Keeping your room in order

Author: Judy Howell
Date Of Creation: 5 July 2021
Update Date: 19 June 2024
Decluttering for Messy People
Video: Decluttering for Messy People


Does all that clutter in your room drive you crazy? Tired of rummaging through piles and piles of clothes to find that one pair of pants? And you are not even sure if that at all clean is? Read this guide to find the antidote to a messy room!

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Part 1 of 3: Tidy up your room

  1. Step back and rate the space. What are three things you can do to make your room look less cluttered and make it feel better to be in your room? Do you want to tackle your closet? There is a great heap of beautiful ones and dirty laundry in a corner? Are all your computer games scattered on the floor? Getting these three things in order will already make great progress - and will give you the motivation to tidy up the whole room.
    • It's also good to keep in mind how much time you have. If you only have half an hour, spend ten minutes on each task. If you have all day, you can do a whole spring cleaning (even in the fall or winter). Under time pressure it is best to tidy up the room bit by bit, so that you get the feeling that you have really done your best for a cleaner room.
  2. Put your clothes away. Clean clothes should hang in the closet or be folded - don't just throw it on the bed! There are many factors to consider when it comes to your clothing, and here are a few suggestions:
    • The clothes you wear the most should be within reach. You won't go through like this every day already digging through your clothes to find your favorite items.
    • Also consider sorting your clothes by color or season. This way you make it easy for yourself to find the right clothing and you know exactly where to hang it again.
    • We'll go deeper into storage space later on, but when it comes to your wardrobe or chest of drawers, try to use all the available space. Hang shelves above or below the clothes rail, buy some boxes and stack, stack, stack them!
  3. Tidy up your books and small items. There is probably a handful of things that you take away from their place every day, and that can cause quite a mess in the long run. Take the time to organize everything you use regularly. Put all the things you use often on the table or on a shelf for easy access - now that's the place for this specific stuff. When you need the items next time, you can easily grab them and put them back where you found them.
    • Find a way to organize your books. If you read regularly, and even if you don't, make sure your books are well organized. For example, you can sort them based on priority, category and finally alphabetically.
    • It's good to develop a system - a mental blueprint of your room. For example, if you know that the books belong in a certain place, you will be able to put them there next time without having to slam them on the floor.
  4. Get your personal care items in order. Separate makeup and other items you only use for special occasions from everyday essentials. You can keep the products you don't use that often in the bathroom or put them in a box in your closet. Throw away crumpled, broken, or unwanted items that you will never use - they will only get in the way.
    • You can often keep these items out of sight. Keep them in a storage bin, under your bed, or even in the wardrobe.
  5. Get the computer place, your computer games and your entertainment systems in order. When you're done playing your video games, put the boxes back where they were, wind up the controller wires, and put all the devices back. You can leave your computer on your desk, but clean up the area around the computer. Store notebooks, textbooks, writing utensils and whatever you've used in drawers or put them neatly in a corner.
    • You can take a moment to think about what you actually need and don't need on your desk. Which stuff do you never use? You'll be able to be a lot more productive at your desk if it's not a mess.
  6. Keep food out of your room! Unless you're doing a science experiment trying to attract insects, keep food and dirty dishes out of your room. It looks bad, can get dirty, attracts insects and sometimes even small rodents and will make your room smell.
    • If you have made it a habit to eat in your room, at least make sure there is a trash can nearby that you can easily access. This way, nothing will end up on the floor. Things that end up on the floor could be easily forgotten, and in the space of a few weeks that could have catastrophic consequences. Better throw away your junk right away.
  7. If you're doing a big clean, dust off your belongings, run a vacuum cleaner around the room and mop the floor if necessary. Are you planning to spice up your room? If there is carpet in the room, vacuum the floor. Do you have tiles or laminate? Then sweep the floor and run a mop over it. Remove the dust from all surfaces in the room by wiping a damp cloth and using some all-purpose cleaner. Spray some air freshener throughout your room and you're done!
    • Not all cleaning agents are suitable for all surfaces, materials and / or fabrics. Check the label in advance to make sure the cleaning agent you are using is suitable for the items in your room.

