Getting more testosterone

Author: Charles Brown
Date Of Creation: 10 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
6 Surprising Ways To Naturally BOOST Your Testosterone!
Video: 6 Surprising Ways To Naturally BOOST Your Testosterone!


Testosterone is a hormone that is produced in large quantities by men (and a little by women) in the testes and adrenal glands. High levels of testosterone are associated with sexual performance, reproductive capacity, muscle mass, hair growth, aggressive and competitive behavior, and other typically masculine things. The amount of testosterone usually peaks in the fortieth year of life and gradually decreases. Fortunately, there is a lot you can do to increase your testosterone. So if you feel like you could use your T-level a boost, you've come to the right place.

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Part 1 of 3: Eating well

  1. Adjust your eating habits. How much testosterone your body produces has a lot to do with your diet. It is therefore important to realize what you actually eat. A good, testosterone-friendly diet contains enough healthy fats, green leafy vegetables, proteins, and cholesterol (it's not that bad for you!). You should avoid low-fat diets if you want to produce more testosterone.
    • Minerals such as zinc and magnesium, for example, ensure that testosterone production is triggered. Healthy amounts of cholesterol enable your Leydig cells to actually start producing testosterone.
    • In addition, vegetables such as broccoli, cauliflower, and white cabbage help you to reduce the amount of estrogen (the female hormone) in your body. In this way you promote the amount of testosterone.
  2. Have some nuts. If you add a handful of walnuts or almonds to your daily diet, you are well on your way to increasing your testosterone levels.
    • Also consider trying Brazil nuts, cashews, peanuts, and other nuts rich in monounsaturated fats. Men who eat these nuts and peanuts regularly have higher levels of testosterone than men who don't.
    • Seeds, such as sunflower and sesame seeds, are also high in monounsaturated fats. They are also rich in proteins, vitamin E and zinc. These also stimulate testosterone production.
    • The healthiest way to eat nuts and seeds is to take them unsalted and unroasted.
  3. Eat oysters and other foods that are high in zinc. Zinc is one of the most important minerals your body needs to make testosterone. In fact, consuming more zinc can significantly increase your testosterone levels within six weeks.
    • If you're looking for a quick fix, six oysters are enough to make you produce more testosterone. Oysters are packed with zinc.
    • But if you don't like shellfish, you can also get more zinc by eating protein-rich meals and fish. And also think of dairy products such as milk and cheese, both of which also contain a lot of zinc.
    • If you find it difficult to get more zinc by just adjusting your diet (especially as a vegan or vegetarian), you can choose to take supplements. The recommended daily allowance for adults is no more than 40 mg.
  4. Start the day with oatmeal. The health benefits of oatmeal are well known - they are high in fiber and low in fat - but now there's all the more reason to start your day with a bowl of oats. Research from 2012 has shown that eating oatmeal can be linked to higher levels of testosterone.
    • The research has proven that compounds in oats, avenacosides, can lower the level of sex hormone-binding globulin in the body, increasing testosterone levels.
