Become more spiritual

Author: John Pratt
Date Of Creation: 12 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How Do You Get Started With Spirituality? | Sadhguru
Video: How Do You Get Started With Spirituality? | Sadhguru


Do you sometimes have the feeling that you have lost yourself a little, or that you are actually not yourself at all? Maybe you just want to grow as a person, or become who you actually are. Here you can read tips that can help you with that. Keep in mind that these tips, even though labeled as "spiritual," can be applied by anyone, including if you don't consider yourself spiritual. You can choose which tips you want to apply in your life. The more you apply, the more "spiritual" you may become. Also take a look at the bottom of the article Tips and Spiritual criteria.

To step

  1. Go somewhere where there is no noise and sit down. If you can't find a place that is completely quiet, go somewhere where the sounds you hear are at least still pleasant, and sit down. Maybe you can bring a notebook or diary.
  2. Start with meditate; you can also take a yoga pose if you feel comfortable with it.
  3. Clear your mind of all your thoughts. After clearing your mind, see what thoughts come to your mind, or, if you have a particular topic in mind that you want to think about, focus on that topic. But avoid topics that won't get you any further, that trigger your anger, and for which you don't have a solution. Instead, focus on topics that you are sure can gain and experience new insights and growth. Another option is to look at your life, or your deeper self, and think about what's going on right now. You can also focus on certain images or thoughts, as long as they help you keep your focus on your life and yourself. If you feel the need, you can write in a diary or start drawing.
  4. Ask yourself why you are in a certain mood or why you feel so empty. "Why is that good or bad?" "How come?" "How can I fix it?" After you have entered within yourself, you can start looking at your position in relation to the people around you. That can be superior, equivalent, or inferior, but don't let that rating determine whether that's good or bad. Examine each situation and relationship individually, and decide whether it would be better to change or to be more flexible.
  5. Explore the indigenous religious and spiritual beliefs of the people who lived in your country in the past - search the Internet and the library for more information on such ancient religions, so that you can get in touch with alternative spiritual ideas. You may be able to learn a lot about your family history from the roots of your ancestors.
  6. List the goals you have in your life and celebrate when you achieve them. Make a roadmap for your goals. Say a prayer. Sing a song. Take some time off and do things that you enjoy.
  7. Make a plan for the coming period. Consider what activities you have undertaken or what actions you have taken in recent times that have given you a sense of satisfaction. Was it reading books, reading a holy scripture, walking, meditating, helping people who are struggling, doing yoga…? Make a schedule for the next few days and weeks, including activities that give you satisfaction. Conclude the planning with a prayer or a resolution. You can share this with others if you wish.
  8. Before going to bed each day, ask yourself what you have done to really be yourself, or to be healthy, or to be in touch with your feelings. Don't just think about the physical (although that's important too); your soul is also important to you. Don't just think about your own concerns, but also those of those around you.
  9. Additional spiritual goals can include: making yourself more vulnerable (many spiritual leaders also had this ability). Growing in acumen or wisdom (spiritual teachers also had these qualities). Explore other beliefs. Develop an open attitude in life, so that you eventually form your own opinion. This means that you investigate other ideas and points of view more closely, so that you develop your own opinion about them. Be selfless and allow others to be too.
  10. Keep reading or writing in your journal. You can also do this on scrap paper. Literate people have many opportunities - and responsibilities - the rest of the world has to do without reading and writing; so take advantage of this. Talk to people who have had experience in things you want to know more about, or who have gone through things that you are in right now. Talk about spiritual topics, habits, or words of inspiration with someone in need. After all, teachers are always students.
  11. Look for a spiritual group in your area. Go with a friend. The group can be small or large, it doesn't matter. Have some questions ready to ask at the right time.
  12. Practice your hobbies - do the things you enjoy most. Try to avoid what you don't like to do. Look at the world as the platform where you can put your talent, always looking for the advice and guidance of older people. Try to enjoy every moment of life.
  13. Practice detachment. Try to give things like the clothes you no longer need or wear to people who can actually use them. You are guaranteed to feel much lighter after this experience, making yourself more free and following your life path even better.

Spiritual criteria

Following are some possible spiritual criteria and tests you can use to assess your adaptability, so that you can test how "spiritually" you deal with the various opportunities / challenges / events in your life. Can your spirituality ...

  • ... remain constant after various rational lines of thought?
  • ... you are happy / satisfied in "heaven"?
  • ... help you live well with a romantic partner and a family?
  • ... help you live without a romantic partner and a family?
  • ... take care of your basic necessities such as food, drink and a house?
  • ... caring for a small child who is alone and dying in a third world country far away? (There are such children. You can check this yourself online.)
  • ... take care of the needs of those around you?
  • ... pay attention to the needs of society in general?
  • ... change the lives of criminals or people who abuse others? (Whether you really want to is another story.)
  • ... improve the lives of people you really value?
  • ... help you to get to know your fears and to deal with them?
  • ... lead to a better way of dealing with power, prosperity and success?
  • ... help you to increase your understanding of various virtues such as responsibility, enthusiasm, honesty, integrity, respect etc.?
  • ... making sure you do the right thing and do the right thing, even when you don't really feel like it?
  • ... respond appropriately to, turn into a conversation, or grow with satisfaction during conversations with the more "spiritual" people, or with the various leaders in the community where you live / via the internet?
  • ... help you to respond appropriately, to change or to grow personally in conversations with others who disagree with you?
  • ... motivate you to stand up for your friends?


  • Remember: a healthy mind and soul will help you get a healthier body.
  • While you write or think in your diary, you can think about the reasons people want to become more spiritual. A few questions to start with: Do you ever wonder if there is such a thing as a "spiritual" life at all? How can you find out or perceive this? Whether you have doubts about it or not, what do you actually want to achieve with it? Or do you simply want to broaden your horizons? Are you busy giving direction to your life? Do you want to understand someone better or grow in a relationship? Are you looking for fulfillment in your life? Have you been hurt by someone or by an event? Do you feel empowered or encouraged by someone or by an event? Do you want to achieve more in your life? Do you want to experience inner peace instead of a busy life? Or are you trying to reach Nirvana? On the other hand, you may want to take life as it comes (instead of running from it), and then you may be looking for more energy and direction to meet everyday needs and challenges. All of these reasons, or a few or maybe one, can be true for you. Try to ask yourself a new question every time you go out.
  • Related concepts. You may be able to look up information on the following related topics: getting to know God or your Higher Self (depending on whether you believe in God or want to find the Divine within yourself, for example), building relationships, emotional balance or emotional resilience, conversation circles, discipline, sensitivity, ways of thinking and scientific thinking, gratitude, leadership, wisdom, social skills, servitude or service, courage, love (various forms), personal charisma, purity, hard work, energy, smart approach, self-sacrifice, martial arts, etc .


  • Be careful. Spirituality comes with responsibilities, just like real life. Make sure there is no spiritual abuse. Also be honest with yourself: Faith is a feeling or a true belief of something that you cannot see, but that does not mean that you have to believe everything and that you lie to yourself. Acknowledge the doubt in yourself, even if you already believe in something, until you have gained more experience or thought about it longer. Because if you ask someone to put their doubts aside (although we often find ourselves guilty of this) and just blindly believe us, then we may be engaging in an unethical and subtle form of manipulation or dominance, which at some point can lead to problems. However, if you are willing to put your spirituality to the test in a variety of situations and thoughts, you will likely become a dyed-in-the-wool and strong person who is also humble. Always give yourself the space to make mistakes and learn from them.