Send exciting text messages

Author: Roger Morrison
Date Of Creation: 7 September 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
BEST iMessage Text Tricks For iPhone’s!
Video: BEST iMessage Text Tricks For iPhone’s!


Sending hot text messages, also known as sexting, is the perfect way to turn your lover on and develop your relationship - as long as you send the messages to the right person at the right time. If you want to know how to send an exciting text message that turns your conversation partner on the moment you send button, read on below.

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Method 1 of 3: Starting a sexy texting conversation

  1. Try it out to find out if it is possible. Even if it has been with a girl or boy for months, this may not be the kind of communication that he or she is comfortable with. That's why it's important that you try it out before sending raunchy or explicit text messages and turning the other off on you completely. Start with a simple greeting like, Hey baby or Hey honey, and see how the other responds.
    • If you don't make it too explicit at first, you can downplay it later and deny trying to send a sexy text message when the other person gets mad or accuses you of starting something.
    • Just start with a sexual undertone. If you just say What's up? or How are you?, it is more difficult to engage in a sexy conversation. It is better to set the tone right away so that the other person knows what to expect.
    • For example, you can say, I'm a little bored, I could use some excitement in my life.
    • Try this: In the movie I just saw, I saw a girl who looked like you. She was really hot, but you are even better.
  2. Wait for the other person to respond sexy. Once the other person has responded favorably to the opening text, it is time to move forward openly. If you find that the other person also likes to send hot text messages and wants to participate, you can increase the sexual content in your texts - but only a little at a time. Be patient while you wait for the other person's answers. If it takes too long, you may not be in the mood anymore, and you better have fun together another day.
    • Don't keep sending exciting texts if you don't get a response. If the other person checks his or her phone at a certain moment and sees a series of exciting text messages, it will look very strange.
    • If the other person doesn't feel like it, don't try to continue. Just apologize quickly and get on with what you were doing, no need to blow it up.

Method 2 of 3: Keep sending exciting text messages

  1. Step up the sexy content. Continue to send exciting text messages but make them more explicit. You can even suggest at this stage that you can come to him or her to put your sexy words into action. If the girl you're texting says she's studying sex, you can ask if you can come by and get a lab about it. Below are some things you can apply to spice things up a bit:
    • "Wait a minute. Let me put some clothes on."
    • "It's so hot in here. I'm going to take my shirt off."
    • "What are you wearing on this sultry night?"
    • "What if I showed you what I mean?"
    • "Can you guess the color of my underwear?"
  2. If the other person responds well, you can go even further. If you notice that the other person really enjoys receiving and sending exciting texts and perhaps also wants to have physical contact, you can make the conversation even more explicit. You can talk about your desire to actually meet the other person, or touch yourself or take off your clothes. Below are some things you can say:
    • "I've taken all my clothes off. I'm just under a sheet now."
    • "I could send you a message, but I'd rather close my eyes and imagine you're here."
    • "What would you do if you were next to me?"
    • "I'm freezing here. Why don't you come here to keep me warm?"
    • "Sorry it took me a while to answer you. My hands are quite fidgety."
  3. Be creative. If you've really gotten along with sending exciting text messages, you can move on until you are touching yourself or making plans to see each other. Whatever happens, make sure to apply some imagination and creativity to your text messages so that the other person doesn't get bored. Be as detailed as possible, provide clear descriptions, and respond quickly so that the other person knows he or she is receiving your full attention. Below are some things you could say:
    • "If you were here I would stroke your hair. But after that I would stroke something else ..."
    • "I'm so excited that I can hardly send any text messages anymore."
    • "I'm wearing a tight T-shirt. Do you want me to take it off for you?"
    • "I'm taking off your belt - thinking about hitting you with it ..."
    • "I just got out of the shower so my hair is soaking wet. Do you have a towel?"

Method 3 of 3: Finish forcefully

  1. Enjoy masturbating together. If sending exciting text messages to each other is heading in the right direction, you and the other might take off your clothes and start touching yourself. If you both enjoy it, this can be a fun and stimulating activity. Just tell each other what you are doing to each other, what you are doing to yourself, and what you would do if you were together.
    • All you have to do is let yourself go and talk dirty until both of you cum.
    • You can say, I want you my [body part] verb]. This can make the sexy experience seem much more real.
    • Tell the other person how your body feels during the exchange - describe every little sensation, even what you feel in your toes.
  2. Make sure you are with the person you are texting with. Mutual masturbation is fun, but just being together is fun too. If the conversation goes that way, you can ask her if she wants you to visit, or ask her to visit you. When it is clear what the exciting text messages will do, you can suggest that the other person comes over and then become more explicit if necessary. Here are some things you can say:
    • "I try to imagine how hot you look, but I'd rather see you in person.
    • "Why don't you get into bed next to me? I want to find out if it's as good as I imagine it is.
    • "I guessed the color of your underwear. But how do I check it was right?
    • "Why don't we continue this together in real life? I want to use my hands for something other than texting.
    • "Why don't I drop by? I have to be around - if that's what you want.
  3. End the exchange. Whether you're ending the conversation because you're going to the other person, or because you've both gotten what you wanted, you have to be a little slick when you end something like that. You can also just end the exchange because you both had some fun with exciting messages and now is the time to move on to other things. Whatever the reason, you're supposed to act a little macho and keep going in your sexy way, all the way to the end.
    • Don't just say Day! or Bye!, when you're done texting. Say, Can't wait to text you again. Or, I'll text you again on another lonely hot night. Make the other person want you to contact them.
    • Don't switch to a non-sexy topic at the end of the conversation. Don't say Besides, are you going to Linda's birthday party tomorrow? Save that question for another time.
    • If you are ending the conversation because you are going to meet the other, just say, I can't wait to continue this with you in real life and go to her house to turn your exciting text messages into a physical reality.


  • Girls generally like to hear and read sensual and romantic things. Guys usually find it very exciting when you take charge and tell them what you would like to do to them.
  • Make sure you know your audience. You shouldn't send an exciting text to a girl you just met or someone whose number you got the night before. Not everyone likes to receive hot text messages and hardly anyone does in the beginning of a relationship, so make sure you do it with someone who is comfortable with this type of bold communication and who will not be shocked by this. kind of messages you receive. That person should be someone who's already on, or someone who's quite sexually free and up for anything.
  • Pick the right time. Even if you know that the recipient likes a good exciting text message, you should only send the message when you know she's free. If she's at work or taking an exam, he or she won't be as receptive to your messages. And if you want the sexy text messages to lead to an appointment, you also have to make sure that the other person has nothing special to do for an hour after you send the text. The best time to send a sexy text message is usually in the evening or at night, when the other person is alone, bored, and thinking about you. The night is also just more of a sexy time than during the day.
  • Since you're texting, you can't know what kind of tone you would put it in in real life, so you can always get out of it by saying you were joking.
  • To just send a normal, sexy text, you can just turn what you're doing into something that sounds exciting.Like, I'm licking a smooth pink lollipop right now, what about you?


  • Start slow, don't be a creep. Always try out the mood first.
  • Remember that text messages can be stored and used as blackmail tools. Don't send sexy text messages to people you don't know well, because people can read the user's messages if the phone is unattended somewhere, and you don't want to risk someone you don't like reading your text messages.
  • Note: Because cell phones are mobile, anyone can grab someone else's cell phone and think it's funny to send sexy messages to the owner's contacts. So if the hottest girl in the class sends you an exciting message, it's probably a joke.