Do pull-ups without a bar

Author: John Pratt
Date Of Creation: 18 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
We tried to do pull ups WITHOUT a pull up bar (it works) | No pull up bar needed
Video: We tried to do pull ups WITHOUT a pull up bar (it works) | No pull up bar needed


Just because you don't have a tow bar at home or access to a gym doesn't mean you can't do pull-ups or exercise your back! There are plenty of things you can find around your house or outside to put on pull-ups instead of on a bar. You can also do alternative exercises that work the same muscle groups as pull-ups.

To step

Method 1 of 2: Find something to use in place of a rod

  1. Pull up on a sturdy door as an alternative to a bar. Open a door in your house and put a towel or yoga mat underneath to keep it from moving. Stand facing the door, cover it with a towel, and reach over the door with your hands so that you have a wide grip.
    • It is very important that the door is strong and has strong hinges, otherwise you will damage it. Do not use this method if you are unsure about the materials of the doors available in your home!

    Tip: you can also invest in a rod that you clamp between the door frame. These types of rods usually offer multiple grip options and you can take them in and out of the door frame whenever you want without having to install anything.

  2. Use the bars on a public park playground to do pull-ups. A climbing frame simply has pull-up bars for children! If there is no climbing frame, use the rod from a swing set or another type of rod or wooden beam that is part of the playground to do pull-ups.
    • Some public parks even have special pull-up bars. Ask around in your area to see if anyone knows where to find some.

    Tip: training gloves are a good accessory to have if you're looking for things to do pull-ups outside. They will help you grip things and protect your hands from rough surfaces such as wood.

  3. Grab a tree branch to do pull-ups if you can't find a playground with rods. Look for trees with low, sturdy branches that you can reach for pull-ups. Stand under a branch and grab it (jump if you have to!) With a wide overhand grip to pull you up.
    • Look for trees that have branches of different thickness to add variety to your pull-ups and train different muscles.
    • Make sure the branches you use are thick and strong enough to support your body weight so that they don't break when you pull up.
  4. Find a fence that is smooth enough to allow your knees to slide past it while you do pull-ups. A strong fence with a top that you can grab onto is also a functional way to do pull-ups outside. Your knees will likely drag along the fence as you pull up, so make sure it's not a rough wooden surface that could cut you or get splinters.
    • An advantage of this method is that you cannot swing your legs against the fence to help you with the pull-ups. This will force your back muscles to do all the work.

Method 2 of 2: Do alternative exercises

  1. Wrap a towel around both sides of a door handle to do pull-ins. Place a towel or yoga mat under an open door to keep it in place. Wrap a towel around a post or sturdy railing, and use the ends of the towel to pull yourself to the edge of the door with a rowing motion.
    • Get down on your knees in a semi-sitting position and extend your arms while holding the ends of the towel to get into the starting position. Pull your upper body towards the door while keeping your back straight to work your back muscles with a rowing motion.
    • You can also do a similar exercise by wrapping a training band around the doorknobs instead of a towel. Instead of moving your body towards the door, pull the ends of the band towards you.
    • All types of rowing exercises will train your back and bicep muscles in a similar way to a pull-up.
  2. Grab the edge of a table from below to row in reverse. Lie under a table with your shoulders right under the edge of the table. Grab the edge of the table with both hands and a wide grip and pull your upper body as high as you can go to work your back and biceps.
    • You can do this with an overhand or underhand grip. With an underhand grip, you start with your head under the table and your lower body outside it. With an overhand grip, put your legs and body under the table and keep your head out of it.
    • Make sure the table is heavy enough so that you don't accidentally tip it when you pull yourself up.
  3. Place a broomstick over two chairs to make a row bar. Place two chairs of the same size far enough apart so that you can lie down between them and place a broomstick over them. Lie under the broomstick and pull your upper body towards it as a rowing motion that works your back and biceps like a pull-up.
    • Make sure the broomstick does not roll over the seats while you are rowing. You can put towels on the chairs to give them more friction.
  4. Find a handrail that you can use to row in reverse. Low backs are another way to improvise and do an alternative back exercise. Lie under the railing with your shoulders underneath and pull your upper body up toward the railing with an over or underhand grip.
    • Find a handrail with a flat surface underneath, as opposed to an angled surface. If that's not possible, alternate directions with your body for each set of rowing movements to train your back evenly.
    • You can also row outside under a picnic bench.
  5. Row bent over with dumbbells to work out your back and biceps in a different way. Place one knee and hand on a bench so that your back is horizontal and straight.Hold a barbell in the other hand and pull it up to the side of your chest like you would start a lawn mower motor.
    • It is important to keep your back straight and supported by one hand and knee during this exercise so that you do not weigh it down. If you do it right with good execution, these bent-over rowing moves will train many of the same back and arm muscles as pull-ups.
  6. Do barbell or dumbbell curls if you just want to focus on your biceps. Grab a dumbbell with both hands or hold a dumbbell in both hands, and let your arms hang down. Curl the barbell or barbell toward your chest, palms facing you, to perform this biceps isolation exercise.
    • There are many variations of bicep curls you can do, including the barbell preacher curls, incline dumbbell curls, concentrated one-arm curls, hammer curls, and alternating one-arm curls.

    Tip: if you're going to buy one set of home exercise equipment, opt for a set of dumbbells or a dumbbell with weights. You can adapt these training resources to do many different exercises.