Keep your room clean

Author: Roger Morrison
Date Of Creation: 3 September 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to Keep Your Room CLEAN and ORGANIZED! | Haley Estrada
Video: How to Keep Your Room CLEAN and ORGANIZED! | Haley Estrada


A clean room can help you relax and unwind when you get home - and keep your parents or roommates from nagging you to clean! While keeping your room clean can seem like a chore, learning good habits will get the job done quickly and easily.

To step

Part 1 of 3: Clean thoroughly

  1. Pick up clothes from the floor and bed. Clothes hanging on the floor, your bed and over chairs can make even a clean room look dirty. Gather all the clothes lying around in your room and sort them into dirty and clean laundry. Put dirty clothes in the laundry basket. Fold and store clean clothes.
  2. Collect the garbage and take it away. When you're busy with work, school and other things, the trash piles up all too easily in your room. Go around the room with a trash bag and pick up packaging, food, old documents, and any other junk you find in the room.
    • When you've collected all the trash, empty the bedroom trash into the bag and set it up for the day the trash is picked up.
  3. Tidy up plates and cutlery. Dishes, cups, and food scraps lying around in your room can attract insects, cause leaks, and clutter your room. Collect anything that belongs in the kitchen and bring it down to do the dishes. Things to watch out for include:
  4. Wash your bedding. Remove blankets, sheets, and pillowcases from your bed. Put all washable bedding in the laundry basket and take it to the area where all the laundry is.
    • If you know how and when to use the washing machine, do a load of laundry according to the standard setting. Otherwise, have the bedding washed by an adult.
  5. Make the bed with fresh linens. Grab a new set of linens for your bed or wait for yours to be washed and dried. Put the fitted sheet on the mattress first, followed by the top sheet and any blankets you use regularly. Put the pillowcases back on the pillows. Place the pillows on the bed and pull the blankets or the (down) duvet up and over the pillows.
    • Make your bed daily. You don't have to redo the fitted sheet and pillowcases, but the sheet and blankets do.
    • Change your bedding every few weeks. If it's very hot and you sweat a lot, you may need to change your bedding more often.
  6. Clean your desk. Bedroom desks are magnets for clutter because that's probably where you read, do your schoolwork, and spend time at the computer.

    Pick up any loose papers, notes, and other sheets that are lying around. Organize and archive your papers. Discard useless paper. It's a great idea to reuse paper in a variety of ways. Gather your pens, pencils and other writing utensils and put them in a cup, pencil case or special drawer. Store books or magazines lying around. Dispose of magazines that you are no longer going to read with the old paper or give them to a thrift store.

  7. Organize your nightstand. Your nightstand is probably a dumping ground for everything you do right before bed, such as reading, listening to music, taking off jewelry, and other things. Empty your nightstand and put away anything that doesn't belong there.
    • To keep your room clean and tidy, put items you use often, such as a tablet and books, in your nightstand instead of on top. Save the top of your nightstand for a few simple items, such as a lamp or a single picture.
  8. Organize your dresser. Your dresser may also be a dumping ground for books, toys, accessories, jewelry, and knick knacks. Put jewelry back in a box or drawer, put books back on the shelf, throw away trash and debris that has accumulated, put make-up back in your dressing table or make-up box, and put accessories and other objects back where they belong.
    • Keep your dresser organized. Make sure your clothes are neatly folded; don't just put them in the drawer.
    • Every so often it would be a good idea to completely empty your dresser. Separate the items you no longer use and put everything else back in the drawers.
  9. Organize your closet. Closets are usually those things you throw in everything that you don't have an immediate purpose for, and now is the time to tackle all of those things. Tidy up your shoes, hang clothes and dispose of junk and organize the shelves.
  10. Dust everything off. Use a duster or damp microfiber cloth to dust the small nook and wall corners, ceiling fan, lighting, shelves, where walls and ceiling meet and all the furniture in your room.
    • When you are dusting, pick up anything that gets in the way of your work, such as a lamp on the dresser, and dust underneath.
  11. Vacuum the floor. Use a vacuum cleaner to vacuum dirt and dust from a carpeted floor, or a broom or vacuum cleaner to clean a tiled or wooden floor. Use special attachments on the vacuum cleaner to clean the corners where the floor and wall meet, as well as baseboards and any cracks and crevices.
    • Don't forget to move furniture around so you can clean under and behind the bed, dresser and desk.
  12. Clean windows and mirrors. Spray the mirror with glass cleaner or with a solution of one part vinegar and three parts water. Use a clean microfiber cloth to dry the mirror. Repeat for all windows in your room and any dusty or dirty picture frames.
    • Keep the window cleaner handy so you can clean your mirror as needed or when it gets dirty. This is especially helpful if you have curious pets or children.

