling, feelings of hopelessness, guilt and / or worthlessness, thoughts of suicide, reduced energy, trouble sleeping or sleeping too much, and changes in appetite and / or weight.
    • If you experience suicidal thoughts, seek help immediately. Try the Suicide Prevention Helpline, tel. 0800-0113, or go to IASP to find a helpline in your country. Or call someone you trust to talk about how you feel.
  6. Know when to grieve. Grieving is a natural response to loss; it could be the death of a loved one, the loss of a relationship, the loss of a job, loss of health, or any other loss. Grieving is personal; there is no "right" way to grieve, nor is there a prescribed timetable for grieving. It could take weeks or years and there will be many highs and lows.
    • Seek support from friends and family. Sharing your loss is one of the most important factors in coping with your loss. A support group or grief counselor can also be helpful.
    • Ultimately, the emotions associated with grief should become less intense. If you don't notice any improvement or if your symptoms only seem to get worse over time, your grief may have developed into a major depression or complicated grief. Contact a therapist or grief counselor to help you on your way to acceptance.

Method 4 of 5: Helping babies and children to stop crying

  1. Know why babies cry. Remember that crying is one of the only forms of communication that an infant can access and is a consistent indicator of need. Put yourself in the position of the child and consider what could be the cause of the discomfort. Some common reasons babies cry include:
    • Hunger: Most newborns require feeding every two to three hours, around the clock.
    • The need to suckle: Infants have a natural instinct to cling and suck, as this is how they derive nutrition.
    • Loneliness. Babies need social interaction to develop into happy, healthy children and will often cry when they want affection.
    • Fatigue. Newborn babies often have to take naps, sometimes sleeping up to 16 hours a day.
    • Discomfort: Think about the context of the cry and what your child's experience might be to anticipate normal needs and desires.
    • Over-stimulation: Too much noise, movement, or visual stimulation can overwhelm babies, causing them to cry.
    • Disease. Often the first sign of illness, allergy or injury is that the infant is crying and not responding to appeasing.
  2. Ask the child questions. Unlike the guessing game we play with infants, children have access to more sophisticated forms of communication and we can ask, "What's wrong?" However, this does not necessarily mean that they are able to communicate like adults; so it is important to ask simple questions and read between the lines when a child seems unable to describe a problem in detail.
  3. Note if the child is injured. Younger children may have difficulty answering questions when they are upset, so it is important for parents and caregivers to pay attention to the context and physical state of the child when crying.
  4. Provide distraction. If the child is in pain or sad, it can help to distract them from the pain until it subsides. Try to focus on something it likes. Determine if and where the injury may have occurred, but ask about any part of her body except for where they for real Be hurt. This requires them to think about those parts of the body instead of the part that hurts, which is a distraction.
  5. Reassure the child. Children often cry in response to discipline or after negative interactions with an adult or peer. If this happens, determine if action should be taken to mediate the situation (e.g. putting fighting children in timeout), but always remind the child that they are safe and loved despite the conflict.
  6. Set a timeout. All children will act annoying from time to time. But if the child cries, gets angry, or screams to get what they want, it is important to avoid the association between annoying behavior and satisfaction.
    • If your toddler or child has a tantrum, take him or her to a quiet room and have him or her stay there until the tantrum is over, and return him or her to a social setting when the anger is over.
    • If the upset child is old enough to walk and follow orders, ask the child to go to his room and remind him to come back, tell you what he wants and why he is upset, as soon as the child calmed down. This also teaches the child productive strategies for dealing with anger and disappointment, while still making the child feel loved and respected.

Method 5 of 5: Comforting a crying adult

  1. Ask if help is needed. Unlike babies and children, adults are able to judge independently whether they need help. Before intervening and trying to help, always ask if you can provide assistance. If the person is in emotional pain, he may need space and time to process his emotions before involving someone else in the process. Sometimes just offering help is enough to help someone deal with their grief.
    • If the situation is not serious and the person is looking for a distraction, tell a joke or funny story. Comment on something funny / silly you read online. If the person is a stranger or distant acquaintance, ask them superficial questions about their likes and interests.
  2. Determine the cause of the pain. Is the pain physical? Emotional? Has the person been shocked or has he or she been victimized in some way? Ask questions, but also watch the situation and environment for clues.
    • If the person is crying and appears injured or needs medical attention, call emergency services immediately. Stay close until help arrives. If the location is unsafe, move the person to a safer location nearby if possible.
  3. Provide appropriate physical contact. In the case of a friend or loved one, it can be helpful to offer a hug or hold the hand. Even an arm around the shoulders can be a source of support and comfort. However, different situations allow different degrees of physical contact. If you are not sure if the person will find comfort from this type of help, always ask.
  4. Focus on the positive. Without necessarily changing the subject, try to focus on the positive aspects of what is causing emotional distress. In the case of the loss of a loved one, for example, list good times that were shared with the person and things about the person that were loved. If possible, reminisce about fun things that can elicit a smile or a laugh. Laughing can exponentially reduce the urge to cry and improve general mood.
  5. Make the person cry. Crying is a natural response to intense emotional distress and, while there are occasions where it is inappropriate or inappropriate, letting someone cry if no one else is in need can ultimately be the safest, most supportive option.


  • If you suspect that you or someone you know is depressed, or notice that crying fits are accompanied by feelings of self-harm, seek immediate help by calling a doctor or contacting a suicide prevention line.