Convince your parents that you are old enough to date

Author: Eugene Taylor
Date Of Creation: 8 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Convince Your Parents That You Are Old Enough to Date
Video: Convince Your Parents That You Are Old Enough to Date


The emotional feeling you get when you like someone is overwhelming. If you've fallen in love with someone, it makes sense that you want to date them. Sometimes parents can disapprove, especially if you are younger, which can make you sad and frustrated. Fortunately, there are a few things you can do to change your parents' mind about dating, and it just takes a little patience and being open to change.

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Method 1 of 3: Talk to your parents

  1. Talk to them honestly about dating. The first thing to do is talk to your parents about dating, and be honest and receptive during the conversation. Never start this conversation after an argument or after they tell you not to date. You want to understand their position on the matter and the degree to which they are against dating.
    • Bring it up at any time so they don't get suspicious of your questions.
    • Listen and don't try to interrupt unless they ask you a question.
    • You can start the conversation by saying something like "When did you date someone before the honor?" Or "How did you meet Dad?"
  2. Understand their perspective and values ​​about dating and love. Your parents grew up in a different generation, so dating when they were your age was very different. Therefore, try to understand their expectation of dating, even if you think it is old-fashioned and you disagree.
    • The better you understand why your parents are so opposed to dating, the better you understand how to change their mind or address their concerns.
    • Sometimes your parents don't want you dating because of your cultural background or for religious reasons. In these cases, it may be more difficult (or impossible) to change their mind.
    • Saying things like "times have changed" may not be the best way to convince your parents, although it may be true.
  3. Come up with solutions to change their level of disapproval. Once you understand their perspective, you can come up with solutions to change their opinion. Find out why your parents don't want you dating and prove them wrong. If they say you're too irresponsible, take on more responsibilities.
    • Discuss things your parents want you to do in order to be able to date and make an effort to do so. If you really want to date and are really in love, then you do whatever it takes.
    • If you have to think about dating all the time and it distracts you from your responsibilities, try to get better at a hobby or sport to sharpen your focus.
    • Don't talk about how you will change, show your parents through your actions.
  4. Explain who you are in love with and why you want to date. Sometimes parents do trust you, but not the other person, so it is important to talk to your parents about the person you want to date. State the other's positives, such as any sports or activities that they participate in, and explain what you have in common. Don't bring up the negative things, and make sure that the reasons you want to date someone are genuine.
    • You can talk about the other person before telling your parents that you want to date them. Say something like "There is a boy at school, [insert name here], and he is the best in class."
    • The more you talk about your relationship or your desire to date, the more your parents will want to be involved in a positive way.
    • Things you might find cool about the person might be the very things your parents disapprove of, so it's important to understand what they want to hear.
    • If the person you want to date is doing well in school, that's a big plus for most parents.
  5. Don't yell or get emotional. Yelling at your parents will never move them to change their mind about dating, and in fact, can destroy your chances of ever dating while still living at home. Never argue about their positions on dating, just stay calm and try to change their minds. If the conversation about the issue gets heated, and you feel like a discussion is developing, just drop the topic before it gets out of hand.
    • Accept their decision and change the subject if you feel the conversation is turning negative or you are going to react emotionally.
    • Don't walk away in the middle of an argument or ignore your parents. That only comes across as immature. Instead, try to fix the problem, but respect their opinion at all times.
    • Say something like "I understand your perspective, but I disagree. I love you, so I'll do what you say, but I'll talk about it later when I'm calmer. "
    • You won't make your parents change their minds in one conversation, it may take them a while to change their minds.
    • Never be spiteful or sarcastic to your parents, as it will make them less likely to change their mind in the future.
  6. Raise the matter again at a later date. Sometimes parents just need time to get used to the idea that their child is old enough to date someone. If you can show them that you are ready for a courtship by fulfilling some of their expectations, it will translate to treating you more like an adult. Wait a few weeks or a month, and then start over on the matter so that they have had time to reflect on your point of view.
    • You can start the conversation by saying something like, `` I know you have told me you disapprove dating right now, but I have taken on all of my responsibilities and I want to spend more time with [boy or girl name ]. You may think it's not important, but it really affects me in an emotional sense and I think I'm emotionally mature enough for it. "
    • Don't constantly ask or bring it up every day.