    • Oatmeal has also been proven to improve sexual performance. It is packed with L-arginine, an amino acid that reacts with nitric oxide. This response causes the blood vessels to relax. As these blood vessels expand, the blood supply increases significantly.
  5. Gobble eggs. Eggs are basically testosterone producing superfoods. The yolks contain a lot of HDL (also called the "good" type of cholesterol) which is the building blocks for testosterone production.
    • In addition, eggs are high in protein and zinc - two more essential ingredients in testosterone production.
    • Don't worry about your veins clogging up. "Good" cholesterol will not increase the amount of cholesterol in your blood (unlike "bad" cholesterol, such as triglycerides). So you can eat three whole eggs a day without compromising your health.
  6. Eat white cabbage. White cabbage (like other leafy greens like spinach and kale) can do a lot for your testosterone levels. It contains a phytochemical, IC3 (indole-3-carbinol), which also has dual action. It lowers the amount of female hormones and increases the amount of male.
    • Research at Rockefeller University Hospital has shown that estrogen levels could be reduced by 50% in men who took 500 mg of IC3 per week. This makes the existing amount of testosterone a lot more effective.
    • The most efficient way to boost your IC3 levels at home is to eat enough white cabbage. Make a soup, cabbage rolls, or a juice, or opt for the classier: potato-white cabbage stew.
  7. Reduce sugar intake. Scientists have proven that overweight men are 2.4 times more likely to have decreased testosterone than their counterparts. So it is important to try to lose a few pounds if you want to increase the amount of testosterone. The fastest way to do this is to eliminate as much added sugar from your diet as possible. The fastest way to do this is to cut as much processed sugar from your diet as possible.
    • If you drink a lot of soda, stop right away. Soda is packed with added sugars and empty calories. These can lead to weight gain and insulin resistance. By leaving that one can of soda you always drink at work, you already banish a lot of calories.
    • Fructose (fruit sugar) is a type of sugar found in processed foods and fruit juices. Fructose is said to be one of the main reasons people are getting fatter these days.To limit the intake of fructose, you can cut back on processed foods and drinks. Point out refined carbs, which you can find in cereals, bagels, pretzels, waffles, etc., also the door.
  8. Take Vitamin D3. This is, technically, a hormone, but a very important one. Research indicates that people who regularly take D3 supplements have higher levels of testosterone.
  9. Stay away from supplements that are not based on scientific evidence. They may be hip right now, but they won't help your little helpers produce more T. These are the things to avoid. # * Vitamin C. Unless you have diabetes, this will not help you if you want to boost your testosterone. Okay, it does increase the amount of testosterone in diabetic mice. But that's all the scientific evidence out there for it. You probably also get enough Vitamin C through your regular diet. You're most likely getting enough vitamin C from your diet.
    • ZMA. ZMA is a supplement mix of zinc, magnesium, and vitamin B6. Recent research has shown that ZMA has absolutely no effect on testosterone production in men. Unless you know you are deficient in any of these vitamins or minerals, you better stay away from them.
    • Do your homework. Do your own research on supplements that are said to boost testosterone levels. If you're not sure, determine it for yourself. But make an informed choice. Just because it is on the internet does not mean that it is true.

