Making cannabis cookies

Author: Roger Morrison
Date Of Creation: 3 September 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Quick & Easy | How To Make Chocolate Chip Weed Cookies
Video: Quick & Easy | How To Make Chocolate Chip Weed Cookies


Cannabis biscuits are a great source of THC for those who prefer not to smoke cannabis. Eating cannabis cookies can induce a more intense, longer high than smoking it. If you want to make cannabis cookies, you must first make cannabis butter. Then you can either replace the regular butter in your favorite cookie recipe with cannabis butter, or try making a standard cannabis cookie recipe with chocolate chips.


Cannabis butter

  • 2 bars of unsalted butter
  • 14 grams of cannabis (ground and with the seeds / twigs removed)
  • 1 cup of water

Cookies with pieces of chocolate

  • 1 and 1/3 cup all-purpose flour
  • 1/4 teaspoon of salt
  • 1/4 teaspoon of sodium bicarbonate
  • 1/2 cup of cannabis butter
  • 2/3 cup of brown sugar
  • 1/3 cup granulated sugar
  • 2 teaspoons of pure vanilla extract
  • 1 egg
  • 1 and 1/3 cup pieces of chocolate

To step

Part 1 of 2: Making cannabis butter to bake the cookies

  1. Collect all the ingredients. Cannabis butter is butter with the THC from cannabis leaves. This is necessary to make cannabis cookies. Making cannabis butter is easy, but it is time consuming and requires a relatively large amount of cannabis. You will need:
    • 2 bars of unsalted butter
    • 14 grams of cannabis (ground and with seeds / twigs removed)
    • 1 cup of water
  2. Provide a double boiler to melt the butter. The bain-marie will melt the butter and allow the cannabis to soak in without excessive heat. Use a double boiler if you have this. If you don't have a bain-marie, you can make one yourself.
    • To make a double boiler, put a saucepan on your stove and fill it to about 1/3 full with water. Then place a medium bowl on the cooking pan. The bowl should be large enough to get over the sides of the cooking pan, but small enough so that the bottom of it is in or near the water.
    • Heating cannabis is necessary to get the THC out and enjoy the psychoactive effects of the plant. You cannot process the THC in raw cannabis, so eating raw cannabis will have no effect.
  3. Melt the butter in the bowl of the double boiler. Place your two bars of butter in the bowl of the double boiler and reduce the heat to low to medium heat. The water will be heated and the steam will cause the butter to melt slowly.
    • Keep the heat low. The butter should not start to boil.
    • The THC in cannabis is fat soluble, but not water soluble. This means that it is necessary for the cannabis to be heated in butter or in oil to get the THC that is used during baking.
    • If you don't eat dairy and prefer not to use butter, you can opt for non-dairy margarine or coconut oil instead.
  4. Wrap the cannabis in the cheesecloth. While the butter is melting, you can prepare the cannabis. Place a piece of cheesecloth on a clean surface and fold it in half. This ensures that no cannabis can be lost from the cheesecloth. Then place your cannabis in the center of the cheesecloth.
    • Fold the shorter edges of the cheesecloth over first. Then fold over one of the long boards and roll the cannabis towards the other edge, just like you would roll a burrito.
    • Use the cooking twine to tie the burrito together. Make sure to tie the twine evenly around the burrito and tie it well to keep it from falling apart.
  5. Place the "tea bag" with cannabis in the melted butter. Place the bag of cannabis in the melted butter. You may need to fold it a bit so that it fits in the bowl. You can also use a metal spoon to push it a little deeper into the butter.
  6. Add 1 cup of warm water to the butter. Adding water will submerge all of the cannabis and help the cannabis release the THC. Pour a cup of warm water into the bowl with the melted butter and cannabis.
    • Remember that the THC in cannabis is fat soluble, but not water soluble. This means that water alone will not extract much THC from the cannabis. The water will only help heat the cannabis so that it can be absorbed by the fat in the butter.
  7. Cover the cannabis and let it steep. After this, you need to cover the bowl with a heat-resistant lid and let the cannabis soak in the butter for four to six hours. Remember that the longer you let the cannabis soak in the butter, the more potent the cannabis butter will become.
    • If you prefer that the cannabis butter does not contain too much THC, you can stop brewing it after three to four hours. However, if you prefer a powerful butter, let it steep for the full six hours.
  8. Remove the cannabis from the butter. When the cannabis has finished brewing, the butter will have turned green. Now remove the bowl from the double boiler and use oven gloves to protect your hands from the heat. Then, with a grooved metal spoon, remove the cannabis "tea bag" from the butter and set it aside.
    • You can also use a second metal spoon to squeeze the cannabis tea bag and squeeze any excess liquid out and back into the bowl.
  9. Let the butter cool. You can let the cannabis butter cool in the bowl or move it to another container if you prefer. Let the bowl and cannabis butter cool to room temperature and then place the bowl in the refrigerator.
    • You can leave the butter in the fridge for several hours or overnight.
    • If you move the liquid to an aluminum container, you can easily drain it after it has cooled.
  10. Drain the water. After the butter has cooled to room temperature it will be solid again. The butter will also have risen to the top of the bowl and the water you added will be at the bottom of the bowl.
    • Pour out the water and keep the butter. You can use a colander or simply press a hole in the bottom of your aluminum container after moving the butter.
    • The butter is now ready to be used to bake chocolate chip cookies or as a one-to-one substitute for regular butter in your favorite cookie recipe. For example, you can substitute 1/2 cup of butter in a recipe for 1/2 cup of cannabis butter.

