Distinguish implantation symptoms from PMS symptoms

Author: Charles Brown
Date Of Creation: 6 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Pregnancy Symptoms vs PMS Symptoms || Four Clear Differences Between Pregnancy and PMS
Video: Pregnancy Symptoms vs PMS Symptoms || Four Clear Differences Between Pregnancy and PMS


Premenstrual syndrome (PMS) is a series of physical and psychological symptoms that occur a few days to a few weeks before your period. Implantation symptoms, on the other hand, appear due to the implantation of a fertilized egg in your uterus, which means that you are pregnant. Both PMS and implantation can happen around the same time in your menstrual cycle, so it can be difficult to tell the difference between them. However, there are a few differences in symptoms if you pay close attention.

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Part 1 of 3: Identifying signs of implantation and early pregnancy

  1. Check for spotting. If you are not due to have a period, spotting can be a sign of implantation. Normally this spotting will not resemble a normal period; you will only have minor bleeding. It can be very similar to the first few days of your period.
  2. Be on the lookout for cramps. Cramps can occur in early pregnancy. While you are likely to have cramps during your period, they often occur shortly before your period and are a common symptom of PMS. Implantation pain is consistent with menstrual cramps.
    • Note how severe the cramps are. If they are particularly painful, you should call a doctor. You should also ring if they move to one side of your body. These can both be signs of a problem.
  3. Notice if you urinate more. One sign that your fertilized egg is implanted is that you need to urinate more, in some people. You have more of the hormone human chorionic gonadotropin, which increases the amount of blood flow you have near your bladder, which can cause you to urinate more.
  4. Watch for dizziness. When you are pregnant you may feel lightheaded or dizzy, probably due to hormonal changes. But some doctors believe this symptom may also be due to your body making more blood for the baby.
  5. Look for an increase in the feeling of hunger. Sometimes, even early in pregnancy, you can feel hungrier than usual. If this symptom lasts for more than two days, it could be a sign that your fertilized egg is implanted.
  6. Check for nausea. Morning sickness is a misnomer; nausea and vomiting can occur any time of the day when you are pregnant. This symptom can occur from 2 weeks after you become pregnant.
  7. Pay attention to foods and odors that resist. A symptom of early pregnancy is a sudden aversion to certain foods and smells. This symptom can trigger morning sickness, even if the smells or foods are something you loved before.
  8. Watch for difficult breathing. This symptom is most common early in pregnancy and late in pregnancy. You may feel out of breath more quickly. Regardless of when you feel it, you should definitely talk to your doctor about it.
  9. Notice a metallic taste. Some women may experience a metallic taste in their mouths shortly after they become pregnant. This symptom is not associated with PMS.

Part 2 of 3: Understanding premenstrual syndrome symptoms

  1. Check for back pain. You definitely can and are likely to get back pain later in pregnancy. However, if you're trying to tell the difference between early pregnancy and PMS, back pain is more of a sign of PMS in the beginning.
  2. Watch your emotional state. While both pregnancy and PMS can cause mood swings, PMS is more associated with depression. If you are feeling a little depressed, it could be a sign that you have not conceived.
  3. Watch for bloating. Although you may feel bloated early in your pregnancy, this symptom is more commonly associated with PMS. With this symptom, your stomach can feel extra tight.
  4. Watch for your period. While this step may seem obvious, it is one of the most obvious signs that you are not pregnant. Try to keep track of your periods by listing them on a calendar so you know when one is due. That way you know you're pregnant if you skipped one.
  5. Consider taking a pregnancy test for a definitive answer. The most effective method of knowing if you are pregnant or just experiencing PMS is to take a home test. These kits are readily available at the drug store and have easy-to-follow instructions.
    • You can take a pregnancy test a few days before your normal period, or when you are trying to determine if you have PMS or implantation symptoms. Some pregnancy tests claim to be accurate so early on. But for a more definitive result, it is better to wait until a week after your normal period.
    • Usually, a blood test will find hormones just a few days before the early pregnancy tests. Don't request a blood test out of curiosity, as your insurance won't cover that.

Part 3 of 3: Recognizing similar symptoms of both conditions

  1. Know the difference between implantation bleeding and period bleeding. You know your normal period. Whether it's heavy or light, you know what to expect from your period. However, implantation bleeding should be lighter than your period, because you are not throwing out the entire lining of your uterus, and it usually doesn't last as long as your period. Implantation spotting normally takes place before the expected period. You should only see a few drops of blood, and it will be lighter in color, usually pink or brown, instead of the bright red of period blood.
  2. Pay attention to moods. When you have PMS, you will have mood swings, but that is also a sign of early pregnancy. In both cases, the mood swings are caused by hormonal fluctuations.
  3. Check for changes in your breasts. Since both PMS and early pregnancy change the hormonal balance in your body, both can make your breasts feel swollen or a little painful. They may feel a bit fuller when you are pregnant.
  4. Notice if you are tired. Both PMS and implantation can cause you to feel extra tired. When you become pregnant you can feel this symptom after a week, most likely due to an increase in progesterone. However, PMS can also make you feel tired, probably due to hormonal fluctuations.
  5. Watch for headaches. Hormonal fluctuations can also cause headaches. This allows you to experience them both during early pregnancy and when you have PMS.
  6. Watch for food cravings. Desire can arise during PMS. At the same time, it can also develop in early pregnancy. Sometimes pregnancy jerks are stranger, but not always.
  7. Check for changes in your digestive system. PMS can give you constipation as well as diarrhea due to hormonal fluctuations. Pregnancy is similar, but it is more likely to give you constipation. The symptoms are also more severe later in the pregnancy.
  8. Understand when symptoms may appear. Usually, PMS symptoms will appear 1 to 2 weeks before your period starts. They usually disappear within a few days of the start of your period. Implantation and early pregnancy symptoms usually appear around the same time; it is at the same point in the cycle that you either implant or shed the lining of your uterus and your period begins.


  • If pregnancy is a possibility, make sure to take a daily prenatal vitamin with folic acid, which is essential for healthy fruit development.


  • If your symptoms persist, see a doctor to be absolutely sure.