Eating fenugreek seeds

Author: Roger Morrison
Date Of Creation: 17 September 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
5 Ways to Eat Methi Seeds For Hormonal Balance | Benefits of Fenugreek for Female | Weight Loss
Video: 5 Ways to Eat Methi Seeds For Hormonal Balance | Benefits of Fenugreek for Female | Weight Loss


Fenugreek seeds are one of the healthiest types of seeds you can add to your food. These seeds are thought to have multiple health benefits, such as helping with weight loss, preventing diabetes, lowering cholesterol, and promoting breast milk production. There are several ways to eat fenugreek seeds. You can eat the soaked seeds, eat the sprouted seeds, or add the seeds to a meal for a sweet and bitter addition.

To step

Method 1 of 3: Eat soaked fenugreek seeds

  1. Pour warm water over about 250 ml of fenugreek seeds. First, put the seeds in a bowl or other type of container. Then pour 250 ml of water over the seeds. The type of water you use, such as tap water, does not matter.
    • Fenugreek seeds are often eaten to aid in weight loss, as they are supposed to aid in digestion.
  2. Let the seeds soak overnight. You can leave the bowl of seeds on the counter. It is a good idea to cover the bowl if you are concerned that bugs or other things could get in the bowl during the night.
  3. Strain extra water from the seeds. Pour the bowl of soaked seeds including the water into a sieve. You can then place the seeds in a container or bowl if you have soaked more than 1 serving (about 250 ml). Place the remaining seeds in the refrigerator. They can be kept for 5 days.
  4. Eat the seeds on an empty stomach to aid in weight loss. If you eat the seeds to aid in weight loss, it is best to eat the seeds when you have an empty stomach in the morning. Simply eat the seeds raw from the bowl. It is recommended to eat about 250 ml of seeds. Repeat soaking and eating the seeds daily to notice weight loss.

Method 2 of 3: Eat sprouted seeds

  1. Soak the seeds in about 250 ml of warm water overnight. Then, in the morning, strain the extra water from the bowl. You can use a strainer to remove the extra water.
  2. Wrap the seeds in a damp cloth. You can use any type of cloth, but a muslin cloth is ideal. Use warm water to dampen the cloth before wrapping the cloth around the seeds. Place the cloth where it will not be disturbed.
  3. Wait 3 to 4 days for the seeds to germinate. Check the seeds the day after you wrap them in the cloth. Usually it will take a few days for them to germinate. After 3 days you can remove the seeds from the cloth to see if they have sprouted. You can rinse the seeds in water, but otherwise they are ready to eat.
    • Store the sprouted seeds in the refrigerator for up to a week.
  4. Add the sprouts to a salad or eat them alone. If you are eating the germs to aid in weight loss, eating them first thing in the morning when you have an empty stomach is your best bet. It is also an option to add them to a salad if you don't want to eat them alone. Simply mix them in a salad and make sure they are well distributed through the other ingredients.

Method 3 of 3: Add fenugreek to meals

  1. Season side dishes with fenugreek powder. You can use a seed grinder or food processor to grind the seeds. Once the seeds have been ground into a fine powder, you can use them to season a side dish of your choice. Simply sprinkle the dish with the powder to add a slightly sweet and bitter flavor to your meal.
    • Another option is to use the powder to flavor meat.
    • Store fenugreek powder by placing it in an airtight container. It can be kept for up to a year.
  2. Make fenugreek paste to add to curry. Use a seed grinder or food processor to grind the seeds into a fine powder. Then gradually add water to the powder until you have made a paste. Mix the pasta in your curry to add a sweet touch to your meal.
  3. Roast seeds for stir-fries. Place fenugreek seeds in a pan. Roast them over medium heat for 1-2 minutes. Stir them several times during these 1-2 minutes. Then let them cool down and sprinkle about 15 grams of it over your favorite stir-fry dish.
    • You can also sprinkle the seeds over a curry or salad.


  • You can buy fenugreek seeds online and at most grocery stores.
  • It is also an option to make tea from ground fenugreek seeds.


  • Eating fenugreek seeds can cause stomach pain, gas, or diarrhea.
  • Applying fenugreek seeds to your skin can cause mild irritation.


Soak fenugreek seeds

  • Fenugreek seeds
  • Come on
  • Water
  • Sieve

Germinate fenugreek seeds

  • Fenugreek seeds
  • Come on
  • Water
  • Sieve
  • Muslin
  • Pot

Add fenugreek to meals

  • Pan
  • Seed grinder or food processor
  • Water