Steam vegetables

Author: Tamara Smith
Date Of Creation: 28 January 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to Steam Vegetables | Cook Vegetables
Video: How to Steam Vegetables | Cook Vegetables


Steamed vegetables are a nutritious and quick choice for dinner. You can choose from different steaming methods and you don't need expensive tools to prepare the vegetables. Grab a steamer, pan with a lid, or a microwave-safe bowl to start cooking a delicious, nutritious and colorful dish to serve tonight.

To step

Method 1 of 4: Choosing and preparing vegetables

  1. Choose vegetables. In fact, you can steam all vegetables, but certain vegetables are easier to steam and the steaming time varies with each vegetable. Broccoli, cauliflower, carrots, asparagus, artichokes and green beans are often steamed and taste great when cooked this way. However, if you want to get creative, add some potatoes or radishes as well. Below you can see how long you should steam the different vegetables:
    • Asparagus: 7 to 13 minutes, or 4 to 7 minutes if you cut the stems into smaller pieces
    • Broccoli: steam the stems for eight to twelve minutes and the florets for five to seven minutes
    • Carrots: 7 to 12 minutes, depending on the size and whether or not you cut them into pieces
    • Cauliflower: 5-10 minutes for the florets
    • Corn on the Cob: Seven to 10 minutes
    • Green beans: five to seven minutes
    • Potatoes (sliced): eight to 12 minutes
    • Spinach: three to five minutes
  2. Sort the vegetables by cooking time. Some vegetables take longer to steam than others, so it's a good idea to keep them separate when cooking. This will prevent some vegetables from becoming limp and soggy, while other vegetables are still hard and raw on the inside. You can cook different types of vegetables together, but you may need to find a way to keep them separate in the steamer so that you can easily remove the vegetables that cook faster from the pan when they are ready.
    • For example, you have to steam potatoes a lot longer than green beans, and it is therefore better not to put them together when steaming.
    • Thicker vegetables are also cooked faster if you cut them into smaller pieces.

Method 2 of 4: Steam vegetables in a steamer

  1. Let the vegetables steam for a few minutes. When you have put the vegetables in the steamer, let them cook for a few minutes without touching the pan. Wait until the minimum recommended steaming time has passed and then check the vegetables.
    • If you're worried about forgetting the time, set a kitchen timer. Most quickly cooked vegetables can be checked after about three minutes.
  2. Remove only the vegetables that are soft from the pan. If you are steaming different types of vegetables and the pieces are not all the same size, only remove the vegetables that are cooked from the pan and leave the rest in the pan. Use tongs or a slotted spoon to remove the vegetables from the steamer without burning yourself. When the vegetables are cooked, put them in a covered bowl to keep them warm.
    • When the vegetables are all cooked at the same time, you may be able to remove the steamer basket from the pan and place the vegetables in a bowl or serving dish. Use oven gloves or a dishcloth to protect your hands.
    • Many vegetables have a brighter and brighter color when cooked.
    • The best test is of course a taste test. The vegetables should be firm and soft, rather than soggy.
  3. Choose a deep pan big enough for all the vegetables you want to steam. Make sure all vegetables fit in it. Also make sure that the pan has a matching lid or a lid that keeps the steam in the pan sufficiently. Preferably use a pan that is large enough to fill it three quarters with vegetables, so that there is room under the lid at the top for steam and condensation to form.
    • If you are preparing larger vegetables, it is best to use a deep pan. However, smaller vegetables such as asparagus shoots or cauliflower florets are better prepared in a large frying pan with a lid.
  4. Turn down the heat and set a kitchen timer according to the cooking time. When the water starts to steam, turn the heat all the way down. Wait until the minimum recommended steaming time for your vegetables is over, then see if they are cooked by poking the thickest part of the vegetables with a knife.
    • The vegetables should be soft, but also a little crunchy. They should also have a bright color.
    • If the vegetables are not cooked yet, put the lid on the pan and let them steam for another one to two minutes before testing them again.
  5. Eat or serve the vegetables when they are hot. Remove the plastic wrap from the bowl, throw it in the trash can, and scoop the vegetables onto your plate. Add some spices or sauce to taste and enjoy.
    • If you prefer, you can put a little butter or soy sauce on your vegetables before steaming them. When the vegetables are ready, season them with salt and pepper or other spices you like.
    • Be careful when removing the foil or lid from the bowl as a lot of hot steam will come out of the bowl.


  • Steamed vegetables taste great with lemon juice.
  • All vegetables can be reheated in various ways after you have steamed them, for example by sautéing them or heating them in the microwave. Leftovers can be kept in the refrigerator for three to four days.
  • If you don't have a steamer, you can also just steam the vegetables in the pan using a stainless steel steamer basket.


Steam vegetables in a steamer

  • Steam cooker (homemade or ready-made)
  • Knife

Use a pan with a lid

  • Pan with lid
  • Knife or fork (to check if the vegetables are cooked)

Steam vegetables in the microwave

  • Microwave-safe bowl
  • Plastic foil
  • Microwave