Be tasty

Author: Charles Brown
Date Of Creation: 1 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
20 Maneiras De Fazer Bolos Atraentes | Idéias Deliciosas Do Bolo
Video: 20 Maneiras De Fazer Bolos Atraentes | Idéias Deliciosas Do Bolo


There is more to being tasty than just a look - it is also a frame of mind. Not only do you need to look confident, sexy, and intriguing, you also need to know that you look good. And behave accordingly. Whether you're walking down the street or stopping for a chat, if you do it the right way, everyone will start to think you are hot in no time.

To step

Part 1 of 2: Getting the look

  1. Make sure you are "hot" instead of "cute". Being "nice" is associated with an adult to whom other people feel an immediate sexual attraction. This is in stark contrast to being "cute". Usually when people are considered cute, they are found attractive in a more youthful way. Not in the sexual way. So if you want to be a bombshell, you need to emphasize your curves. If you want to be a hot guy, you should try to be more like George Clooney and less like Justin Bieber.
    • There is also the misconception that "hot" means the same as "sexy", when it is not at all. "Sexy" means that you are attractive in a more mature way (which does not require a raw edge). For example, consider the difference between Megan Fox and Mariah Carey. Mariah Carey is a stylish mature woman (which makes her sexy). Megan Fox has a raw edge, is seductive, and daring (which makes her "hot").
  2. Apply a raw edge. To look good, you have to be a little intriguing and mysterious. When people see you, you want them to think "oooooh" instead of "awwwwww". You can do this by not telling everyone about yourself right away, by not always being available, and by taking a little longer to reveal yourself. This will make people wonder what you really are like and make guesses.
    • You need to have a little edge. Consider the difference between the stereotypical rock star and the stereotypical teacher. If they both look good, you are more likely to characterize the rock star as hot and the teacher more likely to be cute. It's both good, but if you want to be hot, it's best to be a little flirty or rebellious.
  3. Feel comfortable in your body. To be sexually attractive, you need to be comfortable in your own skin and know how to emphasize your best qualities. That doesn't mean you have to show a lot of nudity, but a little bit of seduction won't hurt. If you're comfortable with it, you can show people the body parts you like most - or just enough to intrigue them, anyway. Whether you want to show off your sculpted arms or just a little cleavage, you're well on your way to being hot.
  4. Make sure you have a good posture. Stand tall and try to show that you are happy with who you are and what you look like. Keep your shoulders back, your head lifted, and your arms at your sides. Don't let your body hang, as this won't make you look very confident. People who are hot are of good build because they are proud to have what they have. And they also love to show that. If you're a woman, walk like a diva. Put on a seductive smile every now and then.
  5. Get in shape. There are tons of hot people out there who aren't in the best shape possible; there are also many people who do but are not well. However, if you want to get the attention of others, you can try to lose weight if you are overweight. Or you can go to the gym if you are too thin. Make an appointment at the local gym to see which machines / routines will work for you.
    • Exercising will make you feel better about yourself and be happy with who you are. This will make you look and feel great.
  6. Be hygienic. This means brushing and flossing your teeth at least twice a day. Wash your face to get rid of acne and blackheads. Wash your hair every other day (or anytime, depending on your hair type), and generally just take good care of your body. Use deodorant, trim your nails, and smell fresh. If you want you can put on a nice scent. You can also treat yourself to a day at the spa.
    • It doesn't matter how often you exercise, if you don't smell good people will not like you.
  7. Look grown up. Make sure you look good, wear clothes that benefit your figure. Remember that "goodness" is in the eye of the beholder. However, that doesn't mean you don't have to look for clothes that complement you in color and style. Here are some things to keep in mind:
    • If you follow fashion, you could be noticed more quickly.
    • Wear jewelry. Look for earrings, necklaces, bracelets, rings, etc.
    • Do not wear sportswear, tennis shoes, or T-shirts obtained for free. Only put these on when you go to the gym.
    • You can dress easily, but try to make it look like you've taken care of it.
  8. Maintain a good haircut. Some good hairstyles include straightening, curling, or waving the hair. You can also opt for waves, a fishbone, a ponytail, or a bun. Hot people are dynamic, often changing their looks to keep people alert. For example, think of Jennifer Lawrence who suddenly appeared on the red carpet with a short haircut - she looks even more gorgeous now!
    • As for guys, if you've found a haircut that does you justice, you can keep it that way for a while. If you go bald, don't underestimate how good a completely shaved head can be. And a little gray is also absolutely delicious.
  9. If you are a girl, consider wearing makeup. Just do it in moderation. Eyeshadow, mascara, eyeliner and lip gloss is all you need. Unless you have a lot of acne or another skin condition; in that case you can also opt for a concealer. Makeup can let guys know that you enjoy their attention. (While this may sound a bit unrealistic, anything "sexy" can actually make men feel like you're begging for their attention. So be careful and don't overdo it with makeup).
  10. Dress a little bit daring. If you are male, you can skip this step. When it comes to clothing, you can opt for sleeveless shirts, shorts, yoga leggings, and jeans. When you're young, you can wear just about anything. But remember: non-disguising clothes really don't make you feel any better.

