Being perfect

Author: Frank Hunt
Date Of Creation: 12 March 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Inspirational AMV   Being Perfect Improved Audio
Video: Inspirational AMV Being Perfect Improved Audio


Nobody is perfect. Not you, not me and not even the most beautiful and successful people on this planet. Perfection is unattainable. It is however well feasible to make people wonder if you are perfect. In this article, you can read how to make people question whether perfection isn't as elusive as it seems.

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Method 1 of 3: On the outside

  1. Maintain good hygiene. If you stay fresh and healthy, this will give you the building blocks to work towards your best self. Develop a routine that makes you feel squeaky clean and smelling good.
    • Shower daily. Choose a shower gel or soap for your body that you like and scrub yourself clean with it. Do not feel obliged to wash your hair every day (this can cause your hair to dry out), but wash it regularly and especially when you have been exercising.
    • Choose a shampoo and conditioner that suit your hair type. Use a hair cure every now and then to enhance the natural shine of your hair.
    • Brush your teeth (and your tongue!) At least twice a day. Make it a habit to brush your teeth when you get up and just before going to bed. A whitening toothpaste will make your teeth shine even more.
      • While you're at it, don't forget to floss your teeth and use mouthwash. Not only is it good practice to use these products, but they also reduce the risk of gum disease and cavities.
    • Use deodorant. During the day, fats and odors are released from our bodies that don't always keep us looking our best. Regular use of deodorant prevents unnecessary body odors from being released from all sorts of nooks and crannies.
      • Don't immerse yourself in perfume or eau de toilette. Lightly spraying is a good idea, but if others can smell you from across the street it is overwhelming and far from ideal, even if you smell like a field of daisies.
  2. Get a good night's sleep. Eight hours of sleep not only makes you feel full of energy and ready for your day, but it also benefits your appearance and the quality of your life.
    • Your circulation increases during your sleep. That means that our skin gets the most nutrients at night, leaving your skin looking healthier and more radiant.
    • Sleep and metabolism are controlled by the same parts of your brain. Studies showed that participants who got more sleep lost more fat than the control group, who lost more muscle mass.
    • Sleep allows your brain to reinforce memories. Not only does a healthy dose of sleep make it easier for you to remember things, but this restructuring of your memories also stimulates the creative process. We are more observant and can therefore concentrate better (and get better grades!).
    • If you sleep about eight hours a night, this is also good for your sporting performance. Research shows that athletes who sleep about ten hours a night feel less tired during the day and can run faster.
  3. Take care of your skin. Depending on what skin type you have, this can mean different things. But whatever type of skin you have, develop a routine that is tailored to it.
    • Know what skin type you have. If you have dry skin, use a stronger cleanser that provides more moisture. If you have oily skin, stick to a light, oil-free cleanser. Wash at least once a day to remove dirt and dead skin cells.
    • If you have acne, use remedies containing salicylic acid or benzoyl peroxide to treat blemishes on your own. If that doesn't work, consider seeing a dermatologist. Don't squeeze your blemishes - you'll end up with scars on your face and more blemishes. In an emergency, you can cover your blemishes with makeup, but this clogs your pores and can cause more blemishes later on.
    • Protect your skin from the sun. Even being outside for 15 minutes can initiate the process. Use moisturisers and lip balms with SPF 15. Pale skin will still be more fashionable than dark, blotchy and wrinkly skin.
    • Don't forget that your nails are also part of your skin.How long or how short you want to cut them is your own choice, but make sure you remove sharp edges and keep your nails clean. Don't forget your toes either.
  4. Style your hair. Each person has a different hairstyle that suits him or her best. Test a few or ask your hairdresser.
    • When you have found a hairstyle that you are happy with, take good care of your hair. Get your hair cut every 6 to 8 weeks and remove knots with a wide tooth comb. Brushing your hair too much can damage your hair and scalp.
    • Don't treat your hair with heat and stay away from hot appliances. If you expose your hair to heat unnaturally, it will dry out and become weaker. Your hair will then be damaged. Just let your hair air dry as much as possible.
    • You can follow the same general principles when styling male hair.
  5. Go for a natural look. Anyone who wears too much makeup shows the world that they are not beautiful by themselves. So keep your natural look so that you appear to be naturally perfect.
    • Use powders to reduce shine on your skin.
    • Tinted rouge and lip balm will give your face a rosy, sun-warmed look (without the associated damage).
    • Use a little mascara to accentuate and lengthen your lashes.
      • If you have skin concerns (or an opportunity to use more makeup), learn how to apply concealer and choose the right foundation. If you apply both types correctly it can look good, but if you apply it incorrectly it can look absolutely horrible.
  6. Choose clothes that fit your ideals. There is no such thing as the "perfect" look; in fact, the look that suits you best is the one you feel most comfortable with.
    • Make sure the clothes you choose are clean. Dirty clothes are never trendy.
    • Don't worry if you look fashionable. Fashion trends come and they go, and it will be very tiring trying to keep up. Instead, develop your own style and create your own trends. You will get more for your money and be happier for being yourself.
    • Wear clothes that fit and are appropriate for the occasion. Too tight and it seems like you are trying too hard, too wide and you have to use your hand to hold them up. See yourself from all angles when your clothes fit and walk around them before buying.

