Act like a princess

Author: Judy Howell
Date Of Creation: 28 July 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to act like a princess
Video: How to act like a princess


Acting like a princess involves more than just teaching better manners. Princesses are strong women who use their courage and brains to make the lives of others better. Princesses take the responsibilities of being a princess with both hands, while simultaneously letting their inner beauty shine through to everyone around them. If you want to learn how to become like your favorite amazing princess, let wikiHow help you! Start at Step 1 to learn how to act like a princess.

To step

Part 1 of 3: Gaining Princess Skills

  1. Improve your grammar. Princesses need to be able to speak well, and so should you! Practice your speech and improve your grammar and vocabulary to be more like a princess.
  2. Improve your posture. Princesses stand proud, with their heads held high and their shoulders back. Work on your posture and stand up straight to get the look of a princess.
  3. Make yourself smarter. Princesses are smart and help solve problems. Do your best in school and learn as much as you can about the world around you. Become a problem solver too.
  4. Work on becoming a nicer person. Kindness is a very important quality for a princess. Be nice and helpful. Make yourself as beautiful on the inside as you are on the outside.
  5. Train your modesty. Good princesses are humble. So try to be humble more often, and people will start to appreciate you as the princess you are.
  6. Have good manners. Princesses have perfect manners, of course! You can work on your own ways by researching it, or by asking your (grand) parents for help!
  7. Always be polite. Work on your politeness, especially when you are around people who are not related to you. You have a real princess asset in your hands. Politeness is an art that is getting lost. So if you are polite, you will stand out from the crowd.
  8. Work on your table manners. Definitely one of the most important parts of being a princess is having good table manners. All those different forks and spoons, when to eat something, how to behave… it's a nightmare! But with a little practice, your next meal will be as elegant and graceful as Kate Middleton!
    • Display good table manners while eating. Practice this.
    • Don't spit out your food. You don't want everyone to see that chewed piece of spinach, do you? Bah!
    • Be neat when you eat. Your princess dress will be ruined if you spill pasta sauce on it! Always try to eat neatly at the royal meal.
  9. Take care of your body. A princess should always be clean and look as perfect as a painting. You can do this too!

