Get harder

Author: Tamara Smith
Date Of Creation: 21 January 2021
Update Date: 27 June 2024
Get Hard Official Trailer #1 (2015) - Will Ferrell, Kevin Hart Movie HD
Video: Get Hard Official Trailer #1 (2015) - Will Ferrell, Kevin Hart Movie HD


The strongest among us are those who persevere when things go wrong, can guide others through dangerous situations, and stand up for themselves when others try to get them down. If you want to get harder too, you have to put in a lot of energy to improve your strengths and tackle your negative points. If you want to be strong, you have to build self-confidence, get stronger physically, and learn to stand up for your opinion. Read on if you're eager to get harder.

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Part 1 of 3: Getting harder mentally

  1. Stay calm under pressure. One of the most important qualities of a strong person is that he / she remains strong even in difficult times. When the world collapses around you, it doesn't help anyone if you cry, panic, or otherwise your emotions get the better of you. Think about what you need to keep calm in an emergency or when your life is under threat. Practice this as much as possible so that that strong mental state becomes second nature to you.
    • The next time you find yourself in a difficult situation, consciously take a break, remain still, and count to 10 before taking action. Remind yourself that you are strong and that you have the presence of mind to handle the situation.
    • If someone is bullying you or in any other way harasses you, think carefully before saying anything. Instead of running or lashing out, stay calm and make sense of the situation.
    • You can practice meditating to understand what it feels like to stay calm and focused no matter what is going on around you.
  2. Let go of the things that don't matter. Worrying about trivialities will only make you weaker. If you want to be tough, you have to learn to let go of things that aren't worth your attention. Rather, save your energy for problems and situations that require your utmost attention and concentration.
    • Don't get caught up in drama. Try to communicate with others as straightforwardly as possible and inspire those around you to do the same.
    • Don't be too easily offended by thoughtless comments or actions designed to annoy you. Those things don't matter at all in the long run.
    • Try not to worry too much. Worrying doesn't solve anything, and it only makes you mentally tired. Address issues right away so you don't have to waste time worrying.
  3. Set aside doubts. If you lack self-confidence, it will be difficult to make tough decisions in your life, because you will always doubt whether you are making the right choice. Start making smart, thoughtful choices that you believe in and can support. Once you are in a certain direction, stick to it with the confidence that you have made the right choice. Doubting and backing out are signs that you are not mentally hardened.
    • Build your confidence by knowing and strengthening your strengths and addressing your weaknesses. Everyone can improve on themselves in certain areas; the difference between strong and weaker people is that the strong always want to improve themselves. For example, if you're in the habit of making excuses to get through life, do whatever it takes to stop that self-destructive behavior.
    • Stop the activities that undermine your confidence. You can't make thoughtful, smart, reasonable decisions if certain behaviors that undermine your confidence are bothering you. That means you will have to unlearn those bad habits, such as drinking too much alcohol, using drugs or gambling, because they make it more difficult to see things as they really are.
  4. Set goals and stick to them. Are you someone of more words than actions? Everyone can talk about the things they want to achieve, but that is different from actually setting goals and trying to achieve them. Working towards a goal can be boring, painful and difficult. But the more you practice getting things done, the more often you will succeed.
    • Be resilient. When you start a new sport, job, or education, you need to think about the steps needed to succeed and stick to them.
    • View everything day by day. Being strong enough to achieve big goals means you have to be patient in the meantime. Break bigger tasks into small steps, complete each step to the best of your ability, and slowly but surely work towards the end goal.
  5. Spring back after a mistake. Even the strongest of us make mistakes. Most importantly, you know how to get back on your feet after a mistake. Every time something goes wrong you analyze what went wrong and what to do differently next time. Create a new strategy to achieve your goal and persevere with confidence.
    • Admit your mistakes. Don't make excuses or blame others.
    • Don't be too hard on yourself. On the contrary, you will become weaker if you keep worrying about your responsibility for the miss. Trust that you can make amends.
  6. Be positive about your future. Overcome the obstacles with an optimistic attitude, don't give up too quickly. If you believe that your life has meaning and that you have the ability to take on challenges, you will be able to handle difficult situations much better, stay strong when the going gets tough, and you will try again if it doesn't work right away.
    • It helps to have a sense of humor. Try to put things into perspective and also see the lighter sides of situations.
    • Inspire others to stay optimistic too. Be a positive force in the lives of others. Part of being a strong person is helping others through tough times.

