Using your brain better

Author: Eugene Taylor
Date Of Creation: 15 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
4 ways how to use your brain better
Video: 4 ways how to use your brain better


The belief that humans use only 20 percent of their brains is a myth. The brain is a living, hard-working organ that controls most bodily functions. However, you can expand your capabilities and use more of your brain by staying healthy and challenging yourself to try new things.

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Method 1 of 2: Stimulate your brain

  1. Get out into nature. Walking in nature, for about 90 minutes, has been shown to improve cognitive functions, reduce potentially harmful thinking, and boost creativity. Walking in an urban environment can get you some helpful exercise, but exposure to nature appears to have a therapeutic effect.
  2. Do brain training that is particularly strenuous. Scientists seem to think that most brain games are too fun to affect cognition and increase intelligence, but some particularly difficult games can improve your constant intelligence. Try the Double N-Back on and remember that the more challenging it is, the more likely it is to improve your cognition.
    • Another way to do this is to read a very difficult book. Try to find a book that contains about 20 percent new vocabulary. Once that gets easy, find an even harder to read author.
  3. Stop relying on machines for basic brain functions so you can train your brain. Avoid using calculators, GPS navigation and spell checking for basic tasks. Mental arithmetic and navigation are great ways to create new paths and develop problem-solving skills.
  4. Learn until you master a task and then start a new one. Once you get good at something, your brain becomes more efficient and stops trying new ways to solve a problem. Once you're good at Sudoku, start doing crossword puzzles.
    • Learn a language or musical instrument. The longer it takes to master the task, the more you need to remember and discover in the process.
  5. Join a book club or other association. Social interaction helps you find new perspectives, while classes can improve your critical thinking skills. Interacting with people will train your brain more than taking an online course.
  6. Try new things. Routines tend to impair brain function - hence the term "autopilot" during tasks such as cooking, watching TV, or driving. Try a new job, travel and do new activities when you can and you will constantly make new connections.
  7. Take a nap. A 20 minute nap can boost cognition. Even a nap of just six minutes has been linked to improved brain function.

Method 2 of 2: Optimize your health

  1. Do at least 20 minutes of aerobic activity a day. Getting your circulation going will also make your brain work harder. After 20 minutes (or more) of practice, your memory, information processing and neuroplasticity will be stimulated.
    • Neuroplasticity is your brain's ability to create new connections between cells.
  2. Have a healthy, balanced diet. About 20 percent of the nutrients you consume nourish your brain, so a balanced diet full of protein, fat and a wide variety of fruits and vegetables is necessary for a healthy and beneficial brain.
  3. Try to get a full night's sleep every night. Seven to nine hours of sleep is required for your mind to function optimally. Your body needs sleep to process hormones and your brain makes important new connections at night.
  4. Learn to relax. While stress can give you extra strength and adrenaline, it limits your creative brain capacity if it is part of your daily life. Embrace your favorite relaxation technique, such as meditation, yoga, music, or a nap.
  5. Get 1,000 to 2,000 units of vitamin D daily. Scientists have found a link between low levels of this vitamin and slow cognitive processing and function. If you don't get 15 to 30 minutes of sunlight several times a week, talk to your doctor about a supplement.
  6. Eat a lot of omega-3 fatty acids. These acids help the brain process information efficiently. The best Omega-3 foods are mackerel, salmon, walnuts, chia seeds, herring, flax seeds, and tuna.
  7. Avoid tobacco use and limit alcohol consumption. It is no surprise that these substances act like toxins to the brain. Long-term use and overuse can lower your brain function.
  8. Take care of yourself throughout your life. The sooner you change your habits, the better your brain health will be. Try to implement these changes as soon as possible.


  • Vitamin D (sunlight / supplements)
  • Omega-3
  • Sport and movement
  • Dual n-back, brain training and brain gymnastics
  • Difficult books