Part 2 of 3: Learn from the Disney Princesses

  1. Learn from Snow White. Snow White worked hard, did her odd jobs, and took part in the household - both with the dwarves and at home in the castle. Responsibilities like this are very important to princesses too! You should be the same. Help when possible, do your chores, find a job, and take on more responsibility.
  2. Learn from Cinderella. Cinderella was kind to everyone. She was kind to her mean sisters, as well as to little mice. That kindness provided her with an inner beauty that ultimately helped the story to have a happy ending. Be as friendly as Cinderella, even if you don't have to be. People will be mean to you, or they won't have that much to offer you. But as Cinderella showed, that doesn't mean you have to be mean back.
  3. Learn from Aurora. Princess Aurora, also called Sleeping Beauty or Sleeping Beauty, was sweet and kind to all the animals in the forest. She lived in perfect harmony with her surroundings, and you should too. Respect nature and do your best to protect the environment.
  4. Learn from Ariel. Life can be tough at times, and often we are overwhelmed by school and other responsibilities. Ariel shows us that fun, joy and happiness in life are just as important. Ariel collected things, and saw the beauty in things that no one else could see. Like Ariel, you should enjoy the world around you and find happiness in the things you do.
  5. Learn from Belle. Belle had a hard time with the Beast, but she also saw in him someone who really had the opportunity to be a better person. Belle helped him ease his own pain and find happiness. Like Belle, you too should try to make people better. If you see someone having a hard time, try to help them. Don't write him off as a bad person right away. This grace testifies to true princesshood!
  6. Act like Jasmine. Jasmine did not blindly follow the customs of her society, but saw problems and fought against them to improve her own life. Follow your heart, just like Jasmine, and do what you know is right. This can be tricky at times, and you will sometimes even go against the norm, but it will make you a happier and stronger person. Just like Jasmine.
  7. Learn from Pocahontas. Pocahontas had reason enough to fear the English settlers, as did the rest of her tribe. But instead of judging them based on their differences, Pocahontas tried to understand them and find a middle ground. She recognized that we humans are all the same, the people of the world. She tried to bring about peace and prosperity for everyone. Seek understanding and peace, just as Pocahontas did. Try to resolve arguments and problems between people in your life peacefully. Try to ensure that everyone is treated fairly.
  8. Learn from Mulan. Many of the things we have to do in our lives can be quite scary. Mulan certainly feared when she had to fight in the war to protect her family and country. But courage, doing what you have to do even though you fear it, is a quality you need to face the challenges in your life. Be brave, just like Mulan, and wash that piggy!
  9. Learn from Tiana. Tiana learned from her father that if she just worked hard enough, she could achieve anything her heart desires. Tiana did just that, and got everything she wanted! Work hard, like Tiana, to make your own dreams come true. Do your best at school and try to get where you want. Choose the right job and get a good education. You cannot assume that someone will come and rescue you every time.
  10. Learn from Rapunzel. When Rapunzel and Flynn get bothered in the bar, she's not afraid of all those scary men there. She treats them like ordinary people, and even befriends them. Like Rapunzel, you shouldn't judge people. You cannot judge a book by its cover. People will always surprise you.
  11. Learn from Merida. Merida had to save her mother when she made a pretty serious mistake. It was difficult, scary, but the right thing to do. Like Merida, you should always do the right thing, especially when the going gets tough. This is one of the qualities that distinguish princesses from mere mortals. Pretty much every princess on this list did. It's not always easy, but always try to follow your heart and do the right thing. That way you will find happiness.
  12. Learn from EVE (from Wall-E). She is loyal, strong, courageous, caring, and beautiful. She never gives up. She follows orders. She met Wall-E, didn't want to hurt him, and was kind to him. It's okay to act like her. Be brave, strong, kind, never give up, and obey orders.
  13. Learn from Anna and Elsa. Anna learned not to rush into love. You also need to learn that it sometimes takes a while before you can trust and love people. Elsa learned to be confident about her powers, and not to be afraid to use her talents and use them for the greater good. Both sisters have learned that family is very important. You need to learn to love slowly, to be confident, and to love your family deeply. If you have certain powers (such as looking into the future) you have to accept them. Don't be afraid of it.

