
Author: Roger Morrison
Date Of Creation: 7 September 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
IC3PEAK - Марш (Marching)
Video: IC3PEAK - Марш (Marching)


Marching is a formal form of walking that maintains a constant beat and cadence while walking. Marching is an integral part of military life and is also important for brass bands and flag guards. Each organization has its own rules for marching, drilling, and ceremony, but you can get a feel for the basics below!

To step

Part 1 of 3: Learning resting positions

  1. Be prepared. There are two possible stand-by commands: "Enter" is used to either gather individuals in formation or return the marchers to their original position. "Give eight" is a command given during the rest position. You must respond to both commands by standing ready (to attention).
    • Bring your heels together evenly, with the toes pointing slightly outward to form a 45 degree angle between your feet.
    • Try to balance your weight over the entirety of both feet.
    • Don't lock your knees, but keep your legs straight.
    • Keep your shoulders straight, your chest up and your upper body in line with your hips.
    • Let your arms hang on either side of your body without any stiffness. Your fingers should be slightly curled, with your thumbs against the first joint of your index finger on the side.
    • Keep your thumbs in a straight line with the seams of your trouser legs, with the first joints of your index fingers touching your trouser legs.
    • Keep still while standing, and don't move or talk unless directed to do so.
    • A variant of standing at posture is accelerated standing at posture. Everyone has to stand ready in this position, but in a hurry. The heels are also brought together faster.
  2. Proceed to "Section Halt". "Division halt" is an order given to a marching group standing by at the time. This command also has other variants.
    • Do not proceed to "Department Halt" until you are commanded to do so.
    • On command, keep your right foot on the floor as you move your left foot about 4 inches to the left.
    • Keep your legs straight, but don't lock your knees. Distribute your weight on both feet, just as you did when standing at attention.
    • Place both hands behind you, towards the narrow part of your back. Keeping the fingers of both hands extended, engage your two thumbs together with your right palm facing out.
    • Keep your hands on your lower back, making sure your arms stay straight.
    • Center both hands, linked together in the middle of your back (also called "centered on the belt").
    • Keep your head and eyes straight in front of you as you did while standing at attention.
    • Do not speak or move until you are told to do so.
  3. Stand on the spot. Resting in place is similar to "Department halt", except that you turn your head and eyes to look directly at the person in charge of your formation. As with "Department Halt" position, do not move or speak until you are told to do so.
  4. Respond to the "On site, rest" command. The "On the spot, rest" command is different from the "On the spot, rest" command in that individuals are allowed to move slightly when they are told "On the spot, rest". In doing so, however, the person must keep his right foot in place and remain silent unless otherwise directed.
  5. Peace. The final resting position is the command "Rest." On the command "Rest", the person marching may move their arms, talk, have some food or a drink, unless otherwise instructed. During the Rest pose, each individual must still keep their right foot on the ground.
  6. Learn the viewpoints when standing at attention. There are five directions you can look up and learn: head - front / (half) left / (half) right. Each of these movements is initiated from standing at attention.
    • Head left / right. On command, slightly lift your right heel and left toe at the same time to turn 90 degrees in the direction you are instructed to do. Keep your arms in position all the time, and on count two, bring your feet into position.
    • Main front. Move the ball of your right foot back about half a foot length and slightly to the left of your left heel. On the second beat, turn 180 degrees to the right (on the ball of your right foot and the heel of your left foot) while keeping your arms in position the entire time.
    • Head half left / right. These are only performed in a situation where a 90 degree turn would not point in the desired direction. It is usually used to aim the flag to pay tribute, such as during a reveille or retreat.
  7. Salute with your hand. The hand salute is performed when the command "Present rifle" is given. This command can be given while the person marching is stationary or moving. When the command is given during a march, only the person in charge of the march salutes. If the formation is in run, you must go to normal marching pace before saluting.
    • If you wear a hat with a peak, on command you must raise your right hand sharply with the fingers and thumb extended and together. Hold your palm down and touch the tip of your right index finger to the edge of your flap just to the right of your right eye.
    • If you are wearing a hat without a peak, or no hat, the hand salute is the same, except you should touch your forehead with the tip of your right index finger, just to the right of your right eyebrow.
    • If you are wearing glasses and a hat without a visor (or no hat), the hand salute is the same, except you should touch the tip of your right index finger on the part of your glasses where the side frame touches the right edge of your right eyebrow.
    • When you receive the command "Shutdown, gun" from a salute, quickly return your hand to your side and return to attention.

