Learn the split in one day

Author: Frank Hunt
Date Of Creation: 13 March 2021
Update Date: 27 June 2024
Video: How to Get MIDDLE SPLITS in ONE DAY


To learn the split, you need flexible hips. By doing extensive stretches on a regular basis, you can become flexible enough to eventually do the split. How long it takes to get this done depends on how much time you spend doing stretches. If you are flexible enough, you can quickly master the split.

To step

Part 1 of 4: Prepare

  1. Wear comfortable, flexible clothing. Make sure your pants can move with the movements of your body. For example, yoga pants, sports pants or leggings are well suited.
  2. Use a yoga mat, yoga blocks and a yoga bolster. To start, place the mat on a free part of the floor.If you have carpet or carpet, you may not even need the yoga mat.
  3. Fill a bottle with drinking water. In any sport it is very important to drink enough. If you do this too little, your muscles will tire more quickly and you will be less able to perform stretching exercises.

Part 2 of 4: Warm up your body

  1. Place a bolster in the center of your mat and place two yoga blocks next to it on either side. Use the yoga blocks and bolsters to support you as you sink into the split.
    • Get on your knees behind the bolster.
    • Support your hands on the yoga blocks.
    • Place one foot in front of the bolster and make sure that you rest on your knee with your other leg.
    • Slowly slide down both your front and back leg.
    • Support your legs with the bolster to take some pressure off your muscles.
    • Take 3 to 6 deep breaths and extend your legs slightly with each breath.
    • Switch legs 3 to 5 times so that both legs get used to both the front and back positions.
  2. Repeat the split and stretching exercises. It is important to keep stretching and practicing daily to eventually do the split. Some people reach this goal in one day, but most people will need more time to become more flexible before they split. If you practice for 20 to 30 minutes daily, you will soon master the split.


  • Take a deep breath as you stretch. Doing this will relax your muscles and make them more flexible. When you exhale, your muscles relax on their own and so deep breathing is very important to learn the split.
  • A good time to stretch is after your daily workout. Your muscles are already warm, which makes them move more flexibly.
  • Showering before stretching can help your flexibility. A hot shower warms up your muscles, causing them to relax. This will make them stretch more easily, making each exercise easier for you.
  • Use a stopwatch to make sure you are doing the stretches long enough. With most exercises you will have to hold a certain position for 30 to 60 seconds.


  • Don't try to force your body into anything. Most people won't be able to learn the split in a day. If you are not that flexible yourself, you will need more time to become more flexible. Don't try to force this, but practice slowly. By stretching every day, you will naturally become more flexible and you will be able to master the split in no time.
  • Check with your doctor if you are healthy enough to do certain exercises. Your doctor may even have tips to help you get started.
  • As soon as you feel pain, stop stretching immediately. It's normal to feel some tension, but pain is never meant to be. It is therefore a good idea to take regular breaks and slowly but surely stretch your muscles.