Become a webcam model

Author: Roger Morrison
Date Of Creation: 2 September 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
3 Things I Wish I Knew Before I Became a Webcam Model
Video: 3 Things I Wish I Knew Before I Became a Webcam Model


If you want to make some extra money from home, you could become a webcam model. As a webcam model you have to present yourself in a sexy and erotic way. If you focus and persist, you can even turn it into a full-time job that you earn well with. Then get it right right away: find a reputable webcam company, create an account, create a striking profile so that you attract customers and learn how to earn as much as possible.

To step

Part 1 of 4: Reviewing reliable webcam modeling agencies

  1. Google webcam modeling agencies. Make a list of three to five modeling agencies you want to investigate further. The American companies LiveJasmin and I-Camz seem to be good, but of course you have to speak English. Of course there are also Dutch companies you can turn to. In any case, don't just rely on the company's website, but do your own research as well.
  2. Call or email the modeling agency. Calling or emailing not only answers your questions, but it immediately shows you how easy it is to communicate. A reliable agency will answer you within a few days, while you may not hear back from a scam. By the way, many scammers don't even have contact information on their website.
  3. Identify scams. Scams are common in the webcam industry. Avoid falling victim to a scam. A scam can damage your reputation or even be dangerous for you. There are several red flags that can identify a scam:
    • Be wary if a modeling agency approaches you instead of the other way around. Reliable sites do advertise, but they will never be the first to contact someone. Don't get into it if someone you don't know approaches you through social media or a messaging app as it is most likely a scam.
    • Reliable webcam modeling agencies will want to do an age check. The minimum age for a sex worker in the Netherlands is 18 years. Scammers or human traffickers are not interested in these "details".
    • If an agency asks you for nude photos or a trial session, you are probably dealing with people who want free material from you. A reliable modeling agency does not ask for this. They are more likely to ask you for a picture of your face and a picture that shows you from head to toe.
    • Modeling agencies that ask you for registration or other fees are not reliable. The only costs you incur before starting are the costs for a good webcam, lingerie and maybe some sex toys or other attributes.
    • No agency can guarantee you a certain income. You earn money when you have customers who pay. This is a variable factor that no company can guarantee. So don't be fooled by the amounts that some websites promise you. They cannot deliver on this.
    • It's a big red flag when a webcam modeling agency says it uses PayPal as a payment service. PayPal does not do business at all with sex workers and related companies.
  4. Inquire about the payment method. Customers often buy credits with which they can match the models. The modeling agency then takes a certain percentage of this to keep the site up and running. The allocation key is different for each company, so inquire about this in advance. For example, some companies allow you to keep 50-60% of your earnings.
    • Also find out how often you get paid. This can be twice a month, but also every week or sometimes even every day. Take this into account in your considerations for which company you ultimately choose.
    • As a sex worker you are a taxable entrepreneur. You must declare your earnings annually. Consult with the tax authorities or an accountant whether you are entitled to exemptions and expense allowances.
  5. Calculate whether the costs outweigh the earnings. To get off to a good start, you have to invest hundreds of euros in sexy lingerie and outfits and good equipment. You spend this money before you earn a penny. You have no assurance that you will earn back this money in the long run.
    • Nobody can guarantee you a high income. There may even be days when you wait in front of the webcam and earn nothing at all. Can you live with this? Think this before you work with a webcam modeling agency.
  6. Read reviews of other models about the modeling agencies. Google the name of the agency for this. If you get a lot of good reviews, it's probably a trustworthy agency. However, keep in mind that scammers often post fake reviews. So don't just rely on the reviews.
    • Have a look on YouTube if you can find videos where the models themselves talk about the webcam industry

