Driving people crazy

Author: Roger Morrison
Date Of Creation: 1 September 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
WHEN DRIVERS GO FULL RETARD! Stupid Drivers & Driving Fails On Dashcam 2017
Video: WHEN DRIVERS GO FULL RETARD! Stupid Drivers & Driving Fails On Dashcam 2017


Are you bored all the time, hyperactive and in the mood for mischief? Don't just sit there! Use your energy to drive your friends crazy - it's the perfect solution for boredom! For starters, all you need is a creative mind, a little bit of guts, and just a pinch of insanity. Use common sense with these jokes - don't do things that will get you in trouble.

To step

Method 1 of 8: Say weird things

  1. Say strange things. One way you can definitely drive people crazy is to casually say things in public that are bizarre or troubling to the average person. You can experiment by speaking to people or by deliberately letting them listen in on personal conversations. Below are just a few ideas:
    • Go to a takeaway and ask if you can bring your meal.
    • Have a worrying conversation on a phone or headset. Make sure you speak loud enough so that people close to you can hear you. Say vague things like, "Keep eating! I don't care how many pages there are!" or "Just shoot. I'll just pay you to do this."
    • Talk in a funny voice, such as the voice of Darth Vader, Yoda or Kermit the Frog.
    • Develop a strange manner. For example, say "stranger" after each sentence with an old-fashioned English accent from the Wild West.
    • Ask strangers for help with bizarre problems. Try asking anybody what year we are currently living in. Then when you get an answer, pretend you're surprised or worried. You can also try other questions such as "what country," or even "what century," "what continent," "what planet" or "what galaxy." In addition, you can try to ask for that very is weird and that the other is unlikely to answer, such as "what part of the universe" or "what coordinates."
    • Ask for bizarre advice. For example, go to a garden center and ask an employee "How long do I have to boil potting soil?" or "How long do I have to water the asparagus for the wings to sprout?"
    • Have conversations with inanimate objects. For example, in a department store, walk up to a shirt and say "Hey, hello Fred! How's the renovation going? Really? That's a shame. I hope your wife gets well soon. Bye!"
    • Surprise people with completely random statements. Run up to people on the street and say "Hi" or "I like cheese" and then ask them what they prefer - green bottoms or silver cheeks.
    • Say things like "The end is near" or "They're watching us. They're coming to get us."
    • Make random noises. Say nonsense words like "Eee!" or "Mmmm!" for no reason.
    • Whisper a lot or do this all the time. Whisper random things to someone or hum random creepy things.

Method 2 of 8: Act crazy

  1. Pretend you're insane. There's nothing weirder than someone who is clearly disturbed or doesn't have them all lined up. Acting like you are completely insane can produce laughable results. However, don't do things that cause you actually ends up in a psychiatric hospital. Also, don't mock or try to mimic real mental disorders - that's not crazy, just mean. Below you can find some good ideas:
    • Pretend you have collapsed mentally. Look around with a disturbed look, then quickly run away and stand with your back against the nearest wall. Then immediately close your eyes tightly, grind your teeth, put your hands over your ears and complain, "Don't talk to me!" or "These voices really never stop ..."
    • Argue with inanimate objects. Walk up to a post, mesh fence, or similar. Shake and pull it, shouting things like "IT'S ALL YOUR DEBT!" or "I HATE YOU. WHY DO YOU DO THIS TO ME?" For added effect, then hug the item and say something like "I love you, sorry." Then walk away casually.
    • Look at invisible things. Pretend there are invisible people, creatures or ghosts around you all the time. Talk to bystanders about it and say things like, "Hey, you see that gargoyle standing there? What's he doing there?"
      • A similar idea is to go to a park and lay out a picnic blanket with a bunch of plates and cups, meant for people who don't exist. Have in-depth conversations with your imaginary friends and ignore those around you. If you can, have a heated discussion with your imaginary friends about a sensitive issue. Make sure to keep your face straight.
    • Act very paranoid. Try to convince people that spies or aliens are watching us all the time. Pretend that innocent objects, such as plants in flower pots, are equipped with hidden cameras over microphones.
    • Look insane. If you want to convince people that you are crazy, a simple method to get it done is to dress in a way usually associated with insanity. For example, wear an aluminum hat. When people ask you about the hat, tell them you wear it to protect your brain from alien messages.
    • Act in a totally insane way. If you people for real want to shock, pretend you're a raving madman. Whatever you do, do not do things for which you will be arrested. Run down the street, shout as loud as you can, throw yourself into doors and act like you're possessed. When everyone is staring at you, stop and walk away. Look at the people as if they were the ones who are crazy.

