How to get rid of acne naturally

Author: Christy White
Date Of Creation: 4 May 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How I Cured My ACNE Naturally (10 Tips)
Video: How I Cured My ACNE Naturally (10 Tips)


Acne is a very common skin condition. The problem is caused by sebum aka skin oil and dead skin cells, but hereditary factors are likely to play a role as well. While it may feel a little embarrassing, it's really nothing to worry about. Millions of people experience acne every year, and it is particularly common in teenagers. Keep in mind that acne is not a permanent condition and you can usually get rid of it naturally, even if it takes a little more effort and attention than prescription drugs. If your acne gets worse, spreads, or starts to hurt, see a dermatologist to see if there might be a better solution to your problem.

To step

Method 1 of 4: Follow a skincare routine

  1. Rinse your face at least twice a day, especially if you are sweating. Run lukewarm water into the sink. Scoop up the water with your hands and splash it on your face. Then wipe your face with a clean washcloth. Do this at least twice a day to prevent grease and dirt from building up on your skin.
    • You can perform at least one of these washes while showering. After you soap and wash your hair, simply wipe your face with a washcloth.
    • Add an extra wash immediately afterwards if you are going for a run or are going to exercise vigorously in another way. Washing the sweat off your skin is the best way to prevent further acne breakouts.
    • It can be hard to get used to at first, but once you get into the habit of washing your face twice a day, you'll find it's pretty easy to keep up!
  2. Wash your face once a day with a mild facial cleanser. Do this after your first daily wash. Spray a quarter to a half teaspoon of facial cleanser into your hands. Rub your hands over your cheeks to apply the facial cleanser to your face. Then spread the product with your fingertips over your cheeks, nose, forehead and chin. Rinse off the cleanser and finally pat your face dry with a clean towel.
    • Do not use the cleaner more than once a day. Too much cleanser can dry out your skin, which can irritate it and make acne worse.
    • Never use an alcohol-based cleaner. Products based on water and oil are suitable.

    Tip: there are many different natural cleansers for sale. Look for an organic cleaner that contains salicylic acid, which is an organic acid extracted from plants. It cleans your pores and makes your face feel fresh and clean.

  3. Use a toner or a tonic to get rid of excess sebum. Look for a toner based on salicylic acid or witch hazel. Spray it on a cotton ball or pad and gently rub your face. Avoid your eyes, nostrils and lips. Let the toner dry before applying a moisturizer.
  4. Use a moisturizer that contains salicylic acid. When it comes to facial creams, lotions, and moisturizers, always look for organic products that contain salicylic acid. Salicylic acid cleans your pores and naturally treats inflammation caused by acne and skin irritation. If your skin dries out or starts to flake, use a lotion or moisturizer to replenish your skin's moisture and fight acne.
    • Keeping your skin dry and oil-free is the best way to combat acne. On the other hand, if your skin gets too dry or your acne gets painful, you will likely need to moisturize your skin and treat it appropriately.

Method 2 of 4: Treat acne

  1. Dab some aloe vera on painful acne and deeper blemishes. Ask the drugstore or pharmacy if they sell aloe vera in small bottles. If your acne hurts or you feel the pimple deep in your skin, rub a pea-sized drop of aloe vera directly onto the affected area. Aloe vera contains menthol, so it soothes pain and helps reduce the inflammation of your acne.
    • Aloe vera also makes your pores breathe better. Just be careful not to apply it too close to your eyes, as the minty fumes can cause your eyes to water or become irritated.
    • Some people are not very fond of aloe vera. Don't worry if you're not much of a fan of that minty feeling. You can also treat your acne with other products.
  2. For mild cases of acne, use a tea tree oil based product. While research is still ongoing, tea tree oil appears to be very good for moderate cases of acne. Tea tree oil has the ability to reduce inflammation, which can also reduce your acne and even disappear. Buy an organic moisturizer with tea tree oil as the main ingredient. Rub a small dollop of this directly on and around the acne to reduce inflammation.
    • Do not apply undiluted essential oil directly to your skin. Pure essential oil can cause a negative reaction and make acne worse.
  3. Look for products with purified bee venom to help your skin regenerate. One of the latest discoveries is that purified bee venom can reduce the overall impact of acne. Buy a product with purified bee venom as the main ingredient. Treat your acne by spreading a pea-sized amount over your skin with your hand. Do this every day for three to six weeks, until your acne clears.
    • If you are allergic to bees, you cannot use bee venom.
    • Purified bee venom may sound a bit creepy, but if you're looking for a natural remedy that works well, it's a really great option!
  4. Use lotions with vitamin C to help your skin regenerate after your acne clears. Vitamin C has the ability to help skin repair itself naturally without having to treat your skin with all kinds of synthetic chemicals. Buy a vitamin C moisturizer or lotion from the pharmacy or online. Apply the vitamin C product to your skin after your acne has cleared. There is some evidence that this will help prevent scarring and help your skin regain its original texture more quickly.

    Tip: vitamin C also protects your skin from ultraviolet radiation, which is beneficial for people in whom such radiation can cause skin reactions.