Part 2 of 4: Register as a webcam model

  1. Make sure you meet the age requirements. You must be at least 18 years old to work in front of the webcam. Content created by younger models is legally considered child pornography and is therefore punishable.
  2. Submit an application. The application procedure is different at each agency. Most agencies will let you sign some sort of modeling contract.
    • Remember, a trustworthy agency isn't going to ask you for nude photos or a webcam conversation where they might make you do or say incriminating things.
  3. Create an account. When you have passed the application process, you will receive an email that you can start setting up your account. One aspect of this is choosing a username that is simple and easy to remember. A good name is easy to remember so that regular customers can always find you. Also use this name to promote yourself on social media, such as Instagram or Twitter.
  4. Make a description. In this description you say what you do in front of the camera, and also whether you have certain talents that are useful in this. For example, do you speak foreign languages ​​or can you dance or sing? Do not offer services that you would rather not provide. Make sure you have an attractive package of services, so that customers choose you and not someone else, so that you earn as much as possible. It's important not to do anything against your will, but be aware that this can sometimes cause you to miss out on money. You make up for this by offering something else.
    • Never put personal information about yourself in your profile.
  5. Upload a profile picture. This photo should be colorful and eye-catching to get viewers to click on your profile. Upload a few more photos, if possible. When your profile is ready, it must be approved. After this, you are ready to start your live shows.
  6. Set your limits. A live show is your show. You are the one who sets the rules of the game. If you don't want to show your face, then no one can make you do that. If you don't want to talk or if you don't want to go completely naked, that is also your choice. You have full control over your online show.
  7. Calculate the risks. Before you start, consider what risks you run. You can become a victim of scam or blackmail. There may also be people who want to take advantage of you. The webcam industry, for example, is a popular hunting ground for loverboys. Also keep in mind that your videos can be viewed by anyone on the Internet and they may roam there forever. Then it is disastrous when your real identity is revealed.
    • If you're worried about being recognized by acquaintances or a prospective employer, you might want to rethink whether webcamming is such a good idea for you.

Part 3 of 4: Giving live shows

  1. Make sure you have a good live stream. If you have a fast and stable internet connection, you can use your laptop's camera. The better your image quality, the more viewers you attract.
    • If you have a lot of loyal viewers, you can compile a wish list that includes an HD webcam, for example, to increase the image quality of your streams. Who knows, you might get it as a gift from one of your fans!
    • If you want to work with sound, check whether your laptop's speaker and microphone are doing well enough.
  2. Set up the decor. Limit yourself to a single room or corner to do your shows. Make sure this "stage" looks attractive to visitors by always keeping it clean. It can be fun performing in front of a brightly colored wall. Good lighting is of course also very important, because your fans want to be able to see everything properly.
  3. Change your clothes. Get ready and dress up as the character you want to portray. When you play a seductress, you choose a seductive outfit. If you play the neighbor or office girl, you dress nicely, but a little less sexy. When handling requests for role play, make sure you have all your other outfits on hand so you can put on a private show if you want.
  4. Create a fixed and consistent character. Create a character that you feel comfortable with and design your room accordingly. Stick to your role as an innocent schoolgirl or a steady girlfriend. You want to have a recognizable look, so that viewers build a familiar feeling with you and attract fans who love your special style.
    • When you stay in your role, you attract a lot of regular viewers who often give big tips. Sometimes there are also fans who can help you improve your page with photo edits or web design.
  5. Go live. Be outgoing by smiling a lot and responding to messages and questions from viewers. Look straight into the camera to create an intimate connection with your viewers.

Part 4 of 4: Making as much money as possible

  1. Be extra active in your first week. The new models receive extra attention on many sites. Make the best use of this to attract regular customers.
  2. Decide how much you want to earn. If you set up a earnings goal, you can calculate how many hours you need to work and how many regular customers you need to have to achieve this goal.
  3. Promote yourself. Be active or social media. By posting messages on Instagram and Twitter you reach people who want to come and watch your shows. Announce on those media when you go online and which services you provide.
  4. Put an agenda on your page. This is a great way to get regular customers. People will then know when to log in to see you live. Do stick to this agenda, otherwise you will disappoint future customers!
    • If you have a customer base, you can also set up a fan club with a subscription system. You do all kinds of extra things for these fans. That way you earn extra money.
  5. Be patient. It takes time and effort to become a successful webcam model. Stick to your schedule, get excited when you go live, and connect with your viewers. Slowly but surely you will earn more and more and can count on a fixed income.


  • Webcam
  • Laptop
  • Fast and stable internet connection


  • Be wary of scams and people trying to exploit you. Log out immediately if you are in an unsafe situation. Your own safety is the most important thing.