Method 3 of 8: Be noisy

  1. Be noisy. Dropping out in a loud, emotional way will definitely shock, scare, or startle those around you. Take it though sensible decisions where and when to behave loudly. Do not yell in places where your behavior is likely to get you into trouble or actually cause an incident, such as a movie theater, an exam room, or near the police.
    • Sing loudly and / or in another language. Pick out annoying songs. Sing in an unusual way - for example, sing ordinary rap songs as if you were an opera singer and famous gospel songs as if they were death metal songs.
    • Overreact to minor issues. When you have a minor inconvenience, you respond much louder than necessary. If you notice that your shoe laces are loose, yell, "OH, GREAT! THIS AGAIN! JUST WHAT I NEED!" Then when you bend down to tie your shoelaces, you just keep yelling, "OH NO HEAR, NO ONE HAS TO STOP AND HELP ME WITH THIS. YES, JUST WALK ON!"
    • Pretend you have a very loud speaking voice. Speak in a very loud voice during your normal everyday conversations, but pretend this is your normal voice and it is very difficult for you to lower your voice. Don't yell out loud - it's funnier if you can convince people your condition is real.

Method 4 of 8: Looking strange

  1. Look strange. First impressions are very important. If you can leave a very strange impression, you will be able to startle people without even opening your mouth. For example, use the methods below:
    • Just wear strange or themed clothes. Try to dress like it's Christmas in the middle of June.
    • Try to look like you're having a really bad day. Dress in a totally confused way - get curlers in your hair, smudge your makeup, style your hair strangely, or even leave a handprint on your face like someone hit you (you can really hit yourself or make-up).
    • Wear clothes in the wrong size. Find out if you can disappear in a giant jacket or if you can squeeze into a T-shirt that's two sizes too small.
    • Wear clothes the wrong way. Try to wear your shirt and / or pants back to front. You can also wear your shirt as pants and your pants as a shirt if you dare.

Method 5 of 8: Playing pranks

  1. Play jokes. Jokes, tricks, and practical jokes are all ways to fool your friends (with comical results). Below are some ideas for jokes that can really scare your friends:
    • Switch names with one of your friends if you are taking lessons from a substitute teacher. You can do this during a class or all day long. Even if the teacher does not give permission, you say: "NO, I AM PIETJE PUK. HE IS JAN JANSEN!"
    • Pretend you are a lost tourist. For example, learn some Japanese phrases and then speak only in Japanese. Pretend you don't understand Dutch. You can also try this with other exotic languages ​​such as Swahili.
    • When you are standing in an elevator, stare into your bag and just say "Are you okay? Do you have enough fresh air there? Yes, you can eat those clothes ..." To create an extra effect, answer in strange voices, just like a ventriloquist does that.
    • Get your friends into awkward situations. Make your friends feel like they accidentally said something that hurt you, but make sure the connection you make is ridiculous. For example, if your friend says, "Hey, shall we cycle by the bridge after school?" you look sad and say, "The last time I went to the bridge ... I never saw my guppy again."
    • Tell everyone you changed your name. Your new name can be serious or funny, but be dead serious when trying to convince people that it really is your name. If they don't believe it, keep bothering them until they are convinced. When someone finally agrees to address you by that name, you change your name back again.
    • Celebrate random holidays, such as "Talk Like a Pirate Day" and "Week of the Hedgehog." Make T-shirts and show others what you stand for. Greet random people loudly.
  2. Play a fantasy game and "pretend.""Pretending to be someone else (or some object) can be really scary if you choose the right characters. This is a great opportunity to practice your acting skills - the crazier you can act without laughing, the better! Keep in mind that it is a criminal offense to impersonate a police officer or government official.
    • Run into a store and ask what year it is. When you get an answer, run out of the store shouting, "It worked, it worked!" It is best to wear old-fashioned clothes with this.
    • Act like a character from one of your favorite television series. This works best if the character you choose has an eye-catching outfit and voice. For example, you can put on a suit and talk in an angry tone like everyone around you is House and you are Dr. Cuddy.
    • Pretend you have a certain condition. For example, pretend you are blind in the street. Then get in a car and drive away. You can also let a friend drive you around in a wheelchair. Then get up and shake his hand.
    • Pretend you're on the run from the police. Have a friend wear a dark suit. Run around the street as if you were trying to flee or hide from someone. After the people on the street see you, your friend should come out right away and run after you. Let your friend chase you.
    • Pretend you are a fantasy character. Dress and act like a witch, robot, zombie, vampire, werewolf, ghost, wizard, and so on. For example, if you choose to be a vampire, you can wear a cape and put your hand in front of your face as you hiss, "AHHH! Sunlight! I'm burning!"
    • Pretend that you are clairvoyant and have a strong premonition in public that something is going to happen. For example, while you are at a snack bar, look at the menu for some time, squint your eyes and rub your temples. Then turn to the person standing behind you in line and say, "Don't have chips" or something like that. Then leave in a mysterious way so that the other person cannot ask you the reason.
    • Pretend you're in a tragic relationship. Lie on a nearby bench and pretend that you are dying and the bench is your deathbed. Bring a friend - you have to dress up as a prince and princess or some other famous couple in a tragic relationship. Hold your partner's hand and say things like, "I will always love you." You could even make bizarre statements like, "Tell my mom I like stroopwafels."