Part 2 of 3: Get physically harder

  1. Get in top shape. Being physically strong requires a lot of work and effort. You have to focus on two things: you have to get strong muscles and you have to work on your stamina. Set goals and exercise regularly. Once you've reached a few goals, set new goals, and always strive to be in top shape.
    • Do cardio exercises. Run, bike, or swim several times a week. Once you can cover a certain distance, try to go a little further. Sign up for a marathon to motivate yourself even more.
    • Do weight training. Work on all muscle groups in your body. If you find yourself getting stronger, challenge yourself and take on heavier weights or do more reps.
    • Join a sports team if you have time. Then you will be stimulated to work even harder so that you become even fitter.
    • Eat well to keep your body strong. Eat healthy foods such as fruits and vegetables, lean meats and fish, nuts and legumes, and whole grains. Don't eat fast food, prepackaged foods, and empty calories.
    • Get plenty of sleep. Your body needs time to recover after exercise, and sleep makes you strong both mentally and physically.
    • Try to keep toxins out of your diet and lifestyle as much as possible. Do not use drugs and drink in moderation.
  2. Train to win, not just survive. This is an approach used by the US Navy. Anyone can get in shape physically, but to get really hard physically your goal has to be to perform at your best. Train to win competitions, not just enter.
    • Sign up for competitions so you can track your progress. Your goal should be to finish in the top 10% so that you have the chance to actually win.
    • You can still train to win even if you are not very good yet. Try to beat your personal best every time you participate.
  3. Go through the pain. You can't get into top shape without experiencing pain. If you train so hard it will hurt, both during and after training, if you have muscle pain. If you are physically tougher, you can handle the pain that comes with exercising so that your muscles grow stronger as they recover. Know that your efforts will be worth it in the end.
    • When you train, give everything you have. Go further, faster and harder than you think you can handle. Continue for another 10 minutes if you think you're done.
    • Make sure you don't get injured. There is a difference between pain and injury. If you are new to intensive training, work with a personal trainer.
  4. Go again the next day. You cannot achieve physical strength by training every now and then. You have to work on it every day, week after week, for years to come, to keep your body in top shape. Drag yourself off the couch and exercise, even if you are tired and don't feel like it.
  5. Learn to survive in extreme situations. You may have strong muscles and great stamina, but what do you do when you get into a snowstorm or get attacked by a vicious dog? Getting hard means that you can respond well in all kinds of physical situations. Read books on survival techniques so you know what to do in case of danger or extreme weather.
    • Learn how to fend off an attack by an animal. Know how to save yourself if you are attacked by a dog, boar or other animal.
    • Learn how to survive in extreme weather conditions. Snowstorms, extreme heat or cold and thunderstorms require that you can show physical strength.
    • Learn how to survive alone in the wild. Know how to make a shelter, find food and drink, and find your way to civilization.
  6. Learn to fight. Whether you're dealing with a robber or standing up for someone being bullied, self-defense techniques can always come in handy. Learn how to lash out well or defend yourself.
    • Part of learning to fight is knowing when to fight. You should always try to resolve the situation in other ways first.
    • In self-defense sports important techniques are learned. It is also made clear what the correct mentality with regard to fighting is.

Part 3 of 3: Be tough

  1. Do not complain. If you want people to think you are a tough one, you should try to stay positive and face difficult situations without complaining. Complaining is a waste of time and makes you sound like a whiner. Act like the strong, purposeful, and confident person you are. You will inspire others to want to be like you.
    • If you need to blow off steam (and we all have to sometimes), do it when you're alone. Write down your thoughts, or try to use your pent up energy in a positive way, for example by exercising.
    • Sharing your negative feelings is not the same as complaining. You don't always have to pretend nothing is wrong or hide what you think; just try not to whine.
  2. Control your emotions. You probably know people who like to be dramatic, and others who can explode with anger out of nowhere. If you can't control your emotions, it can be very difficult for others. Try the tough approach so that you don't bother others with your emotions.Find ways to express yourself constructively.
    • This does not mean that you have to bottle up your emotions, because that can start to wring over time. It is very good to express sadness, joy, shame, anger, and so on, as long as you do it in a way that is tolerable for others.
    • Don't confuse strong behavior with numb behavior. It's not strong to pretend you don't have feelings. Rather, it is stronger to be honest and acknowledge your emotional pain or joy, and be brave enough to share it with others.
  3. Face reality. Think about what you're running from, or what you're avoiding, and do your best to handle it. It is much easier to show flight behavior, such as watching too much television or going out every night, than it is to deal with your problems. Hard people do deal with problems. If you do this, you will be much more successful in life because you will not let bad habits hold you back.
    • Think carefully about what you are trying to escape in your life. Is there a personal flaw that you ignore? A family member who needs your help? A mistake you could fix?
    • Try to stay away from all distractions for a while to clear your mind and shift your focus. Turn off the television, your phone and computer for a few days.
  4. Offer to do things that you fear. You will never get harder if you just keep doing the things you do best. Getting harder requires you to learn new things, which will help you develop yourself. Do your best to try new activities and be open to experiences that you would naturally prefer to avoid.
    • What are you afraid of? Make a commitment to overcome a certain fear. If you hate speaking in front of a lot of people, give a speech at your girlfriend's wedding. If you are afraid of water, take swimming lessons.
  5. Stand strong for others. Hard people can take care of others if they need it. It is much more difficult to empathize with people than just save your own skin. Be strong with your family and friends when they need you. If you see a stranger who needs help, offer yourself. If you're doing something as a team, raise your hand when chores need to be done.
    • Take good care of your family. Be trustworthy and responsible so they know they can count on you.
    • Step forward and be a leader when prompted. For example, if you're in a building and the fire alarm goes off, be the one to calm others down and get them to safety, instead of running away and thinking only about yourself.
  6. Fight for what you believe in. The strongest people stay strong even when faced with hardship, danger, and criticism (perhaps the most difficult obstacle). Being tough means knowing what you believe in and standing up for it. You may even have to fight for it. Don't back down and never give up!


  • Find a role model. What qualities make him or she strong? Try to pursue this to get harder.