Getting your body bikini ready

Author: Roger Morrison
Date Of Creation: 23 September 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Get Your Body Bikini Ready!
Video: Get Your Body Bikini Ready!


Buy a bikini. Put it on. Thick or thin, toned or nice and soft, you are beautiful!

Getting your body bikini ready takes hard work and dedication, but doesn't have to be torture. Read this article to find out how to lose weight in a healthy and fun way!

To step

Method 1 of 5: Set goals

  1. Decide what you want to improve. Knowing this will help you determine which diet and exercise is best for you.
    • Ask yourself the following questions: Do I want to lose weight? How much do I want to lose weight? Do I want more muscle? Am I happy with my weight, but can it all be a bit tighter?
  2. Weigh yourself and take your measurements. This way you can better keep track of your progress.
    • Muscle weighs more than fat, so if your goal is to gain muscle, you may even gain a few pounds. Do you also want to get more muscular? Then it is better to look at the centimeters that you lose than at the kilos that are on the scales.
  3. Take a “front photo”. That will help you stay motivated and when you can finally get that "after shot" you will be extremely satisfied.
  4. Buy the bikini you want (if you don't already have one) and hang it where you see it every day. This way you will never forget why you started and you will stay motivated on the more difficult days when you may want to give up.

Method 2 of 5: Eating healthy

  1. Reduce the number of calories you take in. This is a very important point if you want to lose weight. Exercising alone does not make you thinner, you really have to adjust your diet.
  2. Eat enough fruits and vegetables. Fruits and vegetables contain many nutrients and ensure that you have enough energy during the day. Leafy green vegetables and low-starch vegetables are best if you want to lose weight. Only eat a few fruits per day.
  3. Eat lean protein. Turkey, chicken and fish are low in fat, but high in protein. If you are vegetarian you can eat tofu, tempeh, vegetarian burgers and eggs.
  4. Drink at least eight glasses of water a day. Water not only makes your skin more beautiful, it also makes you feel full for longer.
  5. Reduce your sugar intake. Read product labels and keep an eye out for hidden sugars in dressings, sauces, and breads.
    • Do not drink alcohol. If you do want to drink, drink wine instead of high-sugar cocktails or high-carb beer.

Method 3 of 5: Get moving

  1. Do a thirty-minute cardio workout three to five times a week. Examples of such training are: brisk walking, jogging, running, cycling or swimming.These types of training are good for your heart and blood vessels and improve your metabolism, even after training.
  2. Choose a workout that you enjoy. Then it is more likely that you will stay motivated.
  3. Join a sports club or gym. If you have a hard time staying motivated on your own, doing it together with others can help. Plus, if you have to pay for a subscription, you might feel compelled to go for that reason too.
  4. Change your lifestyle a bit. If you don't have time to exercise, make a few small changes to make your daily routine more active.
    • Park further from your destination and walk the last part.
    • Stroll at the mall or in a park near you.
    • Clean your house or do other chores that require movement.

Method 4 of 5: Get tighter

  1. Do yoga, pilates, or other total-body workouts. These workouts are especially suitable for women who want long, lean muscles without looking wide. It also gives you a better attitude, makes you more flexible and even happier.
  2. Train your arms.
    • Lift weights. For tight arms without too much muscle, do many repetitions with little weight.
    • Press on. You can keep your knees on the floor if you find it too hard.
  3. Do abdominal exercises.
    • Do crunches. Keep your hands behind your head for support.
    • Do "the plank" for as long as possible. Keep your body straight; don't let your hips sag.
  4. Strengthen your leg muscles.
    • Do squats. This also gives you nice round buttocks!
    • Do lunges. Hold a weight in each hand to make it heavier.
    • Go cycling on an exercise bike or spinning bike with a high resistance.

Method 5 of 5: Stay motivated

  1. Keep a food and exercise diary. People who keep track of what they eat lose more weight than people who don't. Read product labels carefully and don't forget toppings, dressings, and sauces when calculating calories.
  2. Train together. Training with other people is more fun and keeps you motivated.
    • Ask a friend or family member to go for a run or walk with you.
    • Join group classes if you are a member of a gym.
    • Get help from a personal trainer.
  3. Find a weight loss buddy. If you find someone who also wants to lose weight, you can motivate each other when needed and maybe even a little healthy competition.


  • Not all workouts have to feel like training. Turn fun activities into training, for example active shopping!
  • If you starve yourself, your metabolism will go into low-power mode. That means it will start to save energy by slowing down your metabolism. Therefore, even if you eat very little, your body may produce and store even more fat. Stick to a moderate diet with a wide variety of fresh, non-manufactured foods. The better you take care of your body, the better your body will take care of you!
  • If you starve yourself and then go back to normal eating, all the weight you've lost will come right back! Only adjusting your diet and exercise will ensure the best results.
  • Don't be too hard on yourself if you don't succeed. That happens to all of us. Get yourself together and try again. Always stay positive.
  • If you are really craving chocolate or if you really like popcorn in the cinema, take it! If you don't allow yourself a little something now and then, you will get discouraged more quickly. But take things like this in moderation. So not all the time, but often enough that you don't keep going!
  • Find out what your weakness is about food and avoid the places where you know they have it.
  • Look for healthy alternatives, such as fruit, instead of unhealthy snacks.
  • If you have a hard time resisting chocolate or other sweets and fat, do a few simple exercises like abs to think about something other than food. Also drink a lot of water and don't eat too much with lunch or snacks.
  • You don't have to starve yourself for a beautiful body! You may even already have a bikini-ready body!
  • Don't starve yourself! That increases the risk of health problems.
  • Just turn off your television and go outside. A nice long walk is very good for you!
  • When you go to the supermarket, only go to the “healthy” areas.
  • Know your body type. If you have a pear-shaped figure, you will still have a pear-shaped figure if you are 10 pounds lighter. No matter how much you gain or lose weight, your body type remains the same. The sooner you accept this, the happier you will be with your body.
  • Join a sports club or join a school team. This allows you to train often and keep you motivated to train hard to win.


  • Lifting weights or using other exercise equipment can be dangerous.
  • Always talk to your doctor before starting a heavy exercise program or diet.
  • Make sure you are getting enough calories so that you don't get overtired.
  • Don't expect to see drastic changes in a few weeks.