Talk to a girl you like

Author: Frank Hunt
Date Of Creation: 18 March 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How To Talk To A Girl You Like
Video: How To Talk To A Girl You Like


Starting a conversation with someone you like can be scary, especially if you're not sure what to say. If you also find it difficult to talk to a nice girl, read below how to do something like that.

To step

Method 1 of 2: Learn to talk more easily

  1. Immerse yourself in various topics. You don't have to be highly intelligent to come up with topics of conversation, but it is important that you are interested in certain things so that you can talk about them with passion. If you can talk naturally and with passion about the things you like, you are more interesting as a conversation partner and you have a better chance of a date than someone who only asks boring, standard questions.
    • Make a list. List everything you like with as much detail as possible. For example, don't just write down “music,” but also include things like “playing the acoustic guitar, going to concerts, collecting old LPs with funk music,” etc.
    • You can then expand any topic on your list even further. For example, you can also write down which brand of guitar you have or rent and which brand you would like to have, which concerts you have attended and which funk groups you like.
    • Describe in your mind what you think of each topic. That way you get to know yourself better. It doesn't matter what topic you are talking about, as long as you find it interesting. If you find the topic interesting, you can talk about it with confidence and explain why you find it interesting. And that automatically gives you an interesting conversation.
  2. Practice saying things out loud. It is best to get used to talking or you will never learn it properly. One of the simplest things you can do to increase your confidence and feel more comfortable is to just talk to yourself out loud. As a result, you become more accustomed to the sound of your own voice and to the to talk yourself, which does not work well if you always only answer questions from others.
    • Pick a good place and a good time. For example, you can practice very well when you are home alone. You don't have to do it at a set time; just try to take every opportunity you get.
    • Say something. Try to really talk about something, instead of just mumbling. Tell yourself that the last television or the last movie you've seen going on, or grab a book and read it out loud before.
      • When reading from a book, try to make it sound as natural as possible, and not monotonous and stiff, as it often sounds when people read aloud. First, read a few sentences silently, then say them out loud as if you just made them up yourself.
      • Collections of poems are ideal for this. Most poems are intended to be read aloud. A poem naturally read to you have to concentrate very good, and you will feel less stupid or embarrassed.
    • Keep talking for a while. Try to keep talking out loud for at least a minute. As a result, you eventually get used to starting a conversation with someone and saying what you think. And that's really important if you want to impress a nice girl!
  3. Talk to girls. In places where you normally interact with women - at work, at school, or at your sports club or club - try your best to have an informal chat with them. That way, you will notice that it is not so scary to talk to a girl, even if you like her.
    • Start with people with whom you already have some contact, such as your colleagues. For example, ask them if they have had a nice week so far, and ask short questions so that they can talk more themselves. Most girls will really enjoy talking to you.
      • If a girl then asks you how your week has been, then tell her about as wide as she talked about her week. (And don't mention you're practicing talking to girls this week.)
    • Be nice to those you work with. At school or if you do voluntary work, for example, you often have to work together with a partner. If your partner is a girl you don't know very well, being nice can make work a lot more fun for both of you.
      • Try to talk more about the project and less about her. If she responds well, you can go ahead and mention other things during the conversation and ask simple questions.
        • Don't ask her personal questions. Instead, ask her what she thinks about a particular teacher or person, or about an activity or event that you both know about.
      • Don't talk too much. Above all, show her that you want to be helpful and that you want to work with her on the project in a fun way. Don't try to force the conversation, just say spontaneously what comes to mind.

Method 2 of 2: Address her

  1. Prepare yourself well. If you want to make a good impression on a girl, first of all pay attention to your behavior and make sure you appear well-groomed.
    • Pay attention to your personal care routine every day: take a shower, wash your face, brush your teeth and style your hair. Also, don't forget to use deodorant and trim your nails regularly.
      • When using a fragrance, remember that less is more. Put just enough on your wrists and neck that you can smell it from about two feet away, but no more. The scent of a good perfume or a good cologne dries up on your skin and lasts at least a few hours; you don't have to use too much of it.
    • Dress as best you can. Wear clean clothes and think about what to wear the night before so that you don't make the wrong combinations at the last minute.
    • Behave your very best. If you're normally the joker in the class, you don't have to suddenly get dead serious, just don't do or say anything you don't want her to know about. You never know what she might get to hear through. Try to be kind to others, do not argue or try to get into trouble with your teachers or supervisors.
  2. Get up to her. If you see an opportunity to talk to her alone for a moment, even if there are other people around, come up to her and do it.
    • Get her attention. Call her name, smile and wave to her. Make sure she sees that you enjoy seeing her.
    • Approach her yourself. As soon as she recognizes you, walk her way. Don't wait for her to walk up to you. Show her that you are confident and take initiative by closing the gap yourself.
      • If she doesn't respond enthusiastically to your greeting or even seems annoyed, or if she pretends not to hear you, she will never be interested in you. Then put her out of your mind and keep going. You deserve someone happy to see you.
  3. Say what you have to say. You should no longer find it scary to talk to a girl and you are convinced that you are an interesting person who has something to say about all kinds of subjects. This is your chance to make a good impression with the skills you have practiced so hard.
    • If you don't know her, introduce yourself and tell her where you met before. If she recognizes you, she probably asks a courtesy question like "how are you?" or "everything okay?" Try not to sound disappointed, but come up with a spontaneous answer that will keep the conversation going.
      • If none of that works, say you happened to see her and decided to say hello to her because you wanted to know how she was doing. Then you can take the initiative and say something else to keep the conversation going.
  4. Let the conversation continue for a moment. Ask her questions about people and places you both know. Answer light on the questions it proposes to you and take a nice way to use your sense of humor when you give your opinion.
    • For example, if you have just taken lessons from Mister Smit together, and Mister Smit always looks so tired, you can ask her something about that teacher and respond to her answer by saying something about how tired Mister Smith always looks .
  5. Stay positive. Smile and don't be afraid to look at her while she's talking to you. You've probably heard the following proverb: “Laugh and the world laughs with you. Cry and you cry alone. ” You make the best impression when you make the people around you happy.
    • Don't talk about serious topics or bad news. If something like this does come up (for example, if she asks a question about someone and you know that person has passed away), be honest, but make sure that doesn't end the conversation.
  6. Take the initiative. If there's a pause, but the conversation is otherwise going well, tell her about something you've been through recently that has to do with your personal interests. For example, if you are interested in music, to continue with the example above, you can say something about a concert you just went to or about a CD you just bought.
    • Don't go too deeply into the topics that interest you. Keep it general so that she can follow what you say without having any specific knowledge. Give her plenty of opportunities to interrupt you or change the subject. It's about keeping the conversation engaging and lively.
  7. Ask for her phone number. Tell her that you really enjoyed talking to her and that it would be nice to meet again soon, and then ask what her phone number is. It depends a bit on how fast or slow you want things to go, and maybe it's a little too early to ask for her phone number, but it's a good middle ground between just saying goodbye and bringing her right on the spot ask out.
    • You can also suggest just making friends on Facebook, or ask her what her email address is. That is less direct than asking a girl what her phone number is, and most people have no problem giving others their name on Facebook or their email address.
  8. Now walk away. Tell her you'll call (or write) her soon and wave and smile at her as you say goodbye. If all went well you can expect to see her again in a week or two or maybe even go on a date with her.