To kiss someone for the first time

Author: John Pratt
Date Of Creation: 15 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Women Have Their First Kiss Captured in Slow Motion | First Takes | Cut
Video: Women Have Their First Kiss Captured in Slow Motion | First Takes | Cut


Kissing someone for the first time can be exciting, but it can also make you quite nervous. Do not worry. When you want to kiss someone for the first time, you just have to relax, be satisfied with your body, and follow a few simple guidelines. If you want to kiss someone for the first time, follow these simple steps.

To step

Method 1 of 3: Prepare to kiss

  1. Freshen your breath. Having fresh, kissable breath is very important if you want to give a great first kiss. Make sure you have tried your teeth and used some mouthwash before kissing. Or take a chewing gum or a peppermint beforehand. You can do this an hour in advance. You don't want your breath to smell too much like mint, nor do you want it to look like you've really prepared for your first kiss.
    • If you are going to eat before the kiss, try to avoid dishes that contain a lot of garlic, onion, or herbs.
  2. Creating the mood. It's important that you share your first kiss in an intimate or romantic setting. Your first kiss is something you'll remember for the rest of your life, so make sure it's special. You don't necessarily have to serenade the person or light a thousand candles, but you can choose an ideal time and location.
    • Kiss in the evening. Kissing when the sun goes down or after dark is much more romantic than kissing during the day. You will also feel less shy about your first kiss in the dark.
    • Kiss somewhere where you have privacy. Choose a location where you will not be distracted and where passersby are not likely to come. Make sure you can really focus on the kiss. Choose a secluded park bench, a nice spot on the beach or by a lake, or even on your balcony.
    • Try to look your best. Dress a little better than usual to show that a special event is taking place. You don't want to kiss for the first time while you're still wearing your sportswear.
  3. Make sure your partner is ready. This is very important. You can make the mood and your breath as perfect as possible, but none of it will matter if your partner isn't ready to kiss just yet. Before you kiss, make sure your partner likes you too. You can find out about this on dates, if he / she touches you a little sometimes, or if he / she has told you.
    • If your partner continues to look you in the eye, touch you lightly, and smile, you will know that he / she is ready for the kiss.
  4. Avoid the pitfalls of kissing. Before you are ready to give the kiss, keep in mind to handle it calmly and gently. If you are too aggressive or rough, your partner will pick up the wrong signals. The kiss will feel too forced. Here are some things to avoid when you first kiss:
    • French kissing. Don't put your tongue in your partner's mouth right away. Do not immediately leave saliva everywhere. If your partner takes the plunge and gently sticks their tongue against yours, then of course you can start French kissing. But don't do this in the first few seconds of the traditional kiss.
    • To bite. A little nibbling on your partner's lip or tongue can be extremely kinky.However, if you do this on the first kiss, your partner will be caught off guard. Maybe it will even put him / her off.
    • The floating hands. You need to make physical contact with your partner, bring your body closer to theirs, and stroke your partner's head or shoulders with your hands. Do not touch him / her in inappropriate places during the first kiss. If you do, you'll switch a few steps. You will appear dirty, and the first kiss will seem insincere.

Method 2 of 3: Kissing

  1. Make physical contact. Move a little closer to the person you want to kiss then. It doesn't matter if you move closer to him / her when you are sitting, if you put your arm around him / her, or stroke his / her hair a little. When you start to touch him / her, maintain eye contact to make your intentions clear.
    • Your first kiss will feel a lot more natural if you are already touching each other a bit, and if you are both comfortable with that. Don't move your hands to inappropriate body parts, keep it suitable for all ages.
    • The physical contact can even be a bit teasing. You can playfully tap or push the other person before your actions take on a more serious character.
    • Try to give a romantic compliment before you start the kiss. Say something like "Your eyes are driving me crazy" or "You look beautiful tonight."
  2. Come closer, until your faces are only inches apart. If you are in physical contact, you can maneuver yourself into a position where your face is only inches from your partner's. Maintain eye contact. You can even smile for a moment to show your affection.
    • Get even closer, until your hips almost touch. Use your hands to stroke your partner's cheek, hair, or shoulders.
    • A classic kissing position is when the boy puts his arm around the girl's waist and she puts her arms over the shoulders or behind the boy's neck. It looks like you are shuffling.
  3. Kiss. Once you are in position, there is only one thing left to do. Kiss. Do not hesitate. When you've gotten this far, both of you clearly want to kiss. Lean a little closer, and lay the steps on top of each other. Remember to take it easy. Let your lips touch each other gently and watch the other person react. Hold the lips slightly apart, and kiss the other person for another five to ten seconds before letting go.
    • Keep your hands active when you use the pillow. Use your hands to hold the other person's face, run through their hair, or stroke their neck. You don't have to overdo it with your roosters. Just make sure that your whole body is involved in the kiss so that the kiss becomes all the sweeter.
  4. Back off. Gently and slowly withdraw from the person. Don't end the kiss abruptly. Do not withdraw from your partner with your whole body. Maintain physical contact as you withdraw and keep looking your partner in the eye. Continue to gently stroke your partner with your hands to let him / her know it was a great kiss.
    • Take the time to cut off physical contact. Doing this too abruptly may make your partner feel like you didn't like it.

Method 3 of 3: Respond appropriately after kissing

  1. If it feels right, give it another kiss. If you can't break the physical contact, or you keep looking your partner in the eye, you can let the kissing train roll. Stroke your partner's hair or cheek and kiss again. Keep taking it easy, after all, you are still looking at how the other person reacts to you. In the long run, you can be a little bolder and more adventurous with your kisses.
    • If it feels right, you can try a French kiss. Just make sure your partner uses his / her tongue as well so you don't surprise him.
  2. Don't be disappointed if things don't go well. If the first kiss wasn't as good as you expected, don't worry. The first kiss is often uncomfortable, because both parties are still getting to know each other. The kissing will get better, practice makes perfect. You can take a break and try again when the time comes.
    • Even if it isn't right, you should retreat gently and move on. Don't dwell on what happened. Imagine that the next kiss will be successful.


  • Take a gum / mint before kissing.
  • Don't do anything you don't want to do. Go as far as you like.
  • Make sure you know the other person well.
  • If your teeth meet, that's no problem. If you like the boy / girl then they will love it. You can just keep on kissing.
  • If you have very chapped lips, don't kiss. Everyone suffers from this from time to time. Rather, wait until your lips are in a better condition.