Annoy your boyfriend

Author: Frank Hunt
Date Of Creation: 20 March 2021
Update Date: 23 June 2024


Most of the things your boyfriend finds annoying are specific to him and your specific relationship. Basic things like playing psychic games, texting too much, and indecision are common, but everyone has individual preferences. Some guys don't like burping, others don't like it when you touch them with your feet. In all of these things, think about why you are doing them. Inducing playful annoyance can be fun if you do it in moderation - if this is your way of breaking up though, then you may need to learn some lessons in honesty and self-confidence.

To step

Method 1 of 4: Play psychic games

  1. Make a list of things you know are bothering him. Is he annoyed by a particular accent? Does he hate certain bands or music genres? Does he hate to be tickled? These are simple things, but the list is basically endless.
  2. Clean up your list and prepare for the next time you see it. Especially if you see each other on a regular basis, it's easy to annoy him often, as long as you remember your list and are willing to imitate that accent, play that music, and tickle him to your heart's content. Remember, you want to annoy him to make him laugh, not to make him angry.
  3. Be rude. If you're cold and mean, this should come naturally. For a few minutes, forget all your manners out there. Interrupt him, be obnoxious, harass him, whine constantly, and hide his things. See if you can get a laugh from him.
    • Be wary if he is short temper and try not to really hurt his feelings or you might come across as a bully rather than an annoying girlfriend.
  4. Be indecisive. For example, ask where you will eat out, veto his suggestions and then don't come up with your own. Better yet, suggest something he suggested earlier in the conversation.
    • Consider the moment and the situation. Don't be late for a reservation and don't try this if he's already had a long day.
  5. Pretend you're silly. Play with your hair and look at him with a slightly glassy expression as you fixate on his lips.
    • If he asks for your opinion, giggle and say you don't understand any of it.
  6. Pretend to give up all your hobbies and interests to focus on him. Who cares that you used to be a star volleyball player? He loves video games, so the only training you should get is playing FIFA online. It can be cute and endearing to pretend to be just like one of his buddies.
  7. Always ask him what he thinks. The more you ask, the more annoyed he will be. Approach him like a curious child. The more you ask "why," the shorter your conversation will be. Add a little sarcasm to make it clear that you just want to make him laugh.
  8. Be late. Watch for the right time to adopt this strategy. Don't be late for work, but you can be late for a social outing with your friends or family, to have him squirm at any inconvenience. You don't have to say sorry, but do show up on time so any awkwardness is bearable and can be laughed off after the fact.
  9. Talk, ask questions, and make lots of comments while watching TV or a movie. Try to do this especially during an action scene or important parts of the story. Better yet, do it while watching an exciting game.
    • Some guys are shorter when they watch their favorite shows, so make sure you keep a close eye on the context.
  10. Use your words or not. Correct his inaccuracies or manners. Shut up to get whatever you want.
    • Don't ignore him for too long or you could create an unstable situation. Make sure you smile once he understands it's a joke.
  11. Be as needy as you can. Ask for his approval or pretend to be suffocating him with your attention for a short period of time. For example, try to help him with something he just said he doesn't need help with.
  12. Pretend you want to change him. Complain about what he's doing and tell him you want him to change. Make him laugh by performing a parody of how to do things correctly. Exaggerate movements and tell him to do things wrong so he knows you're kidding.
  13. Be immature. The little things always count. Do nasty things like mention his name multiple times, keep touching him when he's trying to concentrate, etc.

Method 2 of 4: Using your phone

  1. Try to have conversations via text message while he's at work or with friends. It's also funny to have him squirm with sexual innuendo when he can't speak. You can also send nonsensical emoticons in response to his messages. Do not adapt the type of communication channel to the content of the message.
  2. Call him repeatedly. Be mindful of his schedule, and then call him two or three times in a row when appropriate, even if you have nothing to say the second and third times.
    • This can be funny as long as he isn't driving or has to stick to a tight schedule.
  3. Notify him when you are free. You can even say something like "I just wanted to annoy you" to let him know you're playful. If he says he's busy, you can say you're just going to annoy him when he's free.
    • Sending random facts or photos can be both fun and annoying, depending on the dynamics of your relationship.
  4. Never put your phone down. Whether you're texting with your friends or playing a game, using your phone all the time is sure to be annoying if your boyfriend wants to spend time with you.
    • Taking selfies and using social media every chance you get allows you to disconnect from the situation, so make sure to make amends when the joke is over.

