Painting PVC

Author: Frank Hunt
Date Of Creation: 19 March 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to paint PVC and plastic downpipes - Inspire DIY Kent Thomas
Video: How to paint PVC and plastic downpipes - Inspire DIY Kent Thomas


Because PVC is smooth on the outside, most people think it is difficult or impossible to paint. However, with the right tools and preparation, it is quite easy. It is true that PVC has certain ingredients that make the plastic water resistant and repel foreign matter, but by sanding it lightly and applying a coat of primer you can paint the PVC in any color.

To step

Method 1 of 2: Paint PVC with spray paint

  1. Gather your supplies. For a simple painting job you will need a large sheet of fine sandpaper, a small package of acetone, a clean cleaning cloth, one or more spray cans of paint of the desired color and the PVC you want to paint. Before you start painting, make sure you have gathered all the supplies you need.
    • Make sure you work safely and use personal protective equipment. Wear gloves, eye protection and a ventilated face mask to filter out dust and chemicals.
    • Choose spray paint that is specially formulated for use on plastics, such as Rust-Oleum Plastic.
  2. Prepare your workplace. Place a large cloth or plastic tarp where you plan to paint. Cover all nearby furniture, appliances, and electronics. Make sure you work in an area with good ventilation, such as a garage or workshop that has doors and windows open.
    • Work in a well-ventilated, open area. This will not only dry the paint faster, but you will also not be exposed to the harmful fumes from the acetone and the paint.
    • Spray paint will spread when applied, so it is helpful to use a rug to protect floors, countertops and other work surfaces.
    • If you don't have a cloth or tarpaulin, you can also lay out a few sheets of newspaper that overlap each other.
  3. Apply more coats of paint if necessary. You may need to apply several coats of paint for the paint to set properly. The color will darken and deepen with each coat. When you're done, let the PVC dry for 24-48 hours. Afterwards you will have a strong plastic tube in a bright color that you can use for almost any project you can think of.
    • Most materials will require an average of 2-3 coats of paint.
    • Make sure you don't apply the paint so thick that it drips and runs.


  • Nowadays PVC is made in many different colors. Before you make the effort to paint, see if you can find PVC in the color you want.
  • Shake the can of spray paint thoroughly before painting.
  • Placing the PVC pipe against a carpeted wall or chair may make it easier to paint without the paint bleeding.
  • Plan this job on a day with low humidity so that the moisture in the air does not prevent the paint from adhering properly to the PVC.
  • Clean painted PVC by gently wiping it with a clean cleaning cloth.


  • It can be dangerous to inhale the fumes from acetone and paint. Make sure you work in a well-ventilated, open area and use a face mask or respirator if necessary.
  • Acetone can cause mild skin irritation if you get it on your bare skin. Always wear gloves when working with acetone and other caustic chemicals.


  • Spray paint intended for use on plastic
  • Fine sandpaper
  • Acetone
  • Clean cleaning cloth
  • Water resistant latex paint or acrylic paint
  • Primer
  • Soft paintbrush
  • Large cloth, plastic tarpaulin or newspaper