Killing stink bugs

Author: Charles Brown
Date Of Creation: 2 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to quickly kill stink bugs without the smell
Video: How to quickly kill stink bugs without the smell


Killing a stink bug can be quite nasty and unpleasant, as many methods cause the insect to give off a pungent, foul-smelling odor. Using soapy water is one of the cleanest and most effective methods of choice, but other organic and chemical pesticides also exist. You can also kill the insects with physical methods.

To step

Method 1 of 5: Soapy water in a jar

  1. Fill a jar with water and dish soap. Add enough liquid dish soap to the pot to cover the bottom. Fill the jar halfway with warm water and stir to mix well.
    • Any kind of liquid dish soap is suitable for this, regardless of how mild it is or what chemicals have been added to it.
    • The size of the pot depends on how many stink bugs you plan to catch. A small dessert bowl or ramekin is large enough if you plan to kill just a few stink bugs, but you should use a larger jar or small bucket if you plan to kill the entire stink bug population in your home at once.
  2. Tap the stink bug into the pot. When you spot a stink bug, tap it off its spot with a lollipop stick or chopstick so that it falls into the soap mixture.
    • Act quickly. Some types of stinkbugs can fly and may escape if you don't manage to tap them into the jar all at once.
    • The stink bugs should drown in 20-40 seconds. The insects breathe through pores located under their waxy outer shell. When the soap clogs these pores, the stink bug suffocates.
    • You can also wear disposable gloves and pick up the stink bugs by hand or use tweezers. If you just pick them up yourself, you can be sure that they cannot escape. They may give off a foul odor if you are not fast enough.
  3. Flush the dead bugs down the toilet. After you have collected some stink bugs in the soapy water pot, flush the contents of the pot down the toilet to get rid of the bugs and dirty water.
    • To conserve water, wait until you catch a few stink bugs rather than flush them one at a time.

Method 2 of 5: Soapy water spray

  1. Fill an atomizer with soapy water. Mix a liter of warm water with 180 ml of liquid dish soap.
    • Any kind of liquid dish soap is suitable for this, regardless of how powerful it is or what chemicals have been added to it.
    • Shake the atomizer well so that the water and soap are mixed together.
  2. Spray the mixture on the stink bugs and along cracks. Spray the mixture on the bugs you can't knock out of place and on areas you suspect might enter your home.
    • This may not work as quickly as drowning the insects, but the soap will react with the waxy coating on the stink bugs' body. This will damage the protective layer and the stink bugs will eventually die.
    • Shield bugs usually enter your home through cracks, windows, doors, and ventilation ducts. Spray a thick layer of this mixture on those areas so that the stink bugs will run through and eventually die.

Method 3 of 5: Traditional pesticides

  1. Know the risks. Traditional pesticides do kill stink bugs, but they can also be bad for your health and have other negative consequences.
    • Insecticides are toxic not only to stink bugs, but also to humans and pets. Keep them out of the reach of small children and pets and carefully follow the instructions on the packaging.
    • Long-acting powder or spray agents can kill many stinkbugs, but insects can die in hard-to-reach areas. That is because these means have a delayed effect. Carpet beetles and other insects can then enter your home to eat the dead insects.
    • Spray insecticides will kill the stink bugs, but will only work for a short time. Shield bugs that enter the treated area after you ventilate the area will not die.
    • Only use insecticides specifically designed for stink bugs. Otherwise, you run the risk of choosing a chemical that doesn't work effectively to kill the stink bugs.
  2. Spray insecticide on the stink bugs you see walking. Use an aerosol pesticide that will kill the stink bugs when they come into contact with it. Spray it on any stink bugs you see walking.
    • Understand that stink bugs do not always die immediately when they come into contact with the substance. These chemicals usually affect the stink bug's nervous system after they dry, but it can take several hours for the insect to die.
  3. Use long-lasting agents. Following the directions on the package, sprinkle or spray the product on any areas you suspect stink bugs.
    • A long-acting spray often works best if you spray it along window frames, doorways and baseboards.
    • A long-acting powdered agent often works better if you apply it in places such as the attic, crawl spaces or cavity walls.
  4. Use an insecticide outdoors to create a barrier around your home. Spray around the foundation of your house an agent that is suitable for this purpose.
    • Stink bugs always come from outside, so any stink bugs entering your home for the first time will walk through the waist and be killed.
  5. Use a nicotine solution. Soak a pack of cigarettes cut into small pieces in four liters of warm water. Strain the solution and mix in two tablespoons (30 ml) of dish soap
    • Fill an atomizer with the solution and thoroughly spray the stink bugs you see with it.
    • The liquid dish soap will help the solution stick to the insect better, so that the nicotine can poison the stink bug.
    • Wear disposable gloves when handling the nicotine solution to prevent the poison from accidentally being absorbed into your skin.

