Making an oven in Minecraft

Author: Christy White
Date Of Creation: 8 May 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Minecraft - How To Make An Oven
Video: Minecraft - How To Make An Oven


In Minecraft, ovens are used for casting many useful items. If you're not sure how to create or activate one, do the following.

To step

Part 1 of 3: Making the oven

  1. Take a pickaxe. It doesn't matter what it's made of.
  2. Mine cobblestone. You do this by clicking the left mouse button while looking at stone blocks. You need 8 cobblestones.
  3. Have a workbench if you don't already have one.
  4. Place the 8 cobblestones in the workbench. Arrange them along the edges, leaving the center free. The cobblestones will be transformed into an oven.
  5. Place the oven in the right place. You do this by right-clicking on the oven. This will open an interface. This is the furnace interface. You can use this to mold anything you want to make, such as metal rods, wood, and clay.
  6. Look in just outside forges in villages. You can then bring one with you if you wish (just left click).
    • It is possible to find ovens that occur naturally in Minecraft.

Part 2 of 3: Adding fuel

  1. Add wood, coal or charcoal, buckets of lava, blaze rods, or anything that can burn. Everything that is made of wood is suitable for the oven.
  2. Place fuel in the bottom slot of the furnace. The item you want to melt down goes into the top slot. The right lock is for the object that has been melted down.

Part 3 of 3: Making an oven minecart

  1. Make an oven minecart. A furnace minecart is a minecart that automatically starts moving when coal is added. Place a minecart in the crafting grid and put an oven on top. Placement is not essential as long as the minecart is under the furnace. The two items will transform into a furnace minecart together. With shift-click or by dragging you can move it to your inventory.
  2. Place the furnace minecart on rails to use. Add coal to it and it will start to move slowly.


  • It is recommended to have multiple ovens available at any given time so that you can quickly melt a variety of items. Ovens can be placed on top of each other so you can make a wall of ovens if you want.