Pole dancing

Author: Christy White
Date Of Creation: 11 May 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Pole Dance Choreography ’La Casa De Papel’ - best video
Video: Pole Dance Choreography ’La Casa De Papel’ - best video


Pole dancing classes are increasingly being taught at gyms in America, Australia and Great Britain because pole dancing is a fun and physically demanding form of movement that can make you feel fit and sexy at the same time. Whether you're wearing a 6-inch tall or wearing traditional sports gear, pole dancing will make you feel sexy and fit while having a lot of fun at the same time. To be able to pole dance you only need a solid pole, determination and the will to put inhibition aside. If you want to know how to learn how to pole dance, simply follow these steps.

To step

Method 1 of 5: Prepare for pole dancing

  1. Find a pole. More and more gyms are offering pole dancing classes as a creative way to get fit. Call yours to ask if they offer this. You can also find out if there are gym chains in your area that are known to offer pole dancing classes. Many independent teachers also offer pole dancing lessons in local gyms and halls, so it's worth checking to see if classes are available near you. If you can't find anyone to teach you this challenging activity, you can even buy a pole for your home.
    • If you want to pole dance in your familiar home environment, buy a free-standing pole that you can install at home after carefully following the instructions. The post should be fully attached to your ceiling and floor and should allow you enough space to move around it.
  2. Dress appropriately. When preparing for pole dancing, it is wise to wear comfortable clothing with bare arms and legs. Sexy clothing is optional. By baring your skin you have a much better grip on the pole with your arms and legs and you can perform these movements more safely. For even better grip with your feet, go barefoot. You can wear heels if you are comfortable with the pole and want to feel sexy or trainers for a good grip on the pole.
  3. Avoid body lotion or oil. Do not use oils or lotions on your body before you start pole dancing. This will cause you to slide off the post and can even be dangerous. You can even brush the post before use to remove any oil or grease.
  4. Stretch. Just as you would in any other type of sport, you should do some light stretching and warm up before you start pole dancing. Stand up straight and then bend over to edge your toes, roll your neck and shoulders and stretch your hamstrings by pulling one foot back as your toes touch your butt, until you feel your muscles stretch with each hamstring.
    • Pull your fingers back with your palms away from you to stretch your wrists. Your fingers and wrists must be warm to grip the pole.

Method 2 of 5: Wrap around the pole

  1. Grab the pole. Start at the back of the post, with your inner foot close to the base of the post. Use your dominant hand to grab the pole about the height of your head. Straighten your arm so your weight hangs away from the pole.
  2. Step around. Keeping your outer leg straight, swing it to the side and step all the way around the pole, turning your inner foot at the same time. Let your knee bend slightly as you turn to make the movement more graceful.
  3. Hook your leg around the post. Place your inner foot on the floor just behind the other foot. Shift your weight to the back foot and hook your inner leg around the front of the pole, gripping it tightly just behind the knee.
  4. Curve your body. To top it off, bend your body back, moving your hand down to create a greater curvature. Flexibility plays a role here. Arch your back only as far as is comfortable and make sure you have a good grip with your leg and hand. You can tie your hair up or let it swing after you if that makes you feel sexier.
  5. Stand up straight. Straighten your body and put your leg back down. Prepare to do the next move. This basic move is a perfect move for pole dancing beginners and is a great transition to more complicated moves.