Method 2 of 3: On the inside

  1. Have faith in yourself. Everyone wants to be near that person who walks into a room radiantly. Acting confidently - whether you are or not - is the first step to projecting the image you're aiming for.
    • Keep your head up. Your body language says more about yourself than a thousand words. If you keep your back straight and your chin up, people will notice you and your confidence.
    • Make eye contact. Let other people know you are watching them. If you avoid their gaze, you will appear nervous and inhibited. Not only is having confidence in yourself sexy, but others are more likely to trust you.
  2. Smile. Cheerfulness is contagious. If you are the one who is always funny and smiling, then others will be naturally attracted to you.
    • Not only will the people around you be in a better mood, but you will too! Your brain picks up signals from your muscles. When you smile, this will soon feel natural, even if it wasn't in the first place.
  3. Stay healthy. Everything is harder to accomplish when you feel worthless. When you look and feel your best, it's a lot easier to be perfect.
    • Stick to a healthy and varied diet. When we treat our body, we treat ourselves. If you eat whole grains, fruit and vegetables you not only prevent weight gain, but you also have more energy, a lower risk of disease and you live longer. Don't eat too many processed foods - often these are low in nutrients and high in unhealthy and unnatural sugars.
    • Keep moving. It has been proven that exercise makes your skin glow and that you sleep better. In addition, it has many other benefits for your health. Even taking a walk a few times a week will help clear your mind, improve your complexion, and relax you more.
  4. Love yourself. To be really confident and beautiful, you have to love your body and your mind. That may seem difficult, but luckily you are the only obstacle on the way to true self-acceptance.
    • List all of your good qualities. If that is difficult for you, ask others for their opinion. Go through the list every morning and add any good qualities as you notice them.
    • Stay positive. If you find yourself having negative thoughts, then stop immediately. Negative thoughts can be completely controlled. If they keep coming back, get busy with something. You can write everything off in a journal if it helps you. Bottling up an emotion only leads to stress and frustration.
  5. Be open to the opinions of others. If you are narrow-minded, you are unable to recognize the many forms of perfection. The world is very big and you may not have all the information at your disposal. Empathize with others when trying to form an opinion.
    • Being open to others will lead to optimism, empathy, and understanding - traits that all people are drawn to. You will be able to be more open to your own mistakes, the shortcomings of others, and the less positive facts about this world. Others will see that you accept them as they are and they, in turn, will be more likely to accept you.
    • Let go of things. If you are trapped by the people who have hurt you or cheated on you, you will fall into the pit. Happiness, optimism, and self-confidence - the keys to perfection - are unattainable if you get stuck in resentment and revenge. Forgive the other, forget the incident and get on with your life. You no longer have time for negativity. The new, perfect you is above that.

