Writing SEO content

Author: John Pratt
Date Of Creation: 13 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Content Writing for SEO: How to Create Content that Ranks in Google
Video: Content Writing for SEO: How to Create Content that Ranks in Google


Search Engine Optimization is a technique used in web publishing to increase the visibility and traffic of web pages for higher search engine rankings and more readers. Writing an article with Search Engine Optimization requires good writing skills to make the article interesting and easy to read. Strategic placement of key phrases and keywords in the text and the inclusion of hyperlinks will increase the number of readers of your page. Read the following steps to learn how to write an article using Search Engine Optimization.

To step

  1. Sketch your article.
    • Articles should be well written, engaging and informative. They should provide a new perspective on a specific topic. A good attention grabber and useful information will make people want to keep reading it. Your article must be useful, entertaining, or otherwise valuable.
    • A well-written article with good content will attract more traffic, which means that many readers will visit your site. This makes your article more attractive to link marketers (people who link their sites to yours) and increases the likelihood that advertisers will want to use your page for their ads.
    • The Google search engine puts a lot of weight on the title of articles and blogs. Hence, it is crucial that the keyword is present in the title as an important part of any effective SEO content.
  2. Make a list of key phrases and keywords for your article. This is important so that your publisher can include it in the page's metadata, which is part of the HTML code.
    • It will be very helpful for the readers and Google ranking if the article is divided using subheads as readers appreciate it when they can read an article with ease. It is important to remember that most of the people who browse the sites only scan an article. For this reason, they are more likely to read an article in its entirety and stay on the page longer when subtitles are used.
    • Keywords and key phrases are words or phrases that people use to find information about the topic you are going to write about. For example, key phrases for a moving article could be "pack and move or" load a moving van, "while keywords could be" move "," move "or" move ".
    • Key phrases and keywords are recorded by "spiders", scripts sent by search engines to every page on the Internet. Spiders "crawl" over web pages and websites and analyze him for content and content quality. One way they do this is by registering the keywords and key phrases to determine the subject of a page; but they also detect how often each keyword or phrase is used, whether a page is grammatically correct, and what types of inbound and outbound hyperlinks there are. Hyperlinks are links to other pages that are in some way relevant to your topic.
  3. Write your article.
    • Make sure it is grammatically correct with no spelling mistakes.
    • Give your article a title.
    • Divide it into short paragraphs with subtitles.
    • Use the most important keywords and key phrases as early as possible in the article, preferably in the first sentence and in the first paragraph.
    • Do not overuse keywords or key phrases. Incorporate them naturally into the reading rhythm of the article. The recommended keyword density is 1-3%.
    • Include the most important keywords and key phrases in titles and subtitles.
    • If it makes sense, put keywords and key phrases in bold or italics in the text.
    • If there are too many keywords in the content, the Google search engine will assume that the keywords are padding. Don't make a beginner's mistake and put those keyword phrases on the 155 - 200 words.
    • If the title contains the keyword, the first sentence of the article must also contain the keyword. Try to start the article with a question to avoid too much repetition. Since the keyword is already inserted in the sentence, you just have to in bold to make. This will emphasize the keyword and it will have a huge effect on the Google algorithm as it scans your article.
    • As with the first sentence, the keyword should also be in the last sentence to emphasize the keywords.
  4. Add hyperlinks to the article.
    • Hyperlinks are links to another web page that is relevant to your topic. You can highlight a word or phrase and add the web address you want to link to. Make sure every link is a quality website that provides good information and easy navigation.
  5. Work on links to your article.
    • Even if you've written a great article, you should let the world know about it. Simply share a link to your new article on Facebook, Twitter or Tumblr and encourage friends to share it.
    • Converting keywords into a clickable link will allow Google Search to emphasize the keywords more. This should be done at the beginning and end of an article where the keywords are usually located.
  6. Make it easy to share the content
    • Overall, your content will rank better if Google can see it being shared on other sites. Self-sharing like in the "Work on links to your article" step is a good way to start, but it can help raise awareness if you make it easy for other people to share!