Method 3 of 4: Pretend you're insecure

  1. Be insecure. Talk about how "ugly" or "fat" you think you look, even if you don't feel that way. Ask him if you look fat. When he says it isn't, keep bothering him about it, but don't make it too uncomfortable for him.
    • Fish for compliments. Never immediately ask for confirmation, but let him know to compliment you.
  2. Limit his time with friends. If he wants to go out without you, pretend you're whining and pouting. Playfully ask him if he goes out to pick up girls, but reassure him once the joke is over.
    • Let him choose whether to do something with his friends or with you. You can make the choice obvious by saying something blatantly playful like, "You can play poker with your friends, of course, but you can also stay at my house and clean the garage."
  3. Play the crazy jealous girlfriend. Men hate it when their girlfriend asks who they were with and what they were doing. Suspicion isn't an aphrodisiac so just pretend you're a crazy jealous girlfriend and don't get too involved in your role.
    • Stick to light interrogations. If you're going to check his phone and computer for evidence of what he's doing when you're not around, there may be bigger problems in the relationship.
    • Tease him about it when he hangs out with other women.
  4. Ask him what he would do in "hypothetical" situations. Feminine tests to get proof that he loves you or will choose you over someone / something or die for you (darling not).
    • Be insecure. Ask questions about things he does and pretend he's doing it on purpose to put you down.

Method 4 of 4: Be a diva

  1. Tell him you are a princess and you deserve to be treated like that. Scare him by pretending to be shopping for expensive gifts to buy for you. This is especially effective if your relationship is still new. If you're planning a date with your boyfriend, tell him to take you to a fancy restaurant. Pretend that you are not spoiled, but that it is your right to demand expensive meals.
  2. Let him drive you around. Make him your personal driver for a few hours or a day. Have him wait for you in the car and do nothing but let him serve you. Just when you know he's getting tired of it, text or call him and let him know it was a joke. Don't overdo it so that he hates you.
  3. Cut off time with him abruptly. After a long day of letting him run around for you, you don't give him a chance to get romantic or intimate. Tell him to take you home so you can sleep. Once you see that he is annoyed, show him that you care.
  4. Go out with your friends. Cancel plans with your boyfriend and tell him it's because you have to date your friends. Make sure you don't cancel anything important and that you don't go too far and make him feel left out.
  5. Make a fuss about everything. Pretend you're getting annoyed for the smallest of reasons and be bitchy. If he thinks you're on your period, pretend you're arguing about how he doesn't understand you and don't know about women.
    • Don't go so far as to question your character. Make it clear that you are overreacting.
  6. Always ask for more. Nothing can ever be enough for you. He buys you roses, but you want chocolate. He hugs you twice a day, but you want him to hug you three times a day. He talks to you for an hour, but you want three hours. Sarcasm and tone are effective in communicating your displeasure.


  • You probably endanger the relationship if you go too far, so perhaps you should rethink this whole idea.
  • If he still wants to be with you after all this, then he's here to stay.


  • If you want to break it up, be aware that this is a very shallow, weak way to do it. Know that this is a very sketchy method that is generally not socially acceptable.
  • Don't keep going and don't go too far. If you're kidding him and he's really mad at you or upset, just let it be and tell him what you meant to do. Otherwise you will lose his confidence.
  • Don't do all of this at once or on a day when he's frustrated or angry with someone else. Don't do it if your boyfriend has been angry with several people in the past few days. Chances are he will get frustrated and unleash all his anger on you, even if you had nothing to do with it.