Dye your hair brown after dyeing it black

Author: Tamara Smith
Date Of Creation: 24 January 2021
Update Date: 27 June 2024
How To Dye Black Hair to Brown (without bleaching) - very light ash blonde | Emily
Video: How To Dye Black Hair to Brown (without bleaching) - very light ash blonde | Emily


Have you dyed your hair black, but it hasn't turned out as beautiful as you expected? Or have you had black hair for a while, but want to dye it brown? Unfortunately, you can't just dye your black hair brown without removing the dye or bleaching your hair first. A new color hair dye does not ensure that the old color is removed. Once you have removed the hair dye, you can choose a shade of brown that you like and dye your hair. Whether you've recently dyed your hair black or have been dyeing your hair black for a long time, there are some methods you can try to get your black hair brown.

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Method 1 of 4: Remove the hair dye with shampoo

  1. Buy the right products. There are two types of shampoo that can help get the dye out of your hair. Purifying shampoo contains many ingredients that take the dye out of your hair, and anti-dandruff shampoo can also help get hair dye out of your hair. These shampoos break down the hair dye in your hair and ensure that your hair regains its original color. You can also buy a conditioner that is not specifically designed for colored hair. This way you prevent your hair from getting damaged and you still get more hair dye from your hair.
    • Make sure to buy a shampoo that is not safe for colored hair. The intention is to get the hair dye out of your hair, so you don't want the shampoo to protect your hair color.
  2. Rub the shampoo into your hair. Sit in the bathroom with a towel around your neck. Wet your hair with water as warm as possible to open the cuticles. Massage the shampoo into your hair and lather it from the scalp to the ends. Make sure to apply shampoo to all of your hair so that the color is removed evenly. Remove the excess foam while slathering and spreading the shampoo into your hair.
    • The foam should turn black from the hair dye. Avoid getting foam in your eyes.
    • Make sure to massage your hair well in this step. It is important to shampoo your hair as much as possible.
  3. Heat your hair. When your hair is soaked with the shampoo, cover your head with a shower cap or plastic bag. Grab a hair dryer and heat your hair evenly with it. Make sure the shower cap material does not melt while heating your hair. When you have treated your entire head, let the shampoo sit in your hair for 15-20 minutes.
    • If you have a hair dryer, you can sit under it too.
    • If your hair is long enough, you may need to stick parts of it up so that all of your hair will fit under the shower cap.
  4. Rinse out the shampoo and repeat the process. When 20 minutes have passed, rinse your hair thoroughly. Grab some more shampoo, spread the shampoo into your hair and rinse it out again. Do this twice. You do this to remove the excess color molecules from your hair that came loose during shampooing and heating. These times you don't have to heat your hair and wait after you put the shampoo into your hair.
  5. Treat your hair with conditioner and heat it. Cover your hair from roots to ends with conditioner. Grab a hair dryer and heat your entire head again. Let the conditioner sit in your hair for 25-30 minutes. Then rinse your hair completely with cool water so that your hair cuticles close and the moisture in your hair is retained.
    • Make sure not to skip this step. The shampoo you used removes the oils from your hair and makes your hair brittle and dry. By using conditioner right away, you can help repair the damage caused during the process.
  6. Repeat the process. After the first treatment, your hair should be noticeably lighter and a lot less black. You may even be able to see your natural hair color in some places. Chances are you will have removed all of the black hair dye on your first try, so you will have to repeat the process. When your hair color has become light enough, dye your hair with the brown hair dye of your choice.
    • Leave your hair alone for a day between treatments.
    • You cannot lighten hair that is naturally black using this method. The shampoo only removes hair dye.

