Behave "yandere" without appearing strange

Author: Roger Morrison
Date Of Creation: 26 September 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Nazareth - "Strange Days" - Official Music Video
Video: Nazareth - "Strange Days" - Official Music Video


Yandere is a Japanese word for someone who has an unhealthy romantic obsession. This is often used as an archetype in Japanese fiction, where one can be the sweet, romantic, loving, affectionate character type as well as the obsessive, dramatic, violent type. While a yandere generally shows affection through obsessive acts and becomes violent or creepy when he / she is jealous or ignored, by mimicking the yandere type sarcastically, you can make this strange behavior humorous. Act like a yandere by conveying your mood through facial expressions and controlling your yandere smile. Then all you have to do is dress in yandere clothes, and you'll be hilariously yandere.

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Method 1 of 3: Making a parison on a yandere

  1. Choose a target who has no problem with your advances. The target of your yandere love should be someone you immediately find impressive. The kind of person you could really give yourself to dedicate. Common targets include sports team captains, people who have just moved to your area and emerging leaders (see the animé Code Geass).
    • Your target must come across as the main player in his or her own life adventure. In a manner of speaking, he or she must be the hero of his or her own story ..... and also yours.
    • Your target's talents and skills should be something you respect or admire. In this way, your admiration for these talents and skills will be truly intense.
    • Choose someone who can take your exaggerated advances. It should not make the other person uncomfortable. Choose someone who likes weird games and already knows you well.
  2. Be the target's biggest fan. Attend the target's games, practices, and rehearsals. Be a one-person supporters club. Give your loved one a bottle of water when he or she comes off the field or descends the stage. Let the other person know how committed you are.
    • Talk to friends and classmates about the target's creative pieces or virtuoso piano performances.
  3. Protect the target from inappropriate advancement attempts. You have devoted yourself, heart and soul, to the target, so it is only fair that the target is reciprocal. Get your Death Star gaze on anyone trying to squeeze between you and your lover. Do not admonish the target of your love to give others the wrong ideas while it is clearly is that they are not meant for each other.
    • Yandere types are often violently jealous when the target of their love is violated by an outsider's affection. However, this is not acceptable in the real world. You may only "protect" your target in a playful, fun way.
  4. Show respect for the target. Let the target choose the places where you can meet, which movies you will see together, and the snack bars where you will eat in your spare time. Do what your target asks of you. Show respect for your victim's wishes and goals.
    • The target will perceive your easy and pleasant manners as in harmony with their own. This will pull the other deeper into the complex web of your love, where he or she never, really never again will escape from.
  5. Express your cute aggression within reason. Adorable aggression is that you think something is so cute or love something so much that you want to harm it, like `` think something so cute you want to squeeze it! '' It's only natural if you target of your love sees that you feel a little playful.
    • Give the target a big hug, a gentle and gentle tap on the arm, or a punch on the shoulder. Squeeze your eyes slightly when you do and make a cute noise. Let the other person know that you think they are so cute that they are stronger than you.
    • Throw light, safe items at your target, such as gloves, scarves, and paper. Shout out for joy when you do, saying something like, "You're so cute, I can't stand it!

Method 2 of 3: Dress your yandere

  1. Create an aura of innocence around you. Women should dress in conservative skirts and dresses. Men should prioritize a clean look, wearing things like khakis, simple shirts, shirts and school uniforms. Keep your style simple. Yandere is something you feel in the heart, while it looks normal from the outside.
    • Keep your haircut simple. Avoid flashy or sharp hairstyles. A yandere is quite modest, aside from the erratic, fleeting love he or she has for the love victim.
  2. Add fun accessories. Women can put ribbons in their hair, such as around a ponytail. Guys might want to consider wearing glasses. You can wear fake glasses if you otherwise have perfect vision.
    • A simple watch, necklace or bracelet can keep your yandere outfit together. Avoid too much over the top or flashy accessories. The dignity of your love must conquer the heart of your victim ... or else!
  3. Wear soothing colors. Green, blue and violet have a natural calming effect that you can use to your advantage. Although the fire of the yandere burns scorching in your heart, the colors of your wardrobe will say, "Choose me - I am very, very normal!"
    • Earth tones, such as brown and green, can also give the impression of stability and have a calming effect.

Method 3 of 3: Deliver Yandere signals

  1. Activate your beast mode. Yandere characters usually have a special way of looking that they use to indicate when they are on the warpath. Often this is a somewhat creepy expression, which is shown in animation by a shadow cast over the face. When people interfere with you and your target, you stare at them through your eyelashes to mimic this.
    • When someone is the target of a yandere person's love, another common response is to open the eyes wide with a phrase that could be described as "threateningly shocked".
    • Pulling with the corner of the eye or the corner of your mouth can be that showing that you are slowly but surely becoming insane. If you feel like your inner beast is moving, then show your feelings to the rest of the world through a vibration.
    • Do not do this to people around who are unaware of the joke, as it may scare them.
  2. Convey your moods with clear facial expressions. Be expressive with your face. Clearly show the target of your love how you feel with a smile, longing and beautiful looks. If things start to move romantically or if someone squeezes between you and your target, let your expression clearly reflect your disapproval.
    • While expressiveness is a common feature in yandere, it may be due to the fact that Japanese animation and manga, which are often highly expressive, are the most common media in which the yandere archetype occurs.
  3. Manage your yandere smile. Use your phone or a sound recorder to make a sound clip of your laugh. Listen to it. Your smile should be cute, but with an underlying edge. Adjust your smile little by little using the sound recorder to check the changes you've made. Do this until your yandere smile has become second nature.
    • Changing a natural reflex, such as laughing, can be difficult. It may take a while, and take some trial and error, to change your smile to yandere standards.


  • While a true "yandere" person would be scary in real life, you can jokingly pretend to be yandere to other people around who enjoy acting silly.
  • Pay close attention to whether others start to feel uncomfortable. You should only act like yandere with people who are okay with it. If someone seems uncomfortable with it, stop and explain that you were not serious and apologize for breaking their boundaries.
  • Make sure to only do this around people who know you're just playing and enjoying it. You don't want to scare someone and make them think you really are.
  • Don't brag about being a yandere! A real yandere will never admit this!
  • Only act as a yandere to people around who really understand what you are doing.
  • Don't go too far with the yandere act! You don't want anyone to think something is wrong with you.


  • Actual mental illness is no joke and should be taken seriously. If you feel really obsessive or dangerously connected to another person, see a mental health professional.
  • Doing like a yandere should only be done to have fun with this archetype or to imitate your favorite characters.
  • Make sure those around you know what you are doing. This cannot be stressed enough. Being protective of someone you love is fine, but suddenly developing stalk behavior and scaring people is not okay. Make sure people know it's a joke.