Being sarcastic

Author: Roger Morrison
Date Of Creation: 26 September 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How To Be Sarcastic WITHOUT Offending People
Video: How To Be Sarcastic WITHOUT Offending People


Sarcasm is a great way to make people laugh and make the most of a bad situation. Sarcasm is easier than you think. Listen carefully to the way other sarcastic people speak, and look for creative ways to be sarcastic in everyday situations. However, being sarcastic at the wrong time or to the wrong person can end up hurting someone's feelings, so be careful and don't overdo it.

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Method 1 of 3: Apply sarcasm

  1. Use sarcasm in reference to ideas or events. For example, after watching a boring movie, you could say, "Well, that was fun." Put special emphasis on "that" to give your voice a sarcastic tone.
    • After watching a video of a motorcyclist jumping through a ring of fire on his bike, you could say, "That looks safe."
    • Do not direct your sarcasm on a person unless it is a friend or not present. For example, you can easily get the laughs on your hand by being sarcastic about bad decisions made by politicians, celebrities, or business people.
  2. Criticize obvious comments. When someone says something rather obvious, you can call attention to their unnecessary analysis by saying, `` Really? '' Or `` Fascinating, I never thought! '' For example, if it is raining heavily and someone says, raining ', then you could say,' Oh, is that so? I hadn't noticed. "
    • If you've lost the cheat sheets you wrote for your talk and your friend says, "That's annoying," a sarcastic (and unkind) answer is, "No, are you serious?"
  3. Focus on predictable events. For example, suppose your friend is talking about how an incompetent politician completely messed up important policies or political programs. You can then answer, "Boy, what a surprise."
    • Suppose your friend is talking about an acquaintance who smashed his car. If that person is known to be a notoriously bad driver, you might respond, "He smashed his car?" Who would have thought that.'
  4. Use sarcasm because of a mistake. For example, suppose your teammate misses the ball completely while playing baseball. You could then say, "Hey, well done."
    • Likewise, if your friend is busy on his cellphone while walking and bumps into something (without hurting himself), you might make a sarcastic comment such as "Well done."
  5. Pretend you are happy or grateful. When something unfortunate happens, you can respond sarcastically. For example, if you get a flat tire, you could say, "Oh, great. I can really use that now. "
    • If you got a bad grade on a test, you could say, "Great. I can really use this now. "
    • If you want to withdraw money from the bank and once you find out that they are already closed, you can exclaim sarcastically, "This is all perfect again."
  6. Use old-fashioned language. If you are really subtle about sarcasm, your conversation partner may not respond to it. You can show that you are sarcastic by using unusual words and phrases such as "Gosh" and "Tjeempie" before making a sarcastic comment.
    • For example, if you and a friend threaten to be late, to which the other says, "We're going to be late," you might reply sarcastically, "Gosh, you mean it."

Method 2 of 3: Know when to use or not to use sarcasm

  1. Think carefully before using sarcasm. Everyone reacts differently to sarcasm. In general, you should be less sarcastic with colleagues you don't know very well, and you may be able to be more free with friends and family who know and trust you completely. However, even among friends and family, you will have to limit your sarcasm so as not to annoy people.
    • Don't be sarcastic to people who don't like sarcasm.
    • In addition, do not use sarcasm towards teachers, police officers and other authority figures.
    • Don't respond sarcastically to people who can't stand a joke, people with a different sense of humor, or people who just aren't in the mood for it.
    • Don't make sarcastic comments about issues that you know are sensitive to your conversation partner.
  2. Don't overuse your talent for sarcasm. A little sarcasm can make people smile. But too much sarcasm can quickly become annoying and make people hate you. Don't use so much sarcasm that people feel like they can't say or do anything in front of you without being made fun of. People need to keep feeling that they can just interact and talk to you.
    • There is no way to measure how much sarcasm is too much. Different people have different tolerance thresholds for sarcasm.
    • Replace sarcasm with humor when you (and / or your conversation partners) are fed up with sarcasm. Wittyness is less hostile and more appreciated than sarcasm.
    • For example, if you're out for a walk with a friend who suddenly and inexplicably stumbles, you might make a sarcastic comment, such as “Slippery huh.” But you could also make a witty comment, such as “The ground just came up! '
  3. If necessary, make it clear that you are sarcastic. Some people are not well attuned to sarcasm. If your conversation partner takes your comments literally, you may need to make it clear to them that you meant it sarcastically. You can do this easily by simply saying, "I was just kidding" or "I meant it sarcastically."

Method 3 of 3: Improve your sarcasm

  1. Practice your sarcastic comments. If you know of a sarcastic comment that you can apply to many different situations, practice it regularly on different people to help you remember it. For example, if someone asks a common question, such as "How are you?" You can answer, "I'm doing fine."
    • The frequency with which you have to practice this depends on your memory. If you've memorized the sarcastic comment after practicing two or three times a day, you don't need to do it more often.
    • If you have to practice a sarcastic comment more often to be able to remember it, do it.
  2. Take note of the responses you get when using a particular sarcastic comment. If you regularly find that it annoys people, stop using that comment. If you have a sarcastic comment that seems like a big hit, use it more often.
    • Remember, even good sarcasm can be overused.
  3. Be creative. The best sarcastic answers are based on knowledge of your target audience and their preferences, views and beliefs. Think carefully about how you can use a situation and other people's conversations as inspiration for clever, sarcastic commentary.
    • For example, suppose you and your friend John are big fans of the Hulk. If John accidentally breaks a set of plates, you could be a sarcastic comment: "Well done, Hulk!"
  4. Talk to sarcastic people. Spend time listening to people who are good at sarcasm to get better at it yourself. Pay attention to when and how they use sarcasm. Listen to their voices and facial expressions they use when making sarcastic comments.
  5. Don't be afraid of failure. Being sarcastic takes time, attention and experience. As you exercise your sarcasm "muscles", you will get better at sarcasm. Keep trying to use sarcasm, even if you tell some jokes that others don't think very well.