Method 2 of 4: Remove hair dye with color removal cream

  1. Choose a color remover. There are a few different color removers and hair bleachers available for purchase. Some are designed to lighten your hair and other products take the dye out of your hair. Choose the one that you like best or think is best suited to your needs.
    • Some color removers contain peroxide, while other products have bleaching ingredients. You can also buy a special kit from a brand like Pravana for removing hair dye from your hair.
    • Remember that with a color remover you will not immediately get your natural hair color back. If you have used such a remedy, your hair will likely be orange or yellow blond in color.
  2. Apply the color remover to your hair. A color remover consists of two different components, a powder and an activator. To remove black hair dye you will need to mix both components. When you have mixed the components, apply the mixture to your hair. Make sure to soak all of your hair in the mixture. Put on a shower cap and wait 15-60 minutes.
    • If you have thick or long hair, you may need several packs of color remover.
    • The product will have an unpleasant odor because it contains hydrogen peroxide. Make sure your bathroom is ventilated and that you don't wear clothes that you mind being screwed up.
    • Always mix the product according to the directions on the package.
  3. Rinse and condition your hair. After waiting, rinse the product completely from your hair. Once you've rinsed all the remnants of the product from your hair, use a deep conditioner to repair the damage the hydrogen peroxide has done to your hair. Rinse the conditioner from your hair and let your hair dry. Your hair color should now be light enough to dye your hair with the brown hair dye of your choice.
    • If the hair dye has not disappeared after one try, you may need to repeat the steps. Some color removers are safe enough to use up to three times a day. In any case, make sure that you read the directions on the packaging to make sure you can use the remedy several times.
    • Make sure to use this product with care. The chemicals aren't as strong as bleach, but they can be bad for your hair. If your hair is already dry or brittle, make sure to use a conditioner before trying the treatment.

Method 3 of 4: Remove the hair dye with vitamin C.

  1. Gather your supplies. For this method you need vitamin C in pill, capsule or powder form. You also need a bottle of your favorite shampoo, a comb, a towel and a shower cap.
    • If you have capsules, open them to get the vitamin C powder out. If you have pills, grind them into powder. You can do this by hand or with a coffee grinder or blender.
  2. Prepare a paste. You will have to mix the vitamin C with your shampoo. Place 1 tablespoon of vitamin C in a non-metal bowl. Add 2 tablespoons of your shampoo. Mix everything together to form a paste. If the paste is too thin, add more vitamin C until you get a thicker paste.
    • If you have long or thick hair, you may need two or three times as much as listed above. You need enough to soak your hair completely in the mixture.
  3. Spread the mixture into your hair. Sit in the bathroom with a towel around your neck. Wet your hair well with warm water and squeeze out the excess water. Grab the paste and spread it on your hair from roots to ends. Use the comb to spread the paste over all areas of your hair. When you are sure that your hair is completely covered in the mixture, put on a shower cap. Leave the mixture on for an hour.
    • If your hair is long, put it up before putting on the shower cap so that your hair stays underneath.
  4. Rinse your hair, use conditioner and repeat the process. When the hour is up, rinse your hair completely to remove all the foam. Let your hair dry. When your hair is completely dry, treat it with a deep conditioner to replenish the moisture deficiency created during the process. If there is still some black hair dye in your hair, repeat the process a few days later. When you have gotten all the black hair dye out of your hair, you can dye your hair in the color brown of your choice.
    • Make sure to give your hair time to recover before repeating the process. The acid in the vitamin C makes your hair prone to damage, so waiting will create natural fats before you try again.

Method 4 of 4: Discover other options

  1. Go to the hairdresser. If you'd rather not try things on your hair at home, you can always ask your hairdresser for advice. A hairdresser knows a lot more about hair care and hair treatments and knows how to repair the damage caused by dyeing. He or she will be able to determine your hair type as well as any problems you may have with your hair. The hairdresser also knows how to dye your hair in the right color without damaging your hair.
    • This option can be quite expensive, so consider the cost of the treatment. The hairdresser will have to remove the hair dye from your hair and then dye your hair. You will therefore have to pay for both treatments.
  2. Try it at a hairdressing school. If you would like a professional hairdressing treatment but don't have a lot of money, look for a hairdressing course near you. Often you can have your hair dyed there for an amount that is much lower than what you have to pay at a barber shop. Usually they do a good job. Of course the people there are still in training, so watch what they do to your hair to make sure they do what you want them to do.
    • Be willing to act as a model for the students.
    • Don't schedule anything else for that day, as the process will likely take several hours.
  3. Wait for it. If these methods don't work or appeal to you, you can always wait until the black color has faded enough to dye your hair brown. This process can take a long time, but it works. You can always wash your hair with a shampoo that is not specifically designed for colored hair to make the hair dye fade faster. When the color has faded enough, you can dye your hair in the color brown that you like.
    • Depending on whether you have used demi-permanent or semi-permanent hair dye, this process can take from a few weeks to several months.


  • Many people recommend bleaching your hair, but this will severely damage your hair. Try to avoid this option if possible.
  • In the process of removing the dye and repainting your hair, take the time to strengthen your hair and continue treating it with a deep conditioner. The biggest risk with dyeing your hair is that your hair will break.
  • The health of your hair can affect the method you choose to dye or color your hair. If your hair is damaged, you will have to estimate whether your hair will be damaged even more if you dye it in a different color. If your hair is healthy, think about how much the treatments can weigh on your hair.