Part 2 of 2: Baking cannabis cookies with chocolate chips

  1. Combine the flour, salt and sodium bicarbonate. Measure 1 and 1/3 cup of flour, ¼ teaspoon of salt and ¼ teaspoon of sodium bicarbonate and add to a large mixing bowl. Use a whisk or fork to combine all the ingredients. Then set the dry mixture aside.
  2. Combine the cannabis butter and sugar. Measure out ½ cup of cannabis butter, 2/3 cup of brown sugar, and 1/3 cup of granulated sugar. Use a hand mixer to mix the sugar and cannabis butter until foamy.
    • Make sure the cannabis butter is at room temperature before mixing it with the sugar.
  3. Add the vanilla and the egg. Then add two teaspoons of vanilla extract and the egg to the cannabis butter and sugar mixture. Use a hand mixer to mix all the ingredients together until you get a uniform mixture.
  4. Stir in the chocolate pieces. Measure out 1 and 1/3 cup pieces of chocolate and stir them into the liquid ingredients. Make sure the chocolate pieces are evenly distributed in the mixture.
  5. Mix in the flour. To finish the batter you need to add the dry ingredients you have prepared. Add the flour, salt, and sodium bicarbonate to the wet ingredients. Use a spatula or spoon to mix the dry and wet ingredients together until a dough batter forms.
  6. Spoon the batter onto a sheet of cookie paper. Wrap baking paper around the cookie paper or spray it with a non-sticky spray. Spread the dough balls evenly on the cookie paper.
    • For large cookies, you can scoop ¼ cup of dough onto the cookie paper at a time.
    • If you want smaller cookies, you can try scooping one tablespoon at a time onto the cookie paper.
  7. Bake the cookies. For small cookies, you need to bake the cookies at 190 ° C for 10 to 12 minutes. If you prefer crispy cookies then you should bake for about 12 minutes.
    • For larger cookies, you need to bake the cookies at 190 ° C for 18 to 25 minutes. Around 25 minutes will yield crisper cookies.


  • Be careful when you eat cannabis cookies. Cannabis cookies cause a more intense, longer high than smoking, so maybe start by eating just 1/4 to 1/2 cookie and see what effects it produces.
  • This may be illegal in some places. Please check your local laws before making these cookies.
  • Make sure to store these and other edible forms of cannabis in a safe place and clearly label them. This way people will not accidentally think that they are ordinary cookies and eat them.


  • double boiler or saucepan and a glass bowl of similar size
  • cheesecloth
  • cooking yarn
  • metal spoon
  • 2 large mixing bowls
  • measuring cups and spoons
  • hand mixer
  • spatula
  • cookie paper
  • baking paper or cooking spray that does not stick