Part 3 of 3: Learning from real princesses

  1. Be active in your own life. Take control of your destiny, be an active player in your own life; not a supporting role in another's life. Do the things you want to do, and don't wait for a prince to invite you to do so. You will find happiness if you seek it yourself; you won't find it if you wait for someone else to find it for you.
    • Be like Princess Zhao of Pingyang. This princess was not born a princess. She made sure to become one herself! She lived in China a long time ago. When her father decided to become ruler of China, Zhao didn't wait for him. She decided to create an army herself and help her father. She took control of her own destiny, and you should too.
  2. Fight for freedom. While you may not have the title of princess, there are still a lot of people you need to protect. We are all, all people in the world, the same. Nevertheless, there are all kinds of people who are abused or treated as inferior. Fight for their freedom. That's what a real princess would do!
    • Be like Rani Lakshmibai. Princess Lakshmibai, who was actually queen as a king's wife, was an Indian princess who fought for the freedom of her people. Her people suffered under the rule of the British. She saw her people being abused and treated inhumanely. Her son, who was to become king, was also stripped of his power and future. Instead of letting men fight, she herself fought for her people and their freedom. You should do this too.
  3. Determine who you are for yourself. Don't let anyone else do this for you. Do the things that make you you and the things that you enjoy. The world will tell you what girl things are things and what boy things are. Or people will tell you that certain things are only for white or colored girls. But that does not matter. Don't listen to people like that. Be the person you want to be.
    • Be like Princess Sirivannavari Nariratana. This Thai princess is studying fashion, and is a typical girl ... doing sports! She doesn't let "femininity" stop her from doing the things she likes, which are usually considered boys' things.
  4. Desire more from life. Reach for the stars no matter what people tell you. Desire more from life, pursue your dreams. Don't take the same job as your parents because they want to. Don't listen to the people who tell you to take a girl job. Chase your dreams to find happiness.
    • Be like Princess Sikhanyiso Dlamini. This princess of Swaziland, in Africa, does not allow the norms of her culture to be imposed. She fights many of the old-fashioned restrictions and pursues her own dreams. Try to do that too.
  5. Try to make the world a better place. Do your best to make the world a little more beautiful. Try to find ideals that you believe in and do your part. You can volunteer or organize a benefit. You can also help by donating clothes and toys that you no longer use. Tell your parents you want to help people, and they will help you find ways to give back to society.
    • Be like Princess Diana. Princess Diana was Prince William's mother. Although she died very young, she worked very hard during her life to make the world a better place. She tried to fight the AIDS epidemic, as well as helping people who others thought were unworthy, such as drug addicts and the homeless.
  6. Show hope. Sometimes life is very difficult. For you, but also for everyone else. Sometimes it is tough and can make you sad. When this happens, you have to express hope, even when everything seems hopeless. Stay optimistic and always try to do your best to achieve the best outcome.
    • Be like Queen Elizabeth. She is now the Queen of the United Kingdom, but was a princess during the Second World War. At the time, people, especially children, were very anxious. Elizabeth brought hope to all of them by speaking to them on the radio and doing her best to bring the war to an end.
  7. Fight for equality. You have to fight for equality because we are all human. We all deserve equal rights and opportunities. If you see people being treated unfairly, speak up. It doesn't matter if this is in your family or halfway across the world. If enough voices are heard, real change can be achieved. The lives of many can thus be improved.
    • Be like Princess Ameera Al-Taweel. Ameera is a princess of Saudi Arabia, and is an icon for the equal treatment of women in her country and the rest of the Middle East. She uses her power to improve the living conditions of women. From women who have not been given the same opportunities as themselves.
  8. Be smart! Don't be afraid to be smart. If you see that guys can't appreciate your sharp mind, they aren't good guys - at least they're not princes on white horses. Learn about other things because learning is fun! You will be able to do so many more interesting and fun things if you are smart. Moreover, you make it a lot easier for yourself to improve the world. Do your best in school, and never be afraid to use your wits!
    • Be like Princess Lalla Salma. Princess Lalla Salma of Morocco has a degree in engineering and worked with computers before receiving her royal title. Just like this bright princess, you should do your best to get smarter!


  • Don't gossip. This will cut a bad figure, the opposite of an ideal princess.
  • If you want to become a princess for selfish reasons, ignore these advice. Being a princess is not about being rich or living in a large castle / house. It's about loyalty, generosity, and giving. That's all you need to be a princess.
  • Have fun! After all, you are young, you have to meet new people. Enjoy life. The best thing you can do is try to discover yourself.
  • Being a princess means you have to be sweet and nice. It's not about your clothes and your makeup.
  • It's easy to get too concerned with acting like a princess. Make sure you have plenty of fun too!
  • Being a princess doesn't mean you can make everything. Being a princess is all about making sure everyone lives a good life and everyone is happy.
  • Be elegant and kind to everyone.
  • Learn to be respectful. Have a clear conscience.
  • It is not the crown that the princess makes. It's her honest attitude, and her caring nature.
    • Being a princess is all about attitude; not about how much money you have or who your parents are. Always support your friends when they are going through hard times. Build a positive reputation. It will eventually pay off.
  • Don't be too vain. People will think that you are only thinking about yourself.
  • Do good deeds for others. Not only for the people who are most in need.


  • Be careful not to come across as arrogant. A real princess is nice to everyone and will never make others feel inferior.
  • Just because you are a princess does not mean that you are better than others. Relax a little and be humble.