Method 4 of 5: Household resources

  1. Stop the stink bugs with hairspray. Spray hairspray on any stink bugs you see to keep them from moving.
    • The hairspray alone will not kill the stink bugs, but it will keep them from walking. The insects will then no longer be able to walk freely through your house, making it easy to spray them with chemicals that will kill them.
    • Make sure to use the stickiest hairspray you can find. Fortunately, cheap brands are usually more tacky than expensive brands.
  2. Kill the stink bugs with rubbing alcohol, bleach, or ammonia. Half fill a mason jar with one of the chemicals and tap or drop the stink bugs you see into the jar.
    • Never mix these chemicals together. Mixing these chemicals creates fumes that are deadly to humans.
    • Tap the stink bugs in the waist with a lollipop stick or a gloved hand or pick them up with tweezers.
    • You can also dilute one part rubbing alcohol with three parts water and pour it into a spray bottle. Spray this mixture on the stink bugs when you see them. The alcohol will attack the insect's outer shell, drying the insect and eventually killing it.
  3. Kill the stink bugs with wart remover. Buy wart remover that can freeze warts and spray it on the stink bugs. The stink bugs will immediately freeze and you just need to flush them down the toilet.
  4. Spray hot sauce on the stink bugs. Fill a spray bottle with hot sauce or liquid hot peppers. Spray this spicy insecticide on any stink bugs you see.
    • Hot peppers can burn human skin and eyes if used incorrectly. The peppers can also burn away the waxy protective coating on the body of a stink bug, eventually killing the insect.
    • Wash your hands after handling hot peppers and hot sauce to avoid accidentally irritating your eyes.
  5. Drop candle wax remover on the stink bug. Place a drop of candle wax remover on the back of each stink bug. The insect should die in one or two minutes.
    • You may be able to drop the wax remover on the stink bug without catching the bug, but be aware that you can stain if you accidentally drop it on the carpet or other surfaces. For best results, stop the insect with hairspray or catch it in a mason jar before dripping with candle wax remover.
    • The candle wax remover removes the waxy protective coating on the outside of the shield of the stink bug, affecting the interior.
  6. Use white vinegar. Pour a tablespoon or teaspoon of white vinegar into a container or jar. Use something that is not too big.
    • Catch the stink bug with tweezers, an empty vial without a cap, or with gloved hands.
    • Place the stink bug in the vinegar. The insect should die instantly without giving off the stinking odor.
    • Flush the stink bug down the toilet.

Method 5 of 5: Physical disposal methods

  1. Vacuum the stink bugs. When you see one or more stink bugs walking around, vacuum them up with a vacuum cleaner with a vacuum cleaner bag.
    • The stink bugs will give off their stinking odor in the vacuum cleaner, which will cause your vacuum cleaner to stink for several weeks. Treat the inside of your vacuum cleaner with a strong refreshing agent to counteract this effect.
    • Do not use a bagless vacuum cleaner. Use a vacuum cleaner with a dust bag and dispose of the bag after you have vacuumed up the stink bugs.
    • You can also wrap a knee-high stocking around the outside of the vacuum cleaner hose and secure it with an elastic. Put the rest of the stocking in the hose and suck up the stink bugs. This way the stink bugs do not end up in the filter.
  2. Buy an electric fly trap. Place the device in a dark attic or in a closet.
    • Like most insects, stink bugs are attracted to light. Placing the device in a dark room makes the light it emits more attractive to the stink bugs. When they get to the light, they are instantly electrocuted and die before they have a chance to give off the stinking odor.
    • Make sure to sweep up or vacuum up the dead stink bugs after a few days.
  3. Use sticky traps. Place flypaper or other sticky traps near windows, doorways, ventilation ducts, and cracks.
    • The stink bugs will stick to the trap when they try to walk over it. Since they can no longer look for food, they will starve.
    • Discard the sticky trap after catching multiple stink bugs with it.
    • Know that the stink bugs can give off their stinky scent after sticking to the trap.
  4. Freeze the insects. Catch the stink bugs in a resealable plastic freezer bag or an airtight freezer container. Put the bag or container in the freezer for several days to kill them.
    • Make sure you can close the bag or container properly. Otherwise, you run the risk of contaminating the contents of your freezer.
  5. Place a glass over the stink bug and let it sit until the insect dies from its own poisonous fumes. Quickly pick up the glass and dispose of the dead stink bug in the trash can.
    • Make sure to do this outside as more and more of the chemical is released. You can even see the brown fumes.


  • Seal your house well to prevent more stink bugs from entering. No single control method can prevent a new plague of stink bugs. The only way to get rid of them in the long run is to seal ventilation channels, cracks and holes that run from the outside to the inside. This will prevent new insects from entering your home.


  • Don't crush a stink bug. This will cause the insect to emit a powerful, smelly odor.


  • Glass jar
  • Dishwashing liquid
  • Water
  • Atomizer
  • Insecticide
  • Hairspray
  • Rubbing alcohol
  • Lollipop stick
  • Tweezers
  • Disposable gloves
  • Hot sauce or hot peppers
  • Nicotine
  • Candle wax remover
  • Vacuum cleaner
  • Electric insect catcher
  • Sticky traps
  • Freezer bags or containers