Method 3 of 3: Make it happen

  1. Pursue your goals. Whatever your goals are, work on them. Someone with ambition and motivation is often unstoppable.
    • Your goals can be concrete or abstract. Write them down. Then write down next to each goal how you will work on it. This could be an internal goal, for example, "I want to gain confidence. In the coming weeks, I will do the following things: 1) start a conversation with a stranger, 2) tell something to a group of people, and 3) a boy / ask the girl for his or her phone number. " You can also have an external goal: "I want to save 500 euros extra per month. I will achieve this by eating out a maximum of once a week, cycling to work and working an extra 15 hours per month. . "
    • Keep working on your goals. When you realize your goals, your self-esteem will grow and you will feel proud. In the end, the hardest thing about being perfect is that you believes that you are perfect.
  2. Learn a new skill. Sing, paint or dance if you are a creative person. Exercise if you are sporty. Build a computer if you are tech-savvy. When you are good at something, others not only see you as an interesting person with multiple sides (and you have more things to talk about), but it also opens up new and different possibilities.
    • Make sure your goals are consistent with your skills. If you want to make more money, how can you do it with the skills you master? Starting a business? Sell ​​your paintings? If you want to lose weight, what ways can you work on it? By cooking vegetarian or low-fat dishes? By going for a walk because you love nature so much? Find the answers within yourself - that's the easiest way to find them.
  3. Keep learning. Your personality consists of several facets; you're not just a pretty face. Read the news and information on topics that interest you to have interesting conversations.
    • Not only will you be dynamic and well-read, but you will also be able to solve problems and engage in conversations quickly. "Oh, your potatoes came out early? You should have put an apple in it!" "Yes, I read about that! What do you think are the consequences of China's new position?"
    • Don't forget the benefits for yourself either. You will be able to make better, more informed decisions and understand the big picture. By continuing to learn, you also increase your job opportunities and you have more opportunities to be successful in the financial field.
  4. Be nice. It doesn't matter if you are intelligent, confident and skilled if you don't use those qualities usefully. Take advantage of opportunities to make life easier for others. It's nice if you are smart and attractive, but if you are smart, attractive, lovable and generous, you are near perfect.
    • Help others. When you see that someone is having a hard time with something - whether it's for too many errands or a math problem - offer your help. You'll put a smile on their face, which will make you smile too.
    • Be polite and respectful. If someone is different or sees something differently from you, take a step back before judging the other. You may not fully understand their position and you just need clarification.
    • You can't stop helping others after you leave the room. Tidy up your stuff and make it easier for your friends and family by being considerate. If a family member has cooked dinner, offer to wash the dishes. If a friend missed a class at school, give her your notes. Take advantage of small opportunities to improve the world around you.
    • Don't just be nice to the people around you, but also to our planet. After all, we only have one. Don't throw your trash on the ground or use large amounts of electricity. Carpool or use public transportation when possible and recycled items when you can get them.
  5. Be a good friend. Being perfect doesn't mean you have to be selfish. In fact, being perfect often means putting others first.
    • In addition to your own wishes, take into account what others want. What's good for you doesn't have to be good for everyone. If you always think "me, me, me," you become a person that others don't want to hang out with and aren't impressed with.
    • Keep your promises. If you promise to do something, do it. You have many commitments, so don't make promises that you can't keep. The last thing you want is to be called a liar or scatterbrain.
  6. Stick to your values. Knowing yourself and what you value will make it easier for you to make good decisions and become the person you want to be. Don't make excuses for dishonest or hypocritical behavior. If you know that you are right, it doesn't matter whether what you think is popular or not.
    • Surround yourself with like-minded people. It's too easy to get caught up in a group of people who forget about values ​​such as respect, optimism and personal growth. Negative influences will hinder you from being as perfect as possible.


  • The things that make you happy bring you closer to perfection. The things that make others happy make you more likely to forget who you really are.
  • Don't let your self-esteem depend on the opinions of others. One may think you are perfect, but the other may not. You can't please everyone.
  • Perfection is a state of mind. By working on the way you experience things, things will naturally go well. Shakespeare hit the nail on the head when he wrote, "There is neither good nor evil which is not accomplished by thought."


  • Never do things that make you uncomfortable or that go against your values ​​when you are striving for perfection.
  • There is no such thing as "perfect". Striving for an unattainable goal can make you very unhappy. Try to think of "perfect" as the best possible, ideal you. You can achieve that goal well to achieve.