Remember what you read

Author: Morris Wright
Date Of Creation: 22 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How I Remember Everything I Read
Video: How I Remember Everything I Read


In order to be able to remember what you have read, you need to become a critical reader. A critical reader knows the purpose of reading the text, forms mental images of important concepts and ideas, and asks questions while reading the text. Ultimately, you store the information in your long-term memory by discussing the material with others, in your own words, and by rereading important concepts and ideas.

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Part 1 of 3: Setting yourself up to read and remember

  1. Ask yourself why you are reading the text and what you want to achieve with it. Ask yourself, `` Why am I reading this? '' Or `` What should I learn from this? '' Understanding the purpose of reading a text will help you stay focused on your task and focus on the more relevant parts of the text.
    • For example, keeping in mind that you are reading this material for a test will help you focus on important dates, events and people.
  2. Try to familiarize yourself with the topic. Do a short internet search to learn more about the topic. The more you know and understand about a topic, the more likely you are to be able to make connections and remember the information better.
    • For example, if you read about Islam, type "Islam" in your search engine. Then click on an article, for example an article on Wikipedia, and familiarize yourself with the dogmas of Islam.
  3. Browse the fabric. Before reading the material, review the headings, pictures, tables, the book's description on the cover, charts, and the first paragraphs of chapters. Focus on the important information to make it clear to yourself why you are going to read the material.
    • Browsing through the material prepares your memory, orientates your thinking, focuses the important information, and helps you to get a summary picture and formulate the content, making it easier to remember important information.
  4. Read in short segments. Reading when you can't focus is a waste of your time. So, to maximize your focus, read short segments. For example, read a paragraph, or just read for 10 to 15 minutes at a time. After you read a paragraph, review what you just read in your mind.
    • Learn to read for longer by gradually increasing the amount of time you read each day of the week. For example, if you read in short segments of 10 to 15 minutes per week, read the next week in segments of 20 to 25 minutes.

Part 2 of 3: Becoming a critical reader

  1. Make notes. While reading, write down relevant information. The tangible act of writing helps in remembering the information better. For example, if you read about Islam, write down the five dogmas of Islam.
    • You can also write down underlying concepts or ideas that come to mind as you read.
  2. Highlight important concepts. Only try to highlight important and relevant information. For example, only mark a few words per page. Before marking something, ask yourself if this information contributes to the purpose of reading the material? "If the answer is no, it is better not to mark it.
  3. Link the material to something you know. Associate new information with information you already know. By linking new information to information you already know, your brain will store the new information in your long-term memory.
    • For example, if Thomas Jefferson was born in the same month as your mother, linking his birthday to your mother's birthday will help you remember that date.
  4. Think in pictures. Visualizing the text you are reading helps you remember it better than without mental images. Create a mental picture of important events, concepts or people.
    • For example, if you want to remember an important date, such as when a battle began, imagine the battle in your head, with the date in large letters.
    • You can also try to draw the battle and mark it below when it started and ended.
  5. Read out loud. If you are an auditory learner, read important material out loud. The tactile act of speaking and hearing the material allows you to better remember the material. Be sure to read aloud the important information you have underlined and the answers to the questions.
    • You can also use word associations to help you remember important facts. For example, create rhymes or songs to help you remember important information.
  6. Ask yourself questions about the material. As you read the material, ask yourself things like, "How does this material fit into what I already know and don't know yet?" "Why did the author mention this?" "Do I understand this concept or word correctly?" is it proof of this statement? "or" Do I agree with the author's conclusions? "
    • By asking and answering these questions, you will be able to remember relevant information much better.

Part 3 of 3: Remember what you read

  1. Repeat the material in your own words. After you have completed part of the test, write down what you have read in your own words. This helps to find out which information you have remembered and which information you have not. Go back and reread the information you can't remember or found difficult to put into your own words.
  2. Discuss the material with someone else. After reading a text, discuss the new information with a friend, family member, or classmate. By discussing the material you create new associations in your memory. It also helps you see what information you understand and can remember, and what information you do not understand and cannot remember.
    • Go back and reread the information you struggled with regarding associations and memorization. Then you discuss the information again with a friend or family member.
  3. Reread the material. Repetition is the key to remembering any kind of information. After reading something, return to the important concepts and ideas you highlighted or underlined. Also reread the paragraph in which the concepts and ideas are discussed.
    • After one or two days you will return to the content. Reread the important concepts and ideas and test yourself.