Packing a beach bag

Author: Morris Wright
Date Of Creation: 2 April 2021
Update Date: 24 June 2024
BEACH BAG ESSENTIALS: Pack for Hawai’i Family Vacation
Video: BEACH BAG ESSENTIALS: Pack for Hawai’i Family Vacation


Do you fancy a day at the beach? Whether you're spending a whole day or just a few hours by the sea, make sure to bring everything you need with you. You can go to the beach alone, but also with your family or children. However, in every situation there are things that you will simply need. It is therefore essential to pack your beach bag well so that you are prepared for everything. Not only the content, but also the way of packing and the type of bag you take with you are important. Read on to learn how to pack your beach bag perfectly.

To step

Part 1 of 3: Choosing the right beach bag

  1. Choose the right bag for the occasion. For example, you can bring a medium-sized shoulder bag, but also a backpack or a large shopping bag. Which bag is most suitable depends on how long you stay and how much stuff you need.
    • Consider bringing a large water-resistant grocery bag with your family or your kids to the beach. In that case, you probably need more gear than if you were to go to the beach alone.
    • Leave your favorite bag at home. On the beach, there is a good chance that seawater and sand will end up on the bag. So make sure you bring a bag that can get dirty.
  2. Make sure you have a good organization. Choose a bag that has multiple compartments or parts. You will have to bring different kinds of things of all sizes, so it is very handy if you have a bag with different compartments. This way you can easily distribute your things and you can always easily find what you need.
    • Separate compartments are ideal for storing items that have become sandy (think slippers or towels). By putting them in a separate compartment, you ensure that your other items such as your wallet or your phone remain sand-free.
    • If you are good with a needle and thread, you can sew pockets in bags yourself.
    • You can also buy extra bags to separate your belongings that way in the bag. You can of course also use plastic bags for this.
  3. Pack your things practically. You will probably bring all kinds of things to the beach, so it is all the more important that you pack them conveniently. Fold or roll up your towels and put them in your bag first.
    • Save even more space by purchasing a lightweight travel towel.
    • You can also put your towel in a beach blanket, roll it up tight and then put it vertically in your bag. This way you can easily take it out first on the beach.

Part 2 of 3: Pack the right stuff

  1. Bring the necessary skin products. Make sure to bring both bug spray and sunscreen. Also consider buying special spray to protect your hair from the sun and don't forget your sunglasses.
    • Go for a high factor sunscreen with an SPF of 15 or higher. Read the instructions on the bottle and stick to them throughout the day to optimally protect your skin.
    • In general, it is a good idea to apply sunscreen 30 minutes before you are exposed to the sun. Then apply a new coat every two hours.
    • The bigger your sunglasses, the better your eyes are protected.
    • Leave your expensive sunglasses at home. On the beach you run the risk that someone will step on it, that the sand scratches the glass or that you lose the glasses.
    • Put your care products in a plastic bag in case they burst or tear.
  2. Bring the right clothes. At the beach you will need a sun hat, a change of clothes, a bathing suit (unless you already have it on at home), hair ties, a brush and slippers.
    • Roll up your clothes and put them with the towels at the bottom of your bag.
    • If it is not that hot or windy, you can also bring a comfortable sweater or cardigan.
    • You can also bring an extra swimsuit or bikini if ​​you want to wear something dry after swimming.
  3. Bring enough water with you. The average adult needs 8 glasses of water daily. However, if you are in the blazing sun, you better drink more.
    • It is best to bring a large water bottle and refill it during the day.
    • Use reusable bottles so you don't throw away too much plastic.
    • You can also pour a bottle half full of water and then freeze it overnight. This way you have a refreshing drink on the beach.
    • Consider using a water bottle with a filter if you plan to fill it in public places.
    • Use a bottle with an insulating layer to keep your water cool.
  4. Bring snacks. Even if there are plenty of restaurants on the beach, it is wise to bring your own snacks. Make sure you don't put it in full sun on the beach. Perfect beach snacks are for example:
    • 1 sandwich per person. Spread it with peanut butter or jam, for example.
    • Nuts, raisins and crackers such as Tuc.
    • Fruit.
    • Muesli bars.
    • If necessary, take a cool box or cooler bag with you to keep your snacks cooled.
  5. Bring beach chairs or umbrellas (optional). These obviously do not fit in your beach bag. If you still want to take them with you, you will have to bring them with you separately or possibly rent them.
    • Search online for the easiest way to bring or rent beach chairs or umbrellas. You can often borrow them at holiday parks and you can regularly rent items in beach tents. If you can't find anything, call a few beach bars to ask how best to get beach chairs and umbrellas.
    • You can also see if shops near the beach can help you. In almost every seaside village you will find a shop where beach equipment is sold or rented.
  6. Bring a whistle (optional). If you are going to the beach with children, a whistle can be ideal. Children run in all directions in their enthusiasm and with a whistle you can easily call them when they need a sandwich or a new layer of sunscreen, for example.
  7. Bring a first aid kit. Whether you go to the beach with or without children, it is always wise to bring some gear with you in case something bother you. Make sure you have at least the following items with you:
    • Band aids.
    • Salve.
    • Allergy pills.
    • Aftersun (for burnt skin).
    • Painkillers for adults and children.

Part 3 of 3: Bringing fun extras

  1. Bring sand toys. Use a separate linen bag to carry some toys. You can easily make these sand-free after use or wash them to remove stains.
  2. Bring a book. It's always nice to have something to read with you. And what could be more relaxing than losing yourself in a good story?
  3. Bring a portable speaker system. This is always fun, especially when you go to the beach with a group of friends.
    • Nowadays there are water-resistant cases for almost every electronic device, whether you want to bring an iPhone, a Kindle or a camera. It takes very little sand or water to break a device.
  4. Bring a set of playing cards. This way you can play a fun game with your friends while sunbathing.
  5. Bring binoculars. If you like to stare endlessly over the water, then binoculars are the ideal aid.


  • Don't take your entire wallet with you, but put a few things in a smaller wallet: some money, your driver's license and your debit card. Also leave keys you don't need at home. Keep your important items in a separate compartment in your bag or in a waterproof container or pouch.
  • Put heavy items such as books at the bottom of your bag.
  • Keep soft food items such as fruit at the top of the bag.
  • Put electronic devices in cases to protect them properly.
  • Throw a sealable plastic bag in your bag so that you can put your wet things in here at the end of the day.
  • Bring extra plastic bags to protect your belongings from sand and salt water.
  • Pack your bag the night before you go to the beach. This way you don't have to rush in the morning and you avoid forgetting important things.


  • Don't just leave your things on the beach, but always have someone behind to keep an eye on the bags. This way you prevent your day from being ruined by thieves.