Part 2 of 3: Keep your room organized

  1. Make your bed every day. One of the most important things you can do to keep your room clean is make your bed every morning after you get up. Smooth the top sheet and tuck it under your pillows. Beat and smooth your pillows. Smooth out your blankets or duvet and pull it over your pillows.
    • Once your room has been thoroughly cleaned, keeping it clean is an easy task. Keeping things tidy is all about doing a few things every day, like making your bed.
  2. Hang up on clothes when you get home. Many people put on a little more comfortable clothes when they come home after a long day at school or work. When you do this, hang up your coat, throw dirty clothes in the laundry basket, fold and put away clean clothes that you will wear again.
    • After a long day, it can be tempting to come home and throw your coat and clothes on the floor or your bed. But if you want to keep your room clean after all that hard work, you will have to put your clothes away.
  3. Put dirty clothes in the laundry basket. Never leave dirty clothes lying around on the floor, your bed, or in the bathroom or laundry room. When you take off your dirty clothes, immediately throw them in the laundry basket.
    • To make this task easier, place a few laundry baskets in your home where you change regularly, such as the bathroom, in your closet, and near your dresser.
  4. Tidy up clean laundry immediately. It can be just as easy to stack clean laundry in a basket instead of storing it. But again, this will quickly create a messy room and cause creases in your clothes.When your clothes are fresh out of the dryer, iron them, fold them neatly and put them away, or put them back in the closet.
    • This also includes linen and towels.
  5. Don't eat in your room. Food in your room can attract insects, cause stains and splashes, create a sea of ​​crumbs and an accumulation of plates and cups. Make sure your room is a food-free zone and eat and drink in the kitchen.
    • Return plates, cups, utensils and food waste to the kitchen right away if you do eat in your bedroom.
  6. Clean up clutter regularly. One of the biggest contributors to a cluttered room is an abundance of belongings. To avoid this, look at what you have, including clothes, toys, jewelry, and other items, and decide what to keep and what to sell, donate, or throw away.
    • To help you decide what to keep and what to get rid of, ask yourself which items you haven't used or worn in over a year. If you haven't used something in over a year, chances are you can get rid of it without missing it.
    • Good items to sell or donate include clothes, toys, shoes, and books. Only throw away those things that are broken, have holes in them, or that cannot be reused or recycled.
  7. Find a place for all your things. When you have stuff that doesn't have a permanent place, you will soon tend to just leave it lying around, because there is no special place to put it back when you clean up. Make sure you have its own special place for each item in your room.
    • Use baskets or other storage materials to store other things if you don't have room for them.
    • Designate any drawer in your desk or dresser for small items that don't have a fixed place.
  8. Put things back in their designated place when you are done. Once everything in your room has a special place, cleaning up will be a lot easier because you know where everything belongs. Here are some ideas for storing things:
    • Put books and magazines back on the shelf when you are done reading them.
    • Put clothes back in the closet when you have washed and ironed them.
    • Put toys back in the box or on a shelf when you're done playing.
    • Store papers and notes in a drawer or folder when you no longer need them.
    • Put writing utensils, such as pens and paper clips, back in your desk drawer when you're done.

Part 3 of 3: Develop good cleaning habits

  1. Make a list of daily chores. Keeping your room clean is all about a good routine, and there are some things you should do every day. Make a list of these daily chores and post the list in an easily visible place. Set aside about 10 minutes each for these cleaning tasks. Daily chores are:
    • Make your bed
    • Tidy up clothes
    • Tidy up toys, papers and other items
    • Throw out garbage
  2. Create a cleaning schedule for weekly chores. In addition to your daily chores, there are other cleaning tasks that should be done regularly. List all the tasks and make a schedule where you have a different task on each day of the week. Here's an example list:

    Example weekly chores
    Monday: Vacuuming and sweeping
    Tuesday: Remove the bed
    Wednesday: Wash, dry, fold and store laundry
    Thursday: Wipe mirrors and windows
    Friday: Take out the trash
    Saturday: Tidy up the closet and dresser
    Sunday: Clean cabinet

  3. Wash your bedding weekly. Remove the blankets, top sheet, fitted sheet, pillowcases, and other linens from your bed. Put them in the laundry basket and take them to the laundry room to wash.
    • It's important to wash your bedding weekly to keep dust, dirt and other allergens in check.
  4. Do laundry as soon as you have a full load. It's all too easy for the dirty one to pile up for weeks. However, keeping your room clean means that you also do your dirty laundry. Once you have a full laundry basket full or enough for a load, go or have it done.
    • Some people find it easier to follow a regular schedule when it comes to doing laundry. For example, some people do their laundry at the beginning of each month.
  5. Have a wastebasket in your room and use it. Trash is another reason why rooms get cluttered quickly. If you want to avoid this, it's a good idea to have a trash can in your room, next to your bed or your desk - make sure to always dispose of rubbish instead of leaving it lying around.
    • As soon as the trash can is full, take the waste to the garage or shed for the wheelie bin or garbage bag.
  6. Vacuuming and dusting should be done weekly. Use a damp microfiber cloth to dust all surfaces in your room, including furniture, lamps, fans, pictures, shelves and tables. Vacuum the floors and baseboards from dirt and dust.
    • If you have an allergy and pets, make sure you vacuum and dust two to three times a week.
  7. Don't delay cleaning. Even ignoring cleaning tasks for just a few days can create an overwhelming list of chores. Before you know it, your room will be messy again and you have a big cleaning job to do. Once you've established a daily and weekly cleaning schedule, stick to it to make sure that your good cleaning habits become and stay in place.
    • If for some reason you can't clean for a day, do the chores you missed as soon as possible to prevent chores and clutter from building up.


  • To motivate yourself to clean, create a playlist on your MP3 player that you call "Cleaning My Room" and choose your favorite active songs. Not only will this help pass the time while cleaning, it will also keep you from getting distracted searching for suitable songs while you work.
  • Make cleaning a game so you can enjoy it more. For example, you can throw your clothes in the laundry basket from across the room to see how much laundry you hit.
  • Redecorate your room. Move furniture, put up new posters and try to make your room like new to keep motivating yourself to keep your room clean.
  • Make rules for your room so that when people come over they know to clean up their own mess.
  • If you are sharing a room with a shoddy roommate or sibling, divide the room so that everyone has their own area for which they are responsible.
  • Ask a friend to help you clean your room. It will make the job a lot more fun and easier.
  • To teach and motivate cleaning habits, pretend the king is coming over for dinner or for a few nights' stay. You have nothing to do with the king? Then pretend a celebrity or someone special is coming over!