Method 6 of 8: Be too personal

  1. Be too personal. Saying and doing things that are too intimate or too personal for the situation you are in very uncomfortable and nasty. Drive people crazy with one of the suggestions below, or come up with your own:
    • Propose a marriage to a stranger anywhere. Make sure to choose a place that is somewhat romantic, such as a fountain, a bridge, or the Hema.
    • Ask for advice on very personal issues. It can seem very strange when you involve people in problems that no sane person would want to know about. For example, try asking strangers for advice on how to treat hemorrhoids.
    • Pretend you're an old friend of a stranger. Talk to a stranger as if you knew him or her when you were children. For example, make bizarre private jokes and try to get the other person to give you a secret handshake that you make up on the spot.
    • Make bizarre romantic comments. Pretend you've fallen in love with someone but are hopelessly clumsy. Shuffle over to someone and say something like, "Hi ... me, um ... me, um ... I like your glasses."
    • Let people join in an argument in public. On the phone (or with a friend who wants to join), argue loudly about something very personal, childish, or insignificant. You could try saying something like, "I can't believe you ate the last stroopwafel! That is you completely. You just walk into someone else's life and you take and take and take, but you never give. something yourself! "
    • Incorporate very revealing things into normal conversation and just keep on talking as if you hadn't said inappropriate things. For example, "Could you tell me how to get to the library? I get horns when the moon is full. Is the library this way?"

Method 7 of 8: Dance like crazy

  1. Dance like crazy. By dancing energetically you are already well on your way to driving people crazy. Moreover, by dancing in a ridiculous way, you can apply your skills to make people laugh with the help of your body. Here are some ideas to get you started:
    • Dance in places where it is not appropriate. Do the moonwalk in the library or the electric slide in line for the cash register in the supermarket.
    • Perform a spontaneous dance routine with your friends, like a flash mob. Study a complicated dance or cheerleading routine with you and perform it anywhere, such as in the Hema or in the middle of the street.
    • Try to get strangers to dance with you. Bring a radio or laptop to the supermarket or another store. Play a song by Parry Gripp or Bryant Oden (for example, "Do You Like Waffles?"). Start dancing and ask random people to join. Some people will actually join if you wait long enough.
    • If you suddenly feel like dancing, just do it. Casually walk through a mall or other public place. Drop to the floor, start dancing and then walk on.

Method 8 of 8: Scare people

  1. Act in a terrifying way. When other methods don't work, you can still behave in a creepy or downright terrifying way. That way you will definitely scare people. Use common sense - don't do things for which you will be arrested. Below are some great ideas:
    • You can always use an old classic - just hide somewhere, jump out and scare anyone who passes by. Sometimes a simple joke is just the best.
    • Scare people with your appearance. Wear an inordinate amount of makeup on your eyes, but cover them with large, dark sunglasses. Try to look gloomy and be quiet. Make sure you don't look scary or people will avoid you. If someone tries to chat with you, pull the sunglasses off your face and surprise your victim with your appearance.
    • Walk around with your eyes wide open and / or with a big smile so that the corners of your eyes wrinkle. If someone asks why you are doing that, give a ridiculous reason, such as that the goblins made you do this.
    • Carry suspicious items with you. For example, put the word "livers" on a suitcase and walk around with it all day long.
    • Act as if security cameras are disturbing you. For example, stand in a corner of an elevator and stare at the camera, startled. Keep looking at the camera even if people are entering the elevator.
    • Develop a bizarre, crazy talent like kicking your own head or turning your eyelids inside out.
    • Eat strange foods in public. It's even better if your food smells strong. You could try olives, pearl onions, or pickles.
    • Name your calendar / pencil / ruler / calculator / folder. Speak to it by that name all day long. When someone asks why your calendar has a name, you look at them strangely.
    • Pretend to involve strangers in a criminal conspiracy. Walk up to someone and whisper, "I've got it outside in the car. Where do you want it?" Emphasize the word "it." If the other person asks what you mean by "it", say "Sir / Madam, you yourself told me not to say that out loud." Then run away so that the other person cannot see you and cannot ask you questions. For added effect, you can also wear a jacket with a high collar and / or dark sunglasses to make you look questionable and hard to spot. If the other person later sees you walking in your regular clothes, pretend you don't remember anything about the incident and have never spoken to that person. For obvious reasons, you shouldn't do this near the police or at an airport.


  • Make sure to do the above things around people you don't know, such as in public.
  • Don't do too many things in the same place. The same people could see you again and understand that you are doing everything on purpose.
  • Once you have gained more experience, you will recognize good opportunities on the spot to behave completely insane.
  • Don't do dirty things. People don't get frightened or go crazy when you pick your nose or fart. They will find it dirty.
  • The intention is to surprise people. So do crazy and unexpected things. It's okay to behave strangely and impulsively and to act randomly. However, make sure you don't offend or drive anyone crazy.
  • Think carefully about what you are going to say. Try to think of something the day before so that you can improve it when the time comes.


  • Do not act around teachers, supervisors, senior officials or anyone else whose opinion of you is very important to you unless you don't care if you are fired / suspended / expelled.
  • By doing the above things you can come into conflict with security personnel. People might also think you are crazy or something.
  • Do not take random photos of police officers. You then behave suspiciously.
  • Do not practice these things in large malls, in front of cameras or in other large public places.