Part 2 of 2: Behaving nicely

  1. Be mature. You can't "be nice" when you remind people of a young child. You could achieve this effect by constantly complaining, arguing, and acting immature. Have an elegant attitude, present yourself with class, and be polite to everyone you meet. Treat people with respect, avoid complaining, and take responsibility for your actions. If you act like an adult, people will see that it is worth getting to know you; that you are someone who should be taken seriously.
    • You don't want people to turn you off because they think you are a crybaby or a complainer. Make sure you convey an image of you that is not childish.
  2. Be cool. Consider, for example, Brad Pitt. He is considered hot by most (but not all) women because he is cool and handsome. Also, he does not talk or laugh all the time (this does not mean that you are not allowed to laugh at others or talk to others).
    • Nice people say things that are important, funny, or interesting.
    • In frightening situations, hot people can impress others by not freaking out, telling others that everything is going to be okay, and sometimes getting the problem out of the way.
    • Someone who is hot is usually not hyper or nervous.
  3. Radiate confidence. Hot people know they are tasty and have the self-confidence to convey that. Be proud of who you are and happy with who you are. Walk with your head held high and talk about positive things and things that make you happy. If you walk around like you're waiting for someone to notice you, or like you don't know who you are, people aren't likely to see you as hot. Rather put on a big smile when you walk into a room, be kind to people, and give others the benefit of the doubt when you first meet them. This is better than being equally suspicious of people outside of your social circle.
    • If you want to be confident, hang out with people who make you feel good about yourself.
    • It's okay, of course, to doubt yourself a bit. You don't always have to act like you are so happy with yourself. If you have any doubts, talk to a good friend about it. Don't let everyone around you know that you feel insecure.
  4. Don't get too emotional. You can be very happy or very angry. Of course. But in general, hot people are quite well-balanced. You don't see them crying with happiness, shouting when they meet friends, or their teachers losing weight. Instead, they know how to show happiness or sadness, but don't overdo it.They don't draw attention to themselves because of their feelings. People will see them because they are great, not because they have a tantrum.
    • If you're talking to a friend and you feel like you're getting mad, take a moment to cool off.
  5. Treat everyone nicely. It's a myth that hot people can only be nice to other hot people, ignoring others "below" them. If you're really hot, you can see through appearance and see which people are worth getting to know. Don't just hang out with other hot people, which will make you look good too: rather hang out with people you respect the most, and who you like the most. Take a look around and ask yourself: are these people really the nice, nice people I want to hang out with?
    • If you are nice to everyone, people will be more impressed by you. They will think you are great because you are nice to everyone, no matter how hot you are. They will say you didn't let it go to your head.
    • This includes strangers and people you've just met. Do not start the conversation in a prejudiced manner, rather try it with enthusiasm and curiosity.
    • Don't be a snob. Don't walk past that girl from your history class because you don't think it's "cool" to greet people.
  6. Don't brag too much. Just because you're hot doesn't give you the right to rattle on about how much you pressed the bench, how good you look in your new clothes, or how many phone numbers you scored last weekend. If you're really hot, people will notice this. They will do the work for you. People aren't really going to like you if you're constantly trying to prove it. The next time you start bragging about yourself, stop yourself. Prefer to praise someone else.
    • If you are humble and modest then this can do your "goodness" good. If you brag about yourself all the time, people won't like you. Purely because you are so full of yourself.
  7. Keep your options open. Hot people don't obsess over one flame, nor do they spend all their time with their boyfriend / girlfriend. Instead, they prefer to try something out every now and then. If they find someone they like, they will continue to interact with them, but generally good people prefer to keep it a bit lighter. They enjoy exploring their options. When you're at a party or club, don't aim your arrows at just one person: rather talk to a variety of people, you might like someone you didn't expect.
    • Hot people are also not taken aback when they are rejected. Sure, rejection is annoying, but don't feel sorry for yourself for too long - none of that is worth it.
  8. Don't try to look at yourself in the mirror in public places all the time. If you are hot, you should know. Don't check yourself out in the windows all the time, and don't bring a mirror to change your makeup in front of others. Your goodness should look easy, like you don't have to put any effort into it. If you want to check your appearance, do so in the privacy of the toilet. Not in public. You will look insecure if you do.
  9. Be courteous. Nice people are courteous and happy with what they have. They are not bad losers, they do not get angry about little things, and they are not rude to waiters, teachers, or strangers. Courteous people treat everyone with respect, are helpful, and recognize that they are happy to live. Don't act like you need to be treated like the Princess of Monaco, and treat everyone else like rubbish. This behavior is ugly and will turn people off at you.
    • Courteous people know they have to work to get what they want. They do not believe that they "deserve" the very best, no less than that. If you really want to be tasty, then you also have to be nice and courteous.
  10. Be nice to your friends. There is a stereotypical human that sees his / her friends more as accessories (like Regina George in Mean Girls). They do this because they are so good that they can do whatever they want. Up to you to break that trend. Don't treat your friends like lemmings, helpers, or followers who should always dance to your tune. Treat them as equals, and give them as much say as you have yourself. Ask how they are doing, take the time to do something nice for them, and make sure your friendships are valuable.
    • Don't be the one to gossip about his / her friends when they are out of earshot. You will soon earn a bad reputation for yourself.
  11. Be around people you are attracted to. If you want to be hot, you should be able to flirt a little while talking to someone you like. However, this does not mean that you have to throw all your cards directly on the table. Find the right balance between keeping your peace and giving the other person something that he / she can work with. You'll come across as nice that way, but people will still want to get to know you better. If people think you're an ice bunny, or Narcissus (who fell in love with himself in the mirror), then you're not going to score many dates. No matter how handsome you are.
    • And if someone comes up to you that you're not interested in, be as nice as you can. Just because you think they are uncomfortable or cool does not mean that you should not treat them as a human being.
    • Don't act like you are the king, and that person should beg you for a minute of your time. Always be on an equal footing with whoever you are talking to.


