Lowering your myostatin levels

Author: Christy White
Date Of Creation: 4 May 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024


Myostatin is a protein that prevents muscle growth and hinders muscle tone and strength. Many bodybuilders and some scientists believe that lowering myostatin can increase muscle development, as well as reverse aging and improve overall health. Lowering these levels can also help people with medical conditions that affect muscle development, such as muscular dystrophy or other wasteful illnesses. Both cardiovascular (aerobic) training and resistance training (strength training) are useful to lower myostatin levels. Quitting smoking or talking to your doctor about specific therapies can also help.

To step

Method 1 of 4: Do high-intensity resistance training (HIRT)

  1. Fight your myostatin levels with "HIRT". Resistance training of any kind can improve health and build muscle. But to lower your myostatin, you need to do high-intensity resistance training (HIRT). This means that you do resistance training where you explore your physical limits.
    • HIRT requires you to exercise your entire body. In other words, your resistance training should train your arms, back, and legs.
  2. Combine different resistance workouts for a superset. Instead of limiting your set to the number of repetitions per exercise, set a certain time limit. Do as many reps as possible without resting during the time limit you set.
    • For example, do 10 push-ups, 10 pull-ups, 10 leg extensions and 10 bicep curls as quickly as possible in about 10 minutes.
    • If you've gone through the 10 bicep curls before the 10-minute time limit has passed, the cycle will start over and move on to 10 push-ups, etc.
    • Rest for one or two minutes between each superset, stretching the muscles you just used.
  3. Be careful during the HIRT. HIRT can be physically demanding. Before exercising on a HIRT schedule, talk to your doctor and don't take it off more than three or four times a week.
    • Also, give your body time to rest and heal, ideally at least one day in between workouts. It's best not to do HIRT sessions for days on end.
  4. Choose the correct weight. When you do resistance training, you have to choose the right weight for you. Start with the lowest weight for whatever machine or barbell you use. Do 10-12 reps. If this has been very easy for you and you are not exhausted at the end of 10-12 reps, add weight in small increments. You know you have found the right weight for you when 10-12 reps is significantly taxing.

Method 2 of 4: Do specific resistance exercises

  1. Do bicep curls. Grab a barbell with your palms facing up. Grasp the bar so that the weights at both ends are equidistant from each hand and place each hand shoulder-width apart from the other. Lift the bar towards your chest with your elbows moving forward as little as possible.
    • Keep your elbows at your sides as you lift. Sliding your elbows behind your ribs will reduce the amount of work your biceps have to do.
    • Do not swing the bar upwards using the momentum from your hips.
  2. Use a bench press. Sit in the bench press and adjust the seat to your height. The handles should be level with the center or the bottom of your chest muscles. Place your hands on the handles of the device. Your shoulder blades should be retracted. If not, adjust the position of the appliance handles so that they are.
    • Keep your head and chest up and push the handles forward by straightening your arms.
    • When your arms are fully extended, pause briefly and then return the grips to a position just outside the starting position to maintain tension.
  3. Use a shoulder training device. The shoulder press device is very similar to the chest press, except that instead of pushing forward, you push upward.Grab the handles of the machine and keep your elbows in line with your upper body. If your elbows are not aligned with your torso, adjust the seat level. Lift the handles as you exhale. Extend your arms slowly. When your arms are fully extended, hold the position briefly and return the handles to a spot just above the starting position.
  4. Try other resistance exercises. There are many other resistance exercises that can lower your myostatin levels. For example, you can do squats or lift free weights. Resistance bands are also good and very easy to use at home.