Part 2 of 3: Become more active

  1. Develop an exercise plan and stick to it. If you're hoping to boost your testosterone levels, you can try more than just adjusting your diet. After all, movement is just as important. So try to build a routine that is effective and that you can stick to. This way you get the most out of your testosterone production.
    • Specific exercise forms, such as lifting weights, cause the body to produce more testosterone.
    • Sufficient exercise reduces the risk of obesity. And, as mentioned above, being overweight can negatively affect testosterone levels.
    • If you are not sure where to start, it may be wise to hire a personal trainer. He / she can help you establish a routine specifically based on your current condition and your desired results.
  2. Start lifting weights. If you want to boost your testosterone, you should start lifting weights. That is the fitness variant that is most effective to promote testosterone production. For best results, lift heavier weights with fewer reps. It is probably best to leave the equipment as it is. Stick to free weights and follow the advice below:
    • Train the major muscle groups. Research has shown that training the large muscle groups is much more effective than training one or two smaller muscles. If you use larger muscle groups, you have to use more complex, compound movements. It is therefore best to do squats, deadlifts, shoulder presses, and bench presses.
    • Try to train at the highest possible volume. The kind of exercises you do won't mean anything if you don't have enough volume. You should do 3-4 sets of each compound exercise, using a weight that you cannot lift more than 5 times per set. The volume of your workout is determined according to this formula: reps x sets x weight = volume. However, if you have to make a choice, so more repetitions, or more sets, always choose more sets.
    • Focus on high effort. Push yourself to the limit in the gym. Only by pushing your physical limits can you maximize testosterone production. Increase the effort by doing each exercise a little more slowly and by resting no more than two minutes between sets.
  3. Try high intensity interval training. High intensity interval training (HIIT) is another form of training that can boost the amount of testosterone. In addition, it improves the condition, and you speed up your digestion.
    • HIIT involves an intense burst of effort, followed by a slightly easier, slower recovery exercise. This process is repeated several times during the training.
    • You can apply this type of training to most types of movement. You can do HIIT on the treadmill, in the pool, on the cross trainer, etc. Follow this formula: give everything you have for at least 30 seconds at a time, then follow this up with about 90 seconds of relatively slower recovery exercises, then go again 30 seconds straight for gold. Repeat this 7 more times for the best result.
    • Even 20 minutes of this effort can yield enormous results. You can't use the fact that you don't have time as an excuse.
  4. Do cardio. Cardio will not directly affect testosterone production, but it can have a positive impact on overall testosterone levels. Therefore, try adding running, swimming, spinning, or other aerobic fitness to your routine.
    • Cardio is one of the best ways to burn fat. So if you go for a run or swim every week, you will lose excess pounds faster. This is good news, as being overweight can negatively affect your testosterone.
    • When you are under stress, your body secretes a chemical called cortisol. Cortisol ensures, among other things, that the production of testosterone is hindered. Cardio is an excellent way to relieve stress, which also limits the production of cortisol. As a result, you can therefore produce more testosterone.
    • Do cardio, but in moderation. Becoming a marathoner is of no use to you. In fact, research at the University of British Columbia has shown that male runners who ran more than 40 miles per week had even lower levels of testosterone than short-distance runners.
  5. Give your body time to recover after exercise. As important as exercise is, it is necessary to give your body time and rest to recover. Otherwise, it could just be that your training schedule has a negative effect on your testosterone level.
    • Research at the University of North Carolina has proven that over-training can lower testosterone levels in men by 40%. It is therefore important, if you exercise a lot, to take at least two days off a week. Also, try not to train the same muscle groups in a row too often.
    • On days when you are not exercising intensely, try to just be a little more active than usual. Take the stairs instead of the elevator. Take the bike or the foot cart to work. Instead of sitting all day, use a standing desk. These small adjustments can keep your body moving, which is good news for your testosterone.