  5. Avoid alcohol-based cleansers and homemade toners if you want to protect your skin. All types of cleansers or toners that contain alcohol can dry out your skin and kill the skin cells, so you shouldn't use them. When it comes to home remedies and homemade toners, stick to officially approved products. In the EU, skincare products must meet certain conditions by law, but anything you mix yourself in the kitchen can eventually damage your skin.
    • There is no evidence that apple cider vinegar is effective against acne. In any case, it will dry out your skin if that's all you want.
    • There is some evidence that you can fight acne with aspirin. However, this has not been thoroughly researched and it is not yet widely used as an ingredient in skin care products.
    • Honey has anti-inflammatory properties and can soothe the pain of acne to some extent. Unfortunately, research showing that it does cure acne is still lacking.

Method 3 of 4: Prevent acne outbreaks

  1. Wash your hair regularly with shampoo to prevent sebum from building up. Many of the fats that get on your face come from your hair. When you get up in the morning, shower and wash your hair before washing your face. This way you prevent the oils in your hair from reaching your face and settling in your pores.

    Tip: Use an oil-free, sulfate-free shampoo if you want to reduce the amount of sebum on your skin. Be careful though, because your hair does need a little bit of fat to stay healthy.

  2. Always apply sunscreen and do not stay in the sun for too long. When you go out, protect your skin by rubbing it on. Do not stay in the sun for more than half an hour to 45 minutes. The sun can trigger skin reactions in acne-prone people, and it can also affect the action of other skin care products you use to treat your acne.
    • Do not use sunscreens that are very greasy. Sunscreens are available that have been specially developed for sensitive skin and can therefore be ideal for your skin.
    • The sun also makes you sweat, which can cause acne breakouts.
  3. Lower the heating in the house and take colder showers. Heat and warm water make you sweat. When you sweat, the minerals and dirt on your skin are carried everywhere. This can lead to clogged pores or oily skin. If possible, keep the thermostat below 21 ° C and use colder water when you shower or bathe.
    • Also, don't wear hats. Wearing something on your head can cause your forehead to sweat.
  4. Let your acne heal naturally and try not to touch or squeeze your blemishes. As tempting as it may be, fiddling with your acne can make it last longer. Therefore, let your skin heal on its own and never try to squeeze your pimples. If you do, you can scar your skin and the acne is more likely to come back later.

Method 4 of 4: Know when to seek medical attention

  1. If your acne has not improved after four to eight weeks, make an appointment with a dermatologist. You can usually treat mild to moderate acne yourself at home, but it usually takes four to eight weeks to see results. If you do not improve after a month, you may need additional treatment. Discuss with your dermatologist what options you have for getting clear skin.
    • The dermatologist may recommend that you try an over-the-counter treatment before prescribing any special treatment for you.
    • You can talk to your doctor about your acne problem, but a dermatologist has more experience when it comes to treating skin conditions.
  2. If you suffer from so-called cystic or nodular acne, make an appointment with a dermatologist. Cystic and nodular acne manifests as wounds or bright red nodules on your face.These types of acne are more serious and often scarring. In addition, these forms of acne form deep under your skin, so that it often does not respond to topical treatments or treatments from the outside. Ask your dermatologist if he or she can prescribe an oral treatment for your acne. Also ask how you can best care for your skin.
    • The dermatologist can prescribe an antibiotic to take by mouth and treat acne from the inside out.
    • Your dermatologist may also prescribe oral contraceptives if your acne is caused by hormonal fluctuations.
  3. Also seek advice from a dermatologist if you have acne on other parts of your body as well. While it is possible to treat widespread acne with natural treatments, sometimes stronger treatment is needed to get the problem under control. To determine if this is the case for you, make an appointment with a dermatologist. For example, he or she may recommend that you take an oral antibiotic to control acne.
    • Once you get your acne under control, you may be able to switch back to your normal skincare routine.
  4. Make an appointment with your doctor as soon as possible if you suddenly develop acne as an adult. While you probably don't need to worry, a sudden outbreak of acne in adults can be the symptom of a serious illness. Fortunately, your doctor can usually quickly determine whether you have an underlying medical condition that needs treatment. Contact your doctor immediately and ask him or her to determine whether you may need treatment.
    • Probably nothing is wrong, but to be sure it is best to have the doctor take a look at it.
  5. If you notice an allergic reaction from the treatments, seek immediate medical attention. It is uncommon, but there is the possibility that you may experience an allergic reaction from certain natural treatments. If this happens to you, you should be treated as soon as possible. If you have an allergic reaction, call your doctor, or go to the emergency room or hospital.

    Go to the doctor if you have one or more of the following complaints:

    Swelling in your face, on your lips and near your eyes.

    Difficulty breathing.

    Tightness in your throat.

    Fainting or dizziness.


  • If you have acne on your back, wear loose-fitting clothes. Letting the skin on your back breathe is the best way to prevent sweat from building up.
  • While there are many theories about how diet affects acne, there is no real scientific consensus as to what the relationship between diet and acne actually is. In principle, it is better not to eat too fat and ensure that you get enough vitamin A, but the chance that you will notice a big difference is not that great.
  • Vitamin B treatments are also often used to treat acne, but there is some evidence that such treatments may actually make the problem worse.
  • Some patients respond well to treatment with yeasts specially selected for medical use (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) in the form of capsules, for example, and / or preparations of microorganisms to ensure that you can rebuild a normal intestinal microflora. Acne, like other health problems, can be caused by a disrupted microflora, but always consult a dermatologist before trying this. It is also used to treat chronic carriers of Salmonella germs.