Get what you want

Author: Judy Howell
Date Of Creation: 4 July 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
The Rolling Stones - You Can’t Always Get What You Want (Official Video) [4K]
Video: The Rolling Stones - You Can’t Always Get What You Want (Official Video) [4K]


Everyone has dreams and desires that seem out of reach. Yet it does not have to stay that way. With a few simple steps and some self-control, you can be on track to achieving goals you didn't think were possible before.

To step

Method 1 of 3: Create a plan

  1. Make a "must-do" list. Everyone has a to-do list, and it is rarely completed. The problem with a to-do list is that the points on it are not really urgent. On a must-do list, on the other hand, you put points that are necessary for you to progress.
    • Research shows that people who are constantly busy achieving their goals are generally more satisfied with their lives than people who think about their problems.
    • Make a short, targeted list. Write down 2 or 3 goals you want to achieve that day.
    • Keep your list handy. Check it occasionally during the day to make sure you are on the right track to achieve your goals.
    • Make sure that your goals can actually be achieved. Setting high goals is good for your motivation, but make sure your must-do list includes concrete, achievable goals for the day.
  2. Record where and when you want to achieve your goals. You will achieve your goals faster if you record this properly.
    • Writing a sentence on your list like "I will take [an action] when faced with [a situation]," will make you feel more motivated and less likely to procrastinate.
  3. Confirm your goals and desires regularly. Keep your end goals in view and adjust them as your life and the situation you find yourself in change.
    • Don't get stuck in things you haven't achieved yet. Instead, focus on the process you are going through to achieve your goals.

Method 2 of 3: Take action

  1. Take baby steps. Rather than focusing on your end goal, break the process down into daily goals that are easy to oversee.
    • For example, instead of saying, “My goal today is to get a raise,” approach your goal so that it is easy to handle. Start with smaller goals, like getting to work on time every day or doing everything you can to have a conversation with your boss.
    • The purpose of small steps is to work towards your end goal by means of concrete, achievable goals.
  2. Show self-control and self-discipline. In today's world you can be distracted by countless things and you can very easily get lost. Keep your must-do list handy and check it out whenever you feel like you're going off course.
    • Don't get caught up in pursuits that waste a lot of your time when you have goals to achieve. Schedule a fixed time each day to relax.
    • Resist the temptation to "work on it tomorrow." Remind yourself that you need to achieve all of the goals on your list today.
  3. Practice until you are good at it. Take the time to work on skills that you have not yet mastered. When you master more skills, it means that you have more options.
    • Improve the skills you need to achieve your goal. For example, if you want a raise, work on the skills you need for your job in your spare time so that you can do your job more effectively.
    • Expand your skills. Work on skills that may have nothing to do with your current goals, but that do interest you. This not only keeps you productive, but also makes you a more balanced and capable person.
  4. Never give up. You will encounter difficulties and have to deal with adversity. Focus on your goals and stay positive. Celebrate every little victory to cheer yourself up. Approach each adversity as a lesson you must learn, scribble back up and try it in a different way.
  5. Have confidence. Having self-confidence is essential in achieving goals and changing your life. This affects how you interact with others and will drastically increase your motivation. Be proud of everything you do and think and learn from your mistakes.
    • Make sure you can laugh at yourself, but don't underestimate yourself.
    • Being confident and arrogant are two different things. Keep your ego in check by staying realistic. Arrogance is often seen as a sign of insecurity. If you have true self-confidence, it also inspires self-confidence and trust in others.

Method 3 of 3: Networking and interacting with people

  1. Spend time with positive people. Optimism is contagious, and surrounding yourself with optimists will make you more optimistic yourself. A positive attitude is necessary to achieve your goals and to feel generally satisfied with your life.
    • Avoid pessimists and doomsayers. Do not allow people to speak negatively about your goals.
    • Be aware of the feelings of the people you associate with. This has a major influence on your own feelings and motivation.
  2. Talk to important people. There will always be someone in a higher position than yours. Do everything you can to connect with people who have more power than you.
    • Start with greetings and short conversations. When the person gets to know you better, ask for advice. Also, see what you can do to help this person so that they are more likely to help you too.
    • Don't appear arrogant or over-eager. Keep going, but don't be annoying.
    • Again, you can go far with self-confidence. Powerful people value self-confidence and reward those who give that little bit extra.
  3. Make friends with people from all walks of life. Networking is essential if you want to achieve your goals and move forward in life. Broaden your horizons by coming into contact with people from other social groups and disciplines.
    • The more people you know, the more options you will have. You will also increase your own social network as you will meet people who can help you achieve your goals.
    • Your own personal influence will grow as your network grows. You will realize that if you can influence more people, you will also be better able to make your goals a reality.
    • Take advantage of professional social networking sites such as LinkedIn when networking at a professional level.
  4. Stay tidy and respect others. Mutual trust and respect for each other are at the heart of a strong relationship. You must have developed a relationship of trust with someone if you want to be able to rely on someone in difficult times. It is not possible to have this relationship of trust when you base your relationship on unkind comments.
    • People in a higher position than you expect you to respect them. They will not respond well to people who disrespect them. Adapt to them and if you disagree with them for once, let them know without attacking them.
  5. Read the body language of others. When speaking to other people in person, the other person's body language clearly shows how he or she feels about you. There are many different ways you can read and interpret someone else's body language. Here are a few important pointers:
    • If the other person doesn't make eye contact with you, they probably aren't interested in what you have to say or they don't think you are worth their time.
    • If the other person is clearly sitting or standing upright, making eye contact with you, and also opening their eyes better, they are most likely interested in you or what you have to say.
    • Crossing their arms indicates a defensive attitude; the other is likely to disagree with your ideas or thoughts.