Part 3 of 3: Adjusting your lifestyle

  1. Get plenty of sleep. Sleep is a very important aspect of testosterone production. That's because your body uses the time you sleep to produce more testosterone. Therefore, do your best to sleep at least 7-8 hours per night.
    • Scientists at the University of Chicago have shown that men who slept less than 5 hours for 7 consecutive days had 10 to 15% less testosterone than when they were fully rested.
    • In addition to reduced testosterone production, sleep deprivation can increase the amount of cortisol (the stress hormone). High amounts of cortisol can negatively affect your testosterone levels.
    • Not getting enough sleep also hinders your growth hormones. This makes it more difficult to build muscle mass during exercise.
    • Also try to improve the quality of your sleep. You can do this by switching off computers and electronics an hour before going to sleep. Avoid drinking caffeinated drinks late at night and take a warm shower before going to bed.
  2. Avoid stress. Many experts believe that stress is one of the main culprits in today's man's reduced levels of testosterone. This is because the hormone that causes stress - cortisol - has a bad relationship with testosterone.
    • In other words, if you have a lot of cortisol, you have little testosterone, and vice versa. Cortisol is believed to conflict with testosterone because cortisol puts the body in "fight or flight" mode, preparing the body for survival. Testosterone is actually related to behavioral characteristics such as aggression, competition, and mating. That's why the two cannot live together in harmony.
    • To maximize your testosterone levels, it's important to keep your stress to a minimum. Consider doing breathing exercises, yoga, or meditation.
  3. Stay away from the drink (more). Alcohol can have a negative effect on testosterone production. Drinking a lot can confuse the hormone system, causing the testes to refuse to produce testosterone.
    • In addition, alcohol can increase the amount of cortisol and hinder growth hormones. Your testosterone is not so happy about that.
    • Unfortunately, beer is the worst type of alcohol in terms of your healthy testosterone. This is because the hops that make your beer are packed with estrogen (the female hormone). So consider drinking a different drink, or nothing at all.
    • If you are drinking, it is wise to stop after two or three drinks. This way you limit the damage you do to your testosterone levels.
  4. Reduce your caffeine intake. You should consume caffeine in moderation, because otherwise it can produce cortisol. Cortisol negatively affects your testosterone.
    • In addition, if you drink it late in the day, caffeine can interfere with sleep. And less sleep means less testosterone.
    • However, recent research has shown that consuming caffeine right before a training session can boost performance. So if you're really craving coffee, grab a cup before you lift weights.
  5. Enjoy the things you like. Fortunately, increasing your testosterone levels can also be fun. There are several ways to increase your T. without having to work hard.
    • Watch more sports. Researchers at the University of Utah have found that sports fans' testosterone levels are linked to the performance of their favorite sports team. Test rabbits' testosterone levels increased by 20% when their favorite team won, but decreased by the same percentage when that team lost. So you can justify watching more sports - but try to make sure your favorite team is going to win!
    • Quite more. You probably know that testosterone determines male sex drive, but did you know that it also works the other way? Yes, having sex can increase your testosterone levels. And not only that ... Having an erection, or being turned on by an attractive woman, is enough to boost your testosterone.
    • Enjoy the outside world. Go outside and enjoy the sun. This can be hugely beneficial to your testosterone. If you expose yourself to the sun's rays (which are packed with Vitamin D) for 15-20 minutes a day, you can increase your testosterone levels by an incredible 120%. If you sunbathe naked, that percentage will be even higher. Just make sure you don't get caught.
  6. Address problems with high blood pressure. Research has shown that men with high blood pressure are 1.8 times more likely to suffer from lower levels of testosterone than men who do not.
    • There are specific diets you can start with to lower your high blood pressure and boost your testosterone levels.
    • Other factors, such as reducing stress, drinking less, and not being overweight can also lower blood pressure.
    • And if all that fails, there are also drugs that can help control your hypertension. Consult your doctor to discuss the best plan of action.
  7. Avoid xenoestrogens. Xenoestrogens are chemicals that mimic the effect of estrogen in the body. And that is not good for your testosterone levels. Unfortunately, xenoestrogens have infiltrated our daily lives almost everywhere, and are nearly impossible to avoid altogether. Here are some ways you can limit exposure to it:
    • Do not heat your food in plastic containers. If you eat leftovers, make sure to put your food on a plate before putting it in the microwave. Most plastic packaging contains phthalates (a type of xenoestrogen) that can transfer to your food when the plastic is heated. If possible, keep your food in glass containers.
    • Limit exposure to pesticides and gasoline. These both contain xenoestrogens, so try to limit your exposure to them as much as possible. If you come into contact with either, wash your hands thoroughly.
    • Eat organic products. Non-organic products are often injected with pesticides and injected with hormones that mimic the effects of estrogen in the body. Choose organic products as much as possible. Also, always wash your fruits and vegetables thoroughly before eating them. Try to avoid meat and dairy from hormone-treated cows.
    • Use natural products for daily care. Shampoos, toothpastes, and deodorants can expose the body to xenoestrogens. So consider switching to natural products.
  8. Go to the doctor. If you think you are testosterone deficient, see your doctor. Your doctor will prescribe medications that will help your body produce more of this super hormone.


  • Before puberty, the amount of testosterone is very low. Testosterone levels will continue to increase steadily until you are 40, and then decline.
  • Be humble. Don't act like you know exactly what you're talking about when you don't. Your testosterone levels can be lowered by being wrong and realizing it. If you're discussing something you don't know much about, it's better to just listen and learn.


  • If you plan to take supplements, do your homework first. Also consult your doctor before starting.