Dress your Indie

Author: John Pratt
Date Of Creation: 13 April 2021
Update Date: 24 June 2024
🌱🌈🍄indie aesthetic clothing inspiration tiktoks | how to dress indie + indie fashion🍄🌈🌱, KawaiiDIYs
Video: 🌱🌈🍄indie aesthetic clothing inspiration tiktoks | how to dress indie + indie fashion🍄🌈🌱, KawaiiDIYs


So… You want to be indie, right? And not the type with the whip and the top hat? Awesome. Hopefully you know how to be yourself, because that's what indie is all about. However, there are some “guidelines” you can use to dress indie, such as rejecting mainstream trends or wearing headphones.

To step

Part 1 of 3: Mastering the basics

  1. Be yourself. Being indie means being independent — the term “indie” is derived from the English word “independence”, which means independent. What does being independent mean? It means doing your own thing. It doesn't matter what the fashion trends are, were, or will be - you just do whatever you want. So don't worry about your indie clothing style - if you dress the way you want to, you're already indie.
    • Just make sure you like it because you like it self like. The voice of society is so incredibly loud that it is sometimes difficult to be sure that you made the choice yourself, or that you made it because someone else told you
  2. Avoid brand names and mainstream stores. Okay, if there is one thing indeed indie, it is the avoidance of brand names. An indie kid would never drag along a Coach handbag or wear $ 250 True Religion jeans. Indie kids tend to be a lot more rational than that. If a similar, high-quality piece of clothing can also be found in the thrift store, why spend $ 250 for it?
    • But again, do whatever you want. The fact that the mainstream likes something does not necessarily mean that it is bad. Embrace a trend or two if you genuinely like them, but don't drop them right away if they go out of style!
  3. Return it. Indie is all about appreciating what is “good”. And “good” is by definition timeless; not temporary, as trends always (but always are). Indies therefore generally appreciate vintage items and timeless pieces (think of the 1940s-1970s). If you see something old school you like, wear it! It was good at the time, and it is still good today.
    • Whether it's a vintage band shirt or your sister's old “Good Times, Bad Times” shirt, remember: Do you like it? Not that hard to forget! That you don't have to do so much to be indie ...
  4. Mix some styles if you want. Since you are free to be whoever you want, you can choose to add a little variety! Opt for a little John Lennon, a little Queen Maxima, even a little Maik de Boer if you want! If you like it, you will feel confident. And if you feel confident, you will wear your clothes well anyway.
    • Do not worry about certain items of clothing and which boxes they should supposedly fit into. Do you like that checkered shirt, but also think it's a bit too hipster? Or what do you think of that spiky bracelet, where you get free eyeliner, so to speak? Cool. Go for it! If you mix everything up a bit, you get a look that is typically you.
  5. Don't believe the hype. You will undoubtedly read and hear about what indie being on the internet, you will hear your friends talking about it, or hear people on television say what it is exactly. When they say, "dude, you really have to wear skinny jeans" or "wow, what are you doing in those Converse shoes?" then you have to put that aside. Indie is all about that no look that you must necessarily measure. Do not hesitate to reply and correct your friends and others!

Part 2 of 3: Adding the right accessories

  1. Opt for layers. If you have it fresh, do something about it. Put on a cardigan over your T-shirt, or opt for a cardigan. Wear a scarf in July. Wear leggings under your dress, and wear socks over them again.
    • Sometimes the layers will curse, and sometimes they won't. It's all fine. If they do swear, you might end up looking a bit like a hipster. But unlike hipsters, your look doesn't scream “I-don't-care-about” so much that it actually backfires.
  2. Nice it with jewelry and accessories. Nothing is mandatory, everything is allowed. Wooden bracelets, a dream catcher necklace, a choker, a 90s hairband, an old locket, whatever - you can use anything you want that day. Hip summer straps, long necklaces and earrings are very cute, and add a nice feminine touch to your look. But just choose what you like best.
    • Vintage buttons and necklaces are nice too. Search the thrift store and the flea market to see if you can pick up something nice.
    • Scarves and headbands are unisex. Just like a shoulder bag made of denim, leather, or any other material. But if you like a Spongebob backpack better, that's your right.
  3. If the shoe fits, put it on. Really, everything is allowed here. Hopefully that won't surprise you. But if you're looking for specific advice, here are some shoes that always work well:
    • Vans Authentics are always good and are available in multiple colors. Mono black (canvas and the rubber both black), green, blue and off-white are all excellent, but there are other colors you can choose from.
    • Loafers are an important part of the indie wardrobe. They give every everyday outfit a unique and antique touch. They come in multiple types and colors, and go with almost any look.
    • The Nike Dunks are also becoming more popular these days. They generate a lot of nostalgia, and are available in several limited editions. In addition, they suit almost everyone. Some indie kids prefer to ignore these shoes, because they are also worn by the mainstream. But Nike SB and Nike iD sneakers are a lot more unique, if you have the money for it.
    • Sanuk's footwear is also cool! They come in multiple colors, styles and patterns. You can find them in the major shoe stores, outdoor specialty stores and water sports stores.
    • Ballerinas are a good choice for girls. These also come in all shapes, sizes and colors. Funky platform shoes and gladiator sandals are also fun if you have had enough of the sneakers.