Method 3 of 4: Do aerobic exercises

  1. Exercise moderately. When you do aerobic exercise to lower your myostatin levels, you have considerable leeway in how much you want to exercise. To start reducing myostatin levels, all you need to do is train at about 40% to 50% of your maximum power. Forcing yourself to go beyond these baseline levels in your training will result in a greater drop in myostatin.
    • Exercising at a moderate intensity on a bicycle, step machine or other aerobic exercise feels like a brisk walk.
    • You have to burn at least 1,200 calories a week to see real drops in your myostatin. To keep track of the number of calories you burn, check the digital readings on your aerobic exercise equipment, or use a portable fitness tracking device (for example, the FitBit).
    • It takes about 3500 calories to lose a pound of body fat. If you don't need to lose weight, make sure you eat more or supplement your diet to regain this energy.
  2. Use an elliptical. An elliptical (also called a "ski machine") is a popular device that can help you lower your myostatin levels. To use the elliptical, step on the machine's foot pads. Place your left foot in the left pad and your right foot in the right pad. Grab both handles.
    • Select the settings you want to train with. For example, you can increase the resistance of the machine or set the time or the number of calories, taking into account the number of calories you have consumed.
    • The handles and foot pads on one side of the machine work opposite to each other. In other words, as you swing the right handle of the machine forward, your right leg will move backward. On the other hand, the left hand is pulled back and your left foot is moved forward. Swing your feet and arms forward and backward at the same pace as the machine.
  3. Go cycling. Cycling is a common aerobic exercise and can lower your myostatin levels. You can either ride a regular bike or opt for an exercise bike to work on lowering your myostatin.
    • Ride at moderate intensity to lower your myostatin levels. Aim to burn 1,200 calories per week by cycling - or more or less, depending on your weight goals.
    • Always pay attention to your safety when cycling. Wear a helmet and ride on the bike path, or as close to the curb as possible. Do not drive into traffic or drive on the sidewalk.
  4. Go jogging. Running is one of the most common forms of aerobic exercise and can lower your myostatin levels. Wear light, loose-fitting clothing while running. Choose a clean, well-lit route.
    • Try to jog for at least 20 minutes. As you get stronger and build up stamina, jog a little longer at a time in 10-minute increments.
    • Try to speed up your pace to running during the last five minutes. This will increase your heart rate and is great for your cardiovascular health.
  5. Try other aerobic exercises. There are many aerobic exercises you could do that can lower your myostatin levels over time. For example: you can choose to jump rope, swim, row, or jump on the spot.

Method 4 of 4: Finding other ways to lower your myostatin

  1. Do not smoke. Smoking is associated with higher myostatin levels. Do not start smoking to lower your myostatin levels. If you're already addicted to nicotine, start a smoking cessation plan.
    • The best way to quit smoking is to gradually taper off the behavior. For example, if you decide you want to quit smoking completely in two weeks, reduce the number of cigarettes you smoke today by 25%. Less another 25% about five days later. After about 10 days you reduce your cigarette consumption by 25% again. When two weeks have passed, you finally smoke your last cigarette.
    • Nicotine gum and patches can also help you fight your addiction.
  2. Use a myostatin inhibitor. Myostatin inhibitors are experimental and are for people with medical conditions that affect muscle development. however, you may be eligible for a myostatin inhibitor treatment if you suffer from such a condition. You will need a prescription as they are not over the counter. Talk to your doctor about your options for lowering your myostatin levels with the help of an inhibitor.
    • Another experimental procedure, myostatin inhibitory gene therapy, is in the early stages of development. This may one day be available to patients with degenerative muscle disease.
  3. Ask about a follistatin supplement. Follistatin inhibits myostatin production. Follistatin-based supplements may be available that can lower your myostatin levels. Most of these supplements use isolated fertile chicken yolk, so if you have an egg allergy this may not be the solution for you.
    • Generally, follistatin supplements come in powder form. They are mixed with water or milk and can be consumed as such.
    • Follistatin is expensive, not widely available and can pose risks to the liver. First, talk to your doctor about whether this is an option for you.


  • There is no conclusive research showing that dietary adjustments can lower myostatin levels.
  • Talk to a personal trainer or expert when starting a resistance training or HIRT program. They can tell you how much weight to use and help you avoid injury.
  • If you don't want to invest a lot of money in exercise equipment, or don't have a lot of space at home, consider a gym membership.