Using a scientific calculator

Author: John Pratt
Date Of Creation: 18 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to use a Scientific Calculator
Video: How to use a Scientific Calculator


Scientific calculators are incredibly important and efficient when you're ready for rocket science, but they can be quite daunting when you first see them. To use a scientific calculator you must learn its main functions as well as how to enter data in the correct order. Before doing your first test, make sure you know what all the keys are for and how to use the functions you need.

To step

  1. Find the important functions. There are several functions on a calculator that are essential to algebra, trigonometry, geometry, differential calculus, etc. Find the following functions on your calculator (their names may vary by model). Some functions require you to press the Fn or Shift button at the same time:

      Basic operations
      Operation Function
       + Adding up
       - Subtraction (not negative)
      X Multiply (Often there is also a Xbutton for the variables)
       ÷ Share
       ^ Exponentiation
      y y raised to the power of x
      √ or Sqrt Square root
      e Exponential
      sin Sinus
      sin Inverse sine function
      cos Cosine
      cos Inverse cosine
      tan Tangent
      tan Inverse tangent
      ln Log with base e
      log Log base 10
      (-) or neg Indicates negative number
       () Parentheses for the calculation order
       π Inserts pi
      Mode Switches between degrees and radians
  2. Determine in which order you should press the keys. For many of the function keys, you use them before the numbers you enter. Some calculators perform the function on a number you have already entered, while others perform it on the number entered after it.
  3. Try a simple square root. Test the button order with a simple and short statement. For example, calculate the square root of 9. You will already know that the answer is 3, so this is a great tip to use if, in the middle of an exam, you suddenly forgot the order in which to press the buttons.
    • Press 9 and then the checkmark button. If nothing happens, press the check mark and then 9.
    • Some calculators add parentheses to the calculation, such as √(3. You will have to close these brackets with a ) to complete the calculation.
    • Now press the equal sign to see the result.
  4. Calculate the power of a number. Another good test to find out the button order is the use of the y function. Since it only takes two numbers, you want to make sure you know which order to follow. Take a simple test, such as 2. If you 8 is answered, then you have used the correct order. You get 9, then you actually calculated 3.
  5. Practice the trigonometric functions. When using the SIN, COS and TAN functions you will have to remember two different things: the order of the buttons and radians versus degrees.
    • Use a simple SIN function with an easy to remember answer. For example, the sine of 30 ° is 0.5. Decide if you want to do this first 30 or press SIN first.
    • Check your answer. If you answer 0,5 your calculator will give the answer in degrees. Is your answer 0,988, then your calculator is set to radians. Look for the Mode or Mode button to be able to switch.
    • Practice entering a longer equation. Things can get a bit more complicated when you want to start entering a longer equation into your calculator. You'll have to consider the editing order, and you'll use the () tests. Try entering the following equation into your calculator: 3^4/(3+(25/3+4*(-(1^2))))
      • Note how many parentheses are required to keep the formula correct. Correct use of parentheses is essential to using the calculator successfully
    • Learn how to save and restore. Saving your results for retrieval at a later time is an essential skill for dealing with more extensive exercises. There are a number of different ways to use stored data:
      • Use the Answer key to recall the last displayed answer to an equation. For example, you just did 2^4 entered, you can subtract 10 from the result by pressing ANS + - + 1 + 0.
      • Use the M + or STO (Store) keys to add values ​​to the value in calculator memory. You can then use the REC or MR keys to retrieve the value from the memory, and then use it in an equation.


  • Every scientific calculator has a different layout, so take the time to familiarize yourself with where everything is. If you can't find a specific feature that you know is there, check the manual.
  • If you want to store calculations in the calculator, do the following: calculate the problem. For example: 22 + 22 = 44. Then press the Shift button, then RCL, then an ALPHA button. For example, a. Next, press "=" on your calculator, then ALPHA, then a, and finally the equal sign =. Your answer will be saved.