Make your school better

Author: Tamara Smith
Date Of Creation: 26 January 2021
Update Date: 2 July 2024
Top 10 Ways to Make School Better
Video: Top 10 Ways to Make School Better


If you feel that your school building is not in very good shape, or if it is not an inspiring place, you are probably not alone. By working with others you can form a strong group to improve your school.Improve the building, provide better educational opportunities and run campaigns so that your school becomes a place that everyone can be proud of.

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Method 1 of 4: Improve the appearance of the school

  1. Make your school beautiful. Improving the exterior is the fastest and easiest way to make your school more attractive. Take a good look around you at school and see what cosmetic changes you could easily make. Weeding, trimming the hedge, planting flowers, painting the walls and cleaning up rubbish in the park or parking lot are all things that make things look better very quickly.
  2. Create a garden. Creating a school yard for children and teachers to work in is a great way to increase engagement and make people proud of their school. Do consult with the school board first to get permission.
    • A school garden can contain all kinds of elements that people like - a flower garden, a vegetable garden, or a garden with special plants.
    • The work in the school garden can be linked to all kinds of educational activities. For example, in biology you can learn about photosynthesis or the life cycle of plants.
  3. Make a mural. If you make an inspiring mural at the school, the building will certainly be a lot more beautiful. Your school can first discuss and vote on the design. You can think of the school mascot, a historical figure, a local landmark, etc. The drawing lessons can also be used to create the mural.
    • If the school wants to attract an outside artist to make the mural, make sure that the design, budget and timeline are fully worked out in advance.
  4. Launch a campaign to make the school environment healthier. In some schools, especially older ones, there may still be hazardous materials such as lead paint, lead pipes or asbestos. Removing these substances can be expensive and complicated. But if the school is also concerned about these substances, talk to the board to see what can be done to improve the school.

Method 2 of 4: Increase opportunities

  1. Set up activities and clubs. If there is a lack of enthusiasm or community spirit at your school, you may want to organize some more extracurricular activities. There is something fun for everyone to think of, the possibilities are endless! Campaign to recruit people for activities the school already offers, or start new clubs if interested. Some options are:
    • Sports clubs
    • Dance lessons
    • Art club
    • Drama club
    • Garden club
    • Technology club
    • Film club
    • Cooking club
    • Choir
    • Photography club
  2. Make the school more attractive. If you feel like your school could use improvement because it's boring, don't give up hope! Consult with teachers, school boards and students to find ways to make learning more fun and engaging. If the goal is to innovate and improve your school, everyone will be happy to cooperate and come up with new ideas.
  3. Go green. If you think your school should be more environmentally friendly, there are many ways you can take action. Talk to board members to gather support for ideas such as:
    • Choosing environmentally friendly school supplies
    • Make sure that the waste can be separated at school
    • Replacing the paper towels in the toilet with hand dryers with air
    • Starting a compost pile
    • Planting trees on Earth Day
    • At the end of the day, make sure all lights are off, windows are closed and other appliances are turned off to save energy.
  4. Try to encourage healthy eating habits. There is a lot of discussion about improving meals in school canteens and about healthy eating in general. If this is important to you, try running a campaign to ban sweets, fast food, and soft drinks from the school cafeteria or vending machines. You can also talk to school management about making meals in the cafeteria healthier.
  5. Collect money. If you need money for a project at your school, be it a mural or purchase school supplies for children from poor families, you can start a fundraising campaign. All kinds of ideas are possible, such as:
    • Organizing a flea market
    • Ask local retailers if they would like to make available products that can be raffled
    • Organize an auction to sell artworks created by students
    • Having a game night that requires an entrance fee

Method 3 of 4: Make sure everyone belongs

  1. Let everyone participate. Make sure that all students have an opportunity to participate in activities and clubs, whatever their level of skill or experience. For example, if you are playing a game that only allows 8 people to play, rotate so that players keep going in and out so that everyone has a chance to participate. If everyone is allowed to participate, even if they are not very good at it, it will be much more fun and friendly.
  2. Be nice to new people. It can be very lonely when you are new to a school. Make an effort to make new students feel comfortable.
    • Ask the new student to join you at lunch.
    • Introduce him / her to your friends.
    • Make sure the new student is allowed to participate in games and activities.
  3. Don't gossip about others. You can make the school a more positive place by not participating in gossiping about other people. If people around you say bad things about others, don't be afraid to say that it isn't nice and that they should stop.
    • If someone wants to tell you a gossip, tell them you don't want to talk about others behind their backs, or just change the subject.
    • If someone says something bad about someone else, say something like, "Hey, that's not fun. I don't think it's fair to talk about [insert name here] like that".
  4. Don't accept that there bullied is becoming. Bullying can be a serious problem and shouldn't be tolerated. If you think it is a problem at your school, talk to someone from the school management to address it. You can also address people about bullying behavior you see. If you notice someone bullying someone else (in person or online), you don't have to let it happen:
    • Don't laugh or see what happens. Immediately say something like: "That's not nice. Leave [enter name here] alone".
    • Be a friend. If you notice someone being bullied, make an extra effort to be nice to them. It makes a big difference if this person knows that he / she is not alone.
    • Avoid physical confrontation as much as possible.
    • Tell an adult what you saw happen, whether you interfered or not.

Method 4 of 4: Find support

  1. Consult with the school management. If you think your school could use improvement, you can first talk to the management (the principal or the rector, for example). You can also go to a meeting of the board to express your opinion. It is important to get the support of the leadership, as many projects need to be officially approved first, and you can use them to let you know that you are concerned.
    • Don't be afraid to talk to the management. If you are serious about improving your school and have some ideas, they will love to hear from you.
  2. Ask if parents help. A school is not only a place where students come to learn - it is also an important cornerstone of society. Families are also involved in schools and will be happy to cooperate if things can be improved. Parents can attend parent council meetings, attend board meetings, participate in events, or otherwise help improve the school.
  3. Use social media to find support. While some people may not realize that social media can also have educational value, social networks are powerful tools for mobilizing people. Make sure your school is active on all major social media channels. If this is not the case yet, ask the school management if you can set it up. Whenever your school is going to organize a campaign or project, you can advertise it widely on these channels so that as many people as possible get involved.
  4. Let people contribute in their own way. You need a lot of support in improving your school. That does not mean that everyone has to help in the same way. If you're trying to find support to improve your school, make sure everyone understands that they can do it their own way. For instance:
    • Some people are good at directing others, while other people have a talent for writing or designing.
    • One can only help out during school hours, while the other also has time after school or on weekends.
    • Some people only want to do something in the school building itself, while others can also help in the surrounding area (collect money, for example).
  5. Make sure the improvements last. It only makes sense to improve your school if this progress is continued in the future. Creating a sense of the school's history, or an institutional memory, is important to long-term success.
    • Appoint someone as a school historian. He / she can take notes on any improvements made to the school and pass this information on to the next historian.
    • See if a special place can be designated for this purpose in the school. This could be a corner in the library, or part of the school's website, and / or a memorial wall where photos, plaques and other objects to commemorate the school can be seen.


  • Before making any changes at school, make sure you have permission from your school management.