Smoking a cigarette

Author: Eugene Taylor
Date Of Creation: 12 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Smoking a Dunhill International Blue Light Cigarette - Review
Video: Smoking a Dunhill International Blue Light Cigarette - Review


Ready to light one up? Smoking may look easy, but there is more to it than simply sucking in some smoke. Whether you smoke just for show or want to learn how to smoke without looking stupid, this article is going to show you how. As you will undoubtedly know, regular cigarette smoking entails serious health risks such as the potential development of (lung) cancer. Be aware that even occasional smoking has negative consequences for your health and that quitting smoking is extremely difficult due to the addictive effect of nicotine in the tobacco products.

To step

Part 1 of 2: Lighting

  1. Tap the pack of cigarettes. Certain preparatory rituals are associated with smoking, the main ritual being packing. This is achieved by turning over an unopened pack of cigarettes and tapping them 3 to 6 times against your palm or a table. This compresses the loose tobacco so that the tobacco becomes tighter in the rolling paper. In practice, “packing” allows the cigarette to burn more evenly and last longer.
  2. Hold the cigarette. Whether you removed the cigarette from the pack with your fingers or mouth, you will eventually hold the cigarette. This is a personal choice and there are no rules, but there are a few common methods:
    • Classic. Hold the cigarette between your index and middle fingers, between your first and second knuckle. Your palm is pointing down.
    • Refined. Same as the classic method, but here your palm and fingers are facing up.
    • Casual. The cigarette is placed behind the second knuckle of your middle finger and held in place by placing your index finger over it. The hand has a relaxed, closed position. Your palm can face down as well as towards you.
    • Euro I. The cigarette is held between your thumb and forefinger. Both your palm and the cigarette are facing out.
    • Euro II. The cigarette is held between your thumb and forefinger, with your palm turned inward and slightly upward. The filter points to you. With the Euro II, the Nazi spies were always caught in films (or the American spies, who not smoked the Euro II way).
    • Palmed. The cigarette is pinched between the thumb and forefinger but points in the palm of the hand. The cigarette is secretly held in the hand. This is a good way if you want to smoke discreetly.
    • Female. The cigarette is held in the classic way, but the hand is relaxed and leaned back, the palm facing up.
  3. Put the cigarette in your mouth. If you have taken the cigarette out of the pack with your teeth, then you are already there. Once you have taken the cigarette out of the pack with your fingers, put the side with the filter in your mouth.
    • Some people have the cigarette hanging in the left or right corner of the mouth. Other people simply hold the cigarette in the center of the mouth. Before smoking in public, it's a good idea to practice at home with a pen or pencil what feels right for you.
    • In practice, if you smoke unfiltered cigarettes, it doesn't matter which way you put it in your mouth. In general, put the side with the logo or brand name in your mouth.
  4. Hold the smoke in your mouth for a moment. This will cool the smoke and keep your throat from getting irritated. It can also change the taste of the smoke, but this may not be the case for everyone. Whether this is also the case with you, you can determine for yourself after having smoked a few times.
  5. Extinguish your cigarette. When you are done smoking, you want to get rid of the cigarette safely. You do this by putting the cigarette out in the ashtray until it stops smoking. Outside, you can put the cigarette out on a non-flammable surface and throw it away afterwards. Leaving the butt on the floor is anti-social and not acceptable. Throwing your cigarette butt out the window is also very dangerous and has caused many forest fires. You could be fined or in case of starting a forest fire, face serious legal trouble.
    • How far you smoke the cigarette depends on your personal preference. Of course you never smoke the filter, and in the case of filterless cigarettes, you can only smoke up to a certain point before you get burnt lips.
    • Many people smoke until just above the filter, or until you can no longer put the cigarette in your mouth.
    • Still other people extinguish the cigarette after smoking about half, so that the smoke stays cleaner and cooler.


  • Make sure you do not accidentally light the filter.
  • When you are just starting to smoke, you can try different brands and types of cigarettes to find out where your preferences lie.
  • Menthol cigarettes have a light mint flavor in addition to the aroma of the tobacco. These cigarettes also give a cooling sensation.
  • A small amount of smoke will remain in your lungs, sometimes for a few hours, until the smoke is absorbed or completely exhaled.
  • Most smokers do not let the cigarette dangle in their mouth as this makes breathing difficult and the hot smoke can cause a burning sensation in the nose and eyes. Some smokers manage to keep the cigarette between their lips constantly and can even talk.
  • With practice, you can simply hold the smoke in your mouth without inhaling, but so that it still looks like you are inhaling. The smoke will be a bit thicker and should be blown out slowly.
  • Smokers tolerate the nicotine and chemicals in the tobacco, as well as the negative psychological effects of the carbon monoxide, much better than non-smokers. Smokers no longer experience the “high” you feel when you smoke for the first time.
  • If you're not sure why you want to start smoking, don't. It's addictive and very unhealthy.
  • Don't screw it up for yourself. Start slow and build up your inhalation until you're a pro!
  • On your first inhale, put your teeth together and inhale slowly through your teeth. This prevents excessive amounts of smoke from entering your lungs. It can also save you an embarrassing coughing fit when you are with friends who have experience smoking.


  • Never smoke or light a cigarette near gasoline or other volatile flammable substances.
  • Do not smoke on an empty stomach; this can make you nauseous.
  • Smoking is a fire hazard. Make sure all materials and ashtrays are completely extinguished when you are done smoking. Take proper precautions to avoid burns.
  • Smoking diminishes your sense of smell and taste.
  • Smokers experience a decreased appetite due to the effects of nicotine. Maintaining weight is a common reason to keep smoking.
  • Nicotine increases the acidity of the stomach, which can make symptoms of IBS (irritable bowel syndrome) and intestinal ulcers worse.
  • Smoking increases blood pressure and heart rate. This increases your risk of a heart attack and can also cause strokes. In heavy smokers, this can cause cardiovascular disease.
  • Smoking can cause birth defects and premature birth. In pregnant women, smoking increases the risk of miscarriage.
  • Tobacco smoke is carcinogenic and can cause lung, throat, mouth, larynx, esophagus and pancreatic cancer, among other things.
  • In some countries, minors are not allowed to smoke. In the Netherlands, the age limit for tobacco sales is 18 years. In Belgium, the age limit for tobacco sales is 16 years.


  • Pack of cigarettes
  • Lighter or matches
  • Ashtray