Part 2 of 3: Marching

  1. Learn the basic marching instructions. Also when learning the gait for each member of a formation, it is good to take note of the standard marching instructions that each member of a formation should master. This will help you in individual marching as well as marching as a group.
    • All movements you perform from the Halt command must be initiated from the stance.
    • All marching movements except "Normal pass, march" and "Spot, march" are performed while marching to attention.
    • Marching to Attitude combines standing to Attitude with the prescribed marching steps, and are performed simultaneously.
    • When performing steps from the Halt position, any movement, except the right step, starts from the left foot.
    • One step counts as the distance from one heel to the other.
    • All steps during marching are performed at marching pace, i.e. 112 steps per minute. An exception is the run, which is performed at 180 steps per minute when you receive the command "Run, march".
  2. Run the run. If you run the run from Halt, you will be given the command, "Forward, march". It's a two-part movement. When you are given the command "Forward", shift your weight slightly to the right foot. At the command "Mars", step forward about three feet and lead with your left foot. Continue to take steps of about 75 cm forward, alternating with the feet, depending on which step you are performing.
    • Do not bend your elbows or exaggerate your movements.
    • Let your arms swing in a natural motion. Try to swing them about 8 inches in front of you and 6 inches behind you.
    • Keep your eyes and head forward.
    • Make sure to keep your fingers curled, such as when standing in the pose.
  3. Stop from a march. Before you receive the Halt command, you are given the preliminary command, either "Company" or "Platoon" with one of your feet touching the ground. The last command, "Halt", will be given the next time the foot hits the ground.
    • Bring your back foot past your leading foot.
    • Stand to attention.
    • Stop any further movement until you get an order.
  4. Change your step. The "Change the step" command is only given to someone who is marching in a group and is out of step with everyone else in his formation, but it is an important command to learn if you are hoping to march in formation. It is performed only during a forward march with a step of 75 cm.
    • You are given the command: "Change the pass, march".
    • "Change the stride" is pronounced with your right foot touching the ground.
    • On "Mars" you take an extra step with your left foot, then place your right toe near your left heel for a beat.
    • Step again with the left foot.
    • Keep your arms swinging naturally and try to keep pace with everyone else in your formation.
  5. Perform a "On the spot, march". "On the spot, march" is a rest movement commanded during the 75 cm step. The command "Spot" or "Rest" is given when one of your feet hits the ground. On the command "Mars" you no longer have to run at the same cadence as the rest of the formation.
    • While you are not required to keep marching in step, you should remain silent and maintain roughly the intervals and distance that you previously held.
  6. Perform a "Regular Step, March". The "Regular walk, march" is performed identically to the regular march. The only difference is that you are now allowed to drink from your field fes and talk to the other marchers.
  7. March on the spot. If you are expected to march in place, you will be given the command "In place, march". The command is given with one of your feet touching the ground, usually during a 75cm or 40cm step forward. On the "Mars" command, bring your back foot up next to your front foot and begin marching in place.
    • Take turns lifting each foot two inches off the ground.
    • Don't move your feet forward. Just alternate feet as you march in place.
    • Keep your arms swinging naturally, as you would during a 30-inch step forward.
    • If you are given the follow-up command, "Forward, march," take one more step in place on the "Mars" command before starting the forward 30-inch step.

Part 3 of 3: Marching in formation

  1. Keep the right distance. While marching in formation, it is important to keep the correct distance from the person marching in front of you. This is to ensure that everyone stays at a distance and does not run into someone else.
    • The correct distance between individuals when marching is one arm's length plus an extra 15 cm (about 90-100 cm in total).
  2. Form a section. Sections usually form in a linear formation. A section can re-form in a column if each member in formation can recognize its exact position, but this usually only occurs when each individual's equipment is left on the ground where it was during formation.
    • The section leader will stand to attention and give the command "Enter."
    • On the command "Enter", you must quickly move to your position in the formation and follow the lead from the right flank.
    • Stand at attention, turn your head and eyes to the right and raise your left arm like the person on the right flank.
    • Keep your left arm at shoulder height with the elbow locked, fingers and thumb extended and together, and your palm facing down.
    • Take short steps forward or backward to keep pace with the person on the right flank.
    • Take short steps to the left or right so that your shoulder touches the individual's fingertips on the right.
    • Once in place (called the "normal interval"), lower your arm to your side, rotate your head and eyes forward, and return to your position.
  3. March with the Section. When marching short distances, you and your team may be marching forward in a line formation. If you are marching a longer distance, you and your team may be marching in a column formation. If you are expected to form a column from a line formation, you will be given the command "Right, at".
  4. Follow a march to the flank. If you are in a column that travels a short distance, you may be ordered to march to the flank. The command you get is "Right (or left) from flank, march".
    • On the command of the right or left flank, the foot hitting the ground is the direction to march.
    • On the command "Mars" take another step, turn 90 degrees on the ball of your lead foot to indicate the desired direction and step out with the trailing foot in the new direction.
    • When you start marching in the new direction with your section, look out of the corner of your right eye and line up to the right to make sure you are in good formation.
  5. Get out of formation. Leaving formation frees you from strict form, but not from your service (unless otherwise specified for the "Retreated" command). You no longer have to stand at attention. If you march with weapons, you will receive one of the following commands before you are "fired":
    • Present, gun
    • In carrying position, rifle
    • Drop it, gun
    • Each of these can be followed by the command "Torn Down".


  • Always keep in mind the heel beat and the cadence of the march. Keeping a steady rhythm will help you keep pace.
  • Practice where possible to perfect your skills.
  • Marching can be tricky at first, and it can be hard to keep pace. Don't get discouraged. If you practice enough, you will get it etched in memory.
  • Stretch your muscles before and after performing the exercises.Many marching and drilling movements require standing still or moving stiffly for a long time, which can cause cramping or pain.
  • Be serious while marching and drilling. Do not talk to other people if you are not "at rest". Take a military stance and act in a way that suits your part.


  • Do not block your knees while standing at attention. This puts your balance at risk and if you have to stand for a long time it can even lead to fainting. Loosen your knees a bit, but keep them straight enough to keep the military look.
  • Commands and expectations may vary depending on the country and the segment you are marching in. Check for a specific variation and follow the rules down to the smallest detail.


  • Wear drill / net / parade shoes if available (this will make the movement easier)
  • A hard floor surface (carpet dampens the tapping of the heels)