Dress for jury duty

Author: Charles Brown
Date Of Creation: 2 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Jury Duty- what to wear.
Video: Jury Duty- what to wear.


In the United States, and also in many European countries, the jury duty is an important part of the judicial system. Most attorneys, judges and clients dress a little more carefully than the people in the average office or store. The members of the jury are therefore expected to “dress respectfully”; the members of the jury can be dismissed if their dress is too informal.

To step

Part 1 of 2: Dress for jury duty

  1. Leave your beachwear at home. Flip flops, sleeveless shirts, short skirts and bottoms are not appreciated. In some courts you will be asked to leave if you are not dressed appropriately, and you will have to return at a later date to still comply with your jury duty.
    • When it is extremely hot outside, modest sleeveless shirts or dresses for women are sometimes allowed.
  2. Know that most attorneys and many clients will dress professionally and formally. You don't necessarily have to wear a suit or heels, but that clothing style is certainly appropriate.
  3. Opt for business casual. Men and women should opt for khaki pants, trousers, shirt, pullover, blazer or skirt (which hits at least to the knee).
  4. Don't wear T-shirts with controversial slogans. You will be singled out during the interview. Clothing containing political, religious or otherwise opinionated texts could lead to further questions.
    • You may be asked to leave if you wear clothing with offensive terms.
  5. Dress conservatively. There will be all kinds of different generations of people in the courtroom. Most people dress as if they were going to church or work.

Part 2 of 2: Choosing accessories for the jury service

  1. Wear shoes with socks. Some sandals are considered inappropriate. Plus, it can be cold in the jury room, which will make you feel uncomfortable all day while doing your duties.
  2. Bring extra layers of clothing. Consider, for example, a knitted cardigan, a jacket, a scarf and / or leggings to limit the discomfort. If you have several layers with you, you can take them off or on at will as your body temperature changes.
  3. Leave your metal jewelry, change and belt at home. In most courts, jury members will have to walk through a metal detector. It will save you time and hassle if you can put your metal items in your purse, so you don't have to be searched every time you go out for lunch or take a break.


  • Know that you will not necessarily be less likely to be chosen if you dress in a costume or inappropriately. You will be asked to return in a short time so that you can be evaluated based on the case being handled.


  • Trousers / trousers
  • A shirt
  • A sweater / jacket
  • A blazer
  • Closed shoes
  • Socks