  • If you can act both innocent and nice, then you've got the ultimate combo. A mysterious, rebellious side paired with an apparently innocent look.
  • Be yourself.
  • Don't try too hard to be "hot" if that doesn't suit you, or if you don't feel comfortable doing it. People can be attractive in different ways. There's nothing wrong with being cute, or pretty, etc. Imagine Audrey Hepburn, for example, trying to look as "hot" as Marilyn Monroe - it just doesn't work!
  • If you want to be attractive, then you need to dress in a way that suits you. If that means showing more or less nudity, then do it. Always make sure that your clothing style is appropriate for the occasion.
  • Being able to let someone know that you want them is nice. But it is also nice when you play hard-to-get. Make the other person wait so that he / she starts wanting you, is seduced, and turned on.
  • Look for celebrities who are considered "hot" for what they do: maybe you can learn from them, or even take something from them.
  • Smile with your eyes. People are drawn to someone else's smile, especially if it is authentic.
  • A main ingredient of being "tasty" is to be happy with yourself and enjoy your own feelings. If you look like you appreciate your body, the chances others will.
  • Remember to smile and be happy.
  • For some reason, a black dress with a turtleneck and long sleeves can make you look delicious and mysterious.
  • For women, looking good can mean accentuating their curves. Men can emphasize their strong body. Men can do this by wearing a suit, for example. Women can wear knee boots with dark lipstick. Just don't overdo it, a simple sultry look is the motto.


  • Trying too hard can make you appear arrogant or vain. It's more about how you express yourself than you look. So don't spend too much time in front of the mirror.
  • When girls walk with their chests out and their shoulders back, some may see this as trying too hard. And remember, nobody likes desperate girls.


  • Makeup
  • Decent, stylish clothing
  • Chic accessories
  • Good shoes
  • Hairspray
  • Self confidence