Method 3 of 5: Do a simple climbing move

  1. Stand with your face to the pole. The first step to do the basic climbing move is to stand about 12 inches from the pole with your face towards it. Hold the pole with one hand.
  2. Wrap your leg around the post. Raise the leg that is on the same side of your body as the hand holding the pole. Move your leg up the pole as you grasp the pole with your other hand. Bend your foot and place it on one side of the pole, with your knee on the other. You need to use this leg to clamp yourself very tightly to the post and create a solid base for your other foot to rest on.
  3. Wrap your other leg around the post. Now pull your body up with your hands. Wrap your free leg around the post and hook the back of the foot behind the first foot. Place the knee of this leg against the pole, so that you have a firm grip on the pole with both knees. These two legs now form a platform that you can use when climbing the pole.
  4. Move your hands up. Move your hands upward about 12 inches to make room to stretch.
  5. Pull up your knees. Use your abs to pull your knees up about two feet.
  6. Clamp the pole with your legs and straighten out. After bending your knees, lean back slightly and clamp the pole with your leg muscles. You then use them to stretch your body as your hands move upward.
  7. Repeat these steps until you are done climbing. Repeat these steps a few times until you reach the top of your pole or are no longer comfortable. With this plan, you can climb the pole while exercising and look sexy too.
  8. Come down. You can slide down like a firefighter or you can hold the pole with your hands and release your legs for a moment, swing them forward and rock your hips as you move your legs towards the ground. This method takes a little longer to master, but looks sexy and looks and feels fantastic.

Method 4 of 5: The firefighter turn

  1. Grab the pole with both hands. Stand next to the pole, with the pole closer to your weak side. Place both hands around the pole so that you are holding it like a baseball bat, with your hands a little more than 12 inches apart. The hand closest to the pole should be above the hand that is on the other side of your body. You place your lowest hand at approximately eye level.
  2. Swing around the pole. Take a step with the foot closest to the pole and swing the leg on the outside around the pole to gain some momentum. This will give you enough speed and power to swing comfortably around the pole.
  3. Jump up the pole. Pull up on the pole with your hands, so that your arms briefly bear the full body weight. While doing this, push off on the inner foot and clamp the pole with both knees. Make sure you have a firm grip on the pole so you don't slide down.
  4. Turn. Continue to hold the pole with your hands and knees as you rotate down around the pole until you land on both feet. The higher you place your arms on the pole in the beginning, the longer you turn until you hit the ground.
  5. Stand up straight. Once you land, move your hips back and stand up straight again.

Method 5 of 5: Learn transitional movements

  1. The wave movement. This is the perfect standing transition motion between any twisting or climbing motion. To make the wave motion, face the pole and grasp it with your dominant hand. Your knees should be slightly bent and your feet should be on either side of the pole so that your torse is about 12 inches from the pole and your feet are comfortably spread.
    • First push your chest towards the pole and your hips back. Push your shoulders back and then push your hips forward again and repeat this move. The wave motion should look like a smooth motion, rather than a series of loose motions.
  2. Wobble backwards. To do this sexy move, start by standing up straight with your back against the pole. Grab the pole above your head with both hands. Then move your hips back and forth as you slide down the pole until you are crouched. While doing this, move your hands across the front of your body up to your knees.
    • Then, spread your knees apart so that your legs are spread for a moment and then quickly get back up straight.
  3. Wobble along the pole. For this type of twisting motion, stand with your face toward the pole, with your feet on either side of the pole at a comfortable distance from each other. Grab the pole with your dominant hand, just below the height of your head. Rock your hips back and forth as you slide down the pole until you are crouched. When squatting, push your hips back and straighten your body until your upper body unfolds and you are upright.


  • Start barefoot and not in heels, unless you are already very comfortable (and stable enough).
  • Always warm up, stretch and cool down well when pole dancing.
  • With the invention of removable poles that you can mount (and discreetly remove) in your own home, your debut as a pole dancing is as exclusive as you want it to be. To prevent your debut from becoming a major disaster, make sure your pole is securely fastened according to the manufacturer's instructions. Allow yourself plenty of space and make sure nothing is hindering your movements.
  • Talk to a doctor about whether you are healthy and fit enough to practice this physically demanding sport.
  • Put rubber tiles around your post to avoid hurting your knees when you practice movements on the floor.


  • Do not try to pole dance with "toy poles" that are only meant for posing. These are not built to support your weight and any attempt to dance around such a pole could result in serious injury.
  • If you want to use your dance pole for training, carrying large body weights, or for reversing movements, don't buy a pole with plastic parts. They break.
  • Use cleaning cloths for the dance number if you dance in a club. You never know where the hands of other dancers have turned.
  • Never pole dance with oil or lotion on your skin as this will make the pole slippery and this is dangerous. You may need to clean the post before you start to remove any oiliness and ensure maximum grip.