Method 2 of 3: Make your parents change their mind

  1. Show them that you are mature enough. Dating someone requires maturity and is one of the main reasons many parents don't want their children to be dating. Making mistakes or being careless in a relationship can have real, long-lasting consequences. Maturity means paying attention to your responsibilities without being asked or being reminded and making responsible decisions.
    • A major reason parents don't want children to date is because they are doing poorly in school.
    • The more you show that you can cope with your life and your responsibilities, the more your parents will think you can handle dating.
    • Maturity also means that you don't constantly argue or argue with your parents. Try to go with the flow and make life a little easier for all of you!
  2. Help more in the household. It may seem unrelated, but sometimes parents are just stressed and need more help around the house. At home, take the initiative to help the family. Do all your chores without being asked to do them and ask your parents if they need help. The more positive they feel about you, the more likely they are to feel positive about your courtship.
    • Do more than just your mandatory chores. Help your parents with things that take their time. If you can get their respect, they are more likely to open up about dating.
    • Surprising your parents by taking initiative will always make them happier, and possibly more receptive to the courtship.
  3. Always be open and honest. Another major cause of some parents not wanting their children to be dating is damage to trust that has happened before. If you've pushed through your way behind your parents' backs, they may not trust you to stop doing it. This applies specifically to sex and the possibility of STIs or an unplanned pregnancy. The more open and honest you are with your parents, even if they disapprove of dating, the more they will respect you and want to be involved in a relationship in a positive way.
    • Apologize for lying about it the first time and say you understand why it was wrong. Convince them by consistently telling the truth, even if it doesn't work in your favor, because it will show them that you aren't hiding things like this from them.
    • Don't go against them behind their backs to date, as it can have bad consequences for the future and they can limit you from dating even longer.
    • Sometimes the best way to build trust is to tell your parents that you did something that they will not approve of. If you show that you are honest, even if you don't come across well, they will think that you will always be honest with them.
    • It may be hard to be honest when your parents punish you every time you do something wrong, but it's the only way to build their trust.
  4. Accept their decisions and try to compromise with them. Ultimately, you live under your parents' roof and they feed and clothe you, so you have to respect their final decision. If you've taken all the steps to gain their trust and understand them, and they still don't want you to be dating, try to compromise with them. Things like agreeing to wait a year to date, get better grades, or not get in trouble can be a compromise that can open the doors to the courtship you're hoping for.
    • There is usually a good reason why your parents don't want you to be dating, so don't dismiss their opinions right away.
    • Be honest with yourself about dating. Even though you may be madly in love with someone, it doesn't mean you're ready to date.

Method 3 of 3: Introduce your date to your parents

  1. Make sure she's the right person. Before introducing someone you are in love with to your parents, ask yourself if this person is the right person. If you're concerned that the person might embarrass you, you may need to rethink whether dating this person is such a good idea.
    • If your parents don't want you to date and the boy or girl leaves a negative impression, it could hurt your chances for the future.
    • Think about how this person behaves around older people and teachers and you can assume that the behavior is similar.
  2. Bring him or her as a regular friend and let him or her get to know him or her. A good way to introduce the person you want to date to your parents is to introduce them as a regular friend first. As a result, your parents will not immediately have a judgment about the person.
    • If you get in trouble with your "friend", your parents may get a negative impression and limit your dealings with him or her.
    • Let your parents know in advance that the boy or girl is coming to avoid a difficult situation.
  3. Introduce your crush's parents to your parents. One way to relieve the stress your parents may have about dating is to introduce them to your crush's parents. When they talk to each other, they can develop a friendship and get a positive impression of the person you want to date.
    • Some parents hope that the person you are dating comes from a stable family. If so, then this approach can convince them.
    • You can also do this during a sporting event or a performance.
  4. Explain the situation to the person you are in love with. If you really want to go out with someone, but your parents don't allow it, then you need to let the boy or girl know. That way, the person does not have to take it personally, but also knows that it is important to behave as well as possible during a possible visit.
    • You can say, "I really like you and want to date you, but I can't constantly argue with my parents about it, so please be respectful and try to make a good impression when you meet them."
    • If you understand your parent's perspective, you can pass it on to your crush and hopefully they will behave appropriately and sympathetically.