Part 2 of 3: Daily maintenance

  1. Make your bed. Now that your room is nice and clean, you will want to keep it that way. One of the simplest things you can do every day (or almost every day) to give your room that "still clean" feeling is to make your bed. It only takes a few minutes and can change the whole "feel" of the room.
    • You don't necessarily have to cover the entire bed for real to make up. If you just shake up the pillows and put the sheets / blankets / bedspread neatly, nobody will notice.
  2. Tidy up your clothes and shoes. Your room can quickly become a pigsty if you throw your clothes on the floor. Clothing can end up on the floor in many ways.You may leave it there when you've changed your clothes, or throw it back if you don't know what to wear. You can tackle the problem every day to prevent the clothes on the floor from becoming meters-high piles. If there are only a few items of clothing, it only takes a few seconds to fix the problem.
    • You probably also put on one or two pairs of shoes a day. Instead of kicking them off and wondering where they ended up, just put them back in their place - preferably a shoe rack or another space that you have reserved especially for shoes.
  3. Store your clean laundry right away. How easy is it to pick up your clean laundry, throw it on your bed and find it so good? Way too easy… Unfortunately, that gives yourself another pile of clothes to process, and it also causes wrinkles in your clean clothes. Resist the temptation to be lazy and try to put your clean clothes away immediately after it comes out of the dryer. You will be glad you did.
    • Again, make sure to put your clothes back the way you want - don't just store them haphazardly just out of sight. Try to keep your wardrobe as tidy as your room.
  4. Take five minutes to tidy up your trinkets. You probably use a few items every day, including a few books, some toiletries, paperwork, computer games, makeup, and so on and so forth. Take the time to put all the stuff you used back in place, even if you need it again tomorrow.
    • Okay, if you need the stuff again tomorrow, you don't have to be so hard on yourself. Just put the stuff somewhere you can easily reach it - on a bookshelf, for example.

Part 3 of 3: Making it easy for yourself

  1. Get some good looking storage furniture and supplies. Of course, it will be very difficult to clean up your room if you cannot store your things. To get in the mood for tidying up your room, buy some storage furniture and items that you like and look good too - after all, the eye wants something too! For example, opt for colorful boxes, bookshelves, a shoe shelf and a hanging clothes storage system - they can already make a world of difference. If you can use all the space you have, your room will appear a lot bigger and more spacious.
    • Try to be resourceful if you don't feel like going to the store. Cylinder-shaped items, such as a yoga mat, can be easily stored in the umbrella stand, for example. Gift boxes can be used to store small gadgets. Take a look around to see if there are still things you can use.
  2. Opt for multifunctional pieces. Suppose you are looking for a side table. Of course you don't want to No reason a table - you want a table with built-in drawers and shelves. Look for pieces that serve multiple functions - not just what they are actually intended for, but also storage space.
    • A good example of this is a bed frame. If you raise your bed a little, you'll find that there's a lot of hidden storage space underneath - you can even prevent bulky items from creating a mess.
  3. Keep the things you use the least out of reach. If there are all kinds of things in front of you that you don't know how to put in order (be it clothes or computer games), you can keep everything you use regularly within reach and at eye level. Everything you not can be stored on the floor or above your head. Those places will then remain in order, because you do not come there often. It will also make it easier to find what you need.
    • Sometimes it may be necessary to mess up your entire wardrobe or bookcase for this. If so, then it is no different. You'll be thrilled once you get it done, and your cabinet or shelf will look like new.
  4. Label the items you store. Once you've got your closet and room in order, it can be amazingly easy to turn it into a pigsty again. You can make it easy for yourself to avoid this by putting labels on all your boxes and storage areas. If you have stored something but no longer know exactly where, the labels can be of great service to you.
    • Choose labels that match the "feel" of your room. You can print them on your computer or buy ready-made labels from bookstores. Use a highlighter to mark what's in the boxes, then put them away - this way your room will be and stay in order.


  • Donate items you no longer use to charity.
  • If you are sharing a room, ask if you can have part of the room for yourself; and then give the roommate the other half, of course. Arrange your side however you want!
  • When you've finished a particular book, pick one other book to read and put all those others aside for now.
  • Hang sticky notes where you can see them so you can remind yourself to clean up.
  • If you want to get rid of things, look through the eyes of a good friend; if you do it through your own eyes, you won't want to get rid of anything.
  • Try to listen to lively instrumental music while cleaning up your room.
  • Make your bed every day, and do it as soon as you wake up! Try to get into the habit of tidying your room. For example, do it every Sunday if you don't have time during the week.
  • Think about what your dream room would look like, and try to put in as much time and effort as it takes
  • Make sure your chest of drawers is in order so you know exactly where all your belongings belong.
  • Do not leave items on the floor. There is a place for all your belongings, whether in your bag, in your closet or in the trash can.
  • Always clean up the floor first. This way the room will quickly look a lot cleaner, and you will get the motivation to clean the rest of the room as well
  • If you're putting your clothes away and want to put more clothes in the closet, fold it up and put it sideways. This will save a lot of space and allow you to easily find what you need. Moreover, it is so very easy to take your clothes out of the closet and slide them back again.


  • Keep all your homework and notes until the end of the school year. You may just need it to learn for tests and exams.
  • Change your bedding every week or every other week.
  • Use pouches, folders, binders and bags to keep loose items safe. If you don't, you could get rid of your little things like earphones and office supplies in no time.


  • A clean cloth.
  • All-purpose cleaner.
  • A vacuum cleaner or a broom and a mop / mop.
  • Storage furniture and items.