Part 3 of 3: Finishing the look

  1. Make your own clothes. There is nothing more independent and more “you” than something you have made yourself. If you can sew, you can start right away. And if making something yourself seems like too much work, you can try customizing a piece of clothing that you already have in the closet. You can also add extra details to garments that are gathering dust. You can pimp your entire wardrobe without going to the store!
    • And if sewing isn't your thing, you can try knitting, dyeing your clothes, or learning how to crochet. You can make exciting new things from all your boring clothes!
  2. Dress for the weather. When it's cold, girls can choose a sailor jacket, in any color. Opt for cardigans when it's a bit chilly! Knitted cardigans are always good, whether they are plain or have a pattern - they always look good on (sleeveless) tops.
    • Vintage leather jackets or Members Only jackets are always good for boys. You can even decorate them with cool buttons! If it's chilly outside, you can opt for a nice sweater or cardigan - these go well with almost everything. You can also opt for track jackets - these come in all shapes and colors, and can be worn all year round.
    • Scarves (for both men and women) can also be worn all year round, as they are available in cotton, linen, silk and wool. Scarves are a stylish addition to all your outfits. Bright and neutral colors are both fine, as long as they match your outfit. You can also fold a nice scarf from bandanas - you can use one bandana for this, but you can also tie several together. You can also wear your scarf in several ways. A simple scarf can make even the simplest outfit look great and unique!
  3. Go for environmentally friendly. Indie kids know exactly what's good or bad for the environment. If they can refuse something, they will. You can do it all in the thrift store! So donate your clothes, shop second-hand, make your own clothes, and don't let fashion affect your carbon footprint.
    • In general, you want to ignore fur and such materials. After all, animals are an important part of the environment! Take the time to learn what is included in your garments and what was used to make them. Find out who or what affects your clothing.
  4. Let your hair do its thing. Show your hair in its full glory, be it straight, curly or frizzy. There is no point in spending hours "correcting" your hair. What's wrong with your hair the way it is now? Nothing! And it is much better for your hair not to put all the mess in it, and not expose it to heat for too long. So show off what Mother Nature gave you, even if it's a pathetic pile of straw.
    • This does not mean that you are not allowed to do anything with it. If you want to light up, shave off, or grow a mat, do it. Just try not to put too much paint in it or expose it to heat too often. You're just not like that, okay?
  5. Opt for headphones. If we do have to generalize one thing, it is that indie kids know about the music scene. So get yourself a nice retro or designer headset that will add a bit of mystique to your appearance. The Grado SR60 is probably the best choice for your purposes.
    • Once you get your headphones, you can start looking for cool underground bands and tracks to listen to. Most indie kids don't subscribe to the Top 40, preferring to make their own musical plan.


  • Remember, even within the indie clothing style, there are different ways to express yourself. Consider, for example, the cheerful style of Forrest Kline from Hellogoodbye, or the more refined look of Ezra Koenig from Vampire Weekend. Get inspired by others, but eventually try to find your own style.
  • Try to adopt a carefree attitude or lifestyle as soon as you become more aware of what you really want. This individuality is definitely worth indie points!
  • Recycle. If your old clothing can be modified, try adapting it instead of disposing of it. If one of your friends wants your clothes, give them it. If all else fails, you can send the clothes to the local thrift store, donate to charity, or sell them at the flea market. If you need money you can sell your clothes on the flea market or or Marketplace. If you made your own clothes, you can try selling it on Etsy. Buy clothes made from recycled materials. Sell ​​your old CDs to the local record store. Most shops buy second hand CDs. Use your CDs with scratches in them for your crafts - create works of art for yourself, give them as gifts (older relatives especially like homemade gifts!) Or sell them.
  • Listen to artists who are under contract with independent labels. The big record bosses often force their bands to change their music style so that they sell more records. Independent labels often have bands that make better, more authentic music.
  • Wear makeup that has not been tested on animals. Manic Panic, for example, makes great makeup. They also have really nice hair dye and cool extensions. Aveda also makes fantastic makeup and hair products. Moreover, these do not contain any toxic, carcinogenic substances. Pangea makeup is also not tested on animals. Just like the Urban Decay make-up. Urban Decay also sells many vegan products.
  • You can also get more indie by buying vinyl. Many indie artists, such as Phoenix, Modest Mouse, Grizzly Bear, Xiu Xiu and Buffalo Country, release their music on vinyl. An impressive vinyl collection is not only indie, but also more satisfying than that luxury 60gb iPod.
  • Converse shoes are not the best option for indie kids because they are very mainstream right now. You can add your own touch to the shoes to make them a little more indie, but these days it seems like almost everyone has a pair of “unique” and “crazy” Converse in their closet. If you do need a pair, you can buy plain Converse and draw some on it with felt-tip pens.
  • Buy T-shirts, buttons and patches that support animal rights, social justice, vegetarianism and / or ecologism. Try to create awareness where possible.
  • Try to walk barefoot as much as possible. Wear flip flops and ballet flats when it's warm.
  • By the way, you can definitely wear Converse if you opt for an indie style! If it's your own unique style then do it. There are no rules. It's about embracing who you really are and what you believe in.


  • Indie stands for “independent”. Find out who you are or what you want to be. Wear what you want, buy what you want, say what you want, act how you want. That's real independence. Don't let other people influence your choices. Be who you are. You will be admired and respected for that.
  • Don't label yourself. If someone asks you who or what you are, say "myself". Or don't answer at all. This will help them believe that you are who you want to be.
  • Go not walk off showing off your new indie style. People will start to think that you are trying too hard. Stay true to yourself and make the new clothes part of you. That way you will become who you want to be in no time.