Kissing a girl

Author: Charles Brown
Date Of Creation: 8 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Katy Perry - I Kissed A Girl (Official)
Video: Katy Perry - I Kissed A Girl (Official)


So you want to kiss that pretty girl - but you don't know if she's interested, or you don't know how to go about it without a hitch? Finding out if she wants to kiss may seem like rocket science, but there are some things you can do to increase the chances of a great kiss. Here you can read how to do it.

To step

Method 1 of 2: Create the right atmosphere

  1. Make sure she's alone. This is probably the most important thing to do to make the kiss romantic. If you're trying to kiss a girl in front of your friends, she'll think you want to show her off like a trophy. Make it an intimate and special moment by making sure you are alone with her. Lure her away from the crowd with the following tactics:
    • If you are with a group, ask her to sit with you alone.
    • If you're at a party or other large gathering, you can also ask her to go outside with you for some fresh air.
    • At school you can ask her to come to your locker, or walking around the school can also be very romantic when the weather is nice.
    • Ask if you will walk home with her, be it from school, work, or a party.
    • Or, if all of that doesn't work, ask her to go out with you! At least then you know for sure that you are all alone with her.
  2. Create the right atmosphere. Have a romantic atmosphere around you, and half the work is already done! Making an effort to create an enchanting atmosphere shows her how you feel about her, and makes it easier for her to see you at your best. Here's how to do that:
    • Find a softly lit place. It might be possible to look just as charming in the bright daylight, but it's not easy. Instead, try to find a setting that has flattering light so that a romantic feel is conveyed. Try these ideas:
    • Sunsets are universally considered romantic, especially if you have a good vantage point.
    • When the moon is full you can rely on the moonlight - you should still be able to see just enough when your eyes are used to the dark.
    • If it's a rainy day, take shelter under a lean-to or in a car. The little light that is filtered through the rain is soft and shiny.
    • When it's dark and you walk to her house to bring her home, rely on the street lights or the light by the door for mood lighting. For extra intimacy you stay just out of the lightest part.
    • If you are camping or sitting by a campfire, you can take advantage of the flickering fire! To simulate this indoors, you can light some candles.
  3. Keep the conversation focused on her. If you want to kiss within the next hour, don't talk about things she might find nasty or repulsive. A quick summary of what to do:
    • Talk not about:
      • How great you think other girls are. Seriously, start here never about.
      • Anything that you are not satisfied with in your life / things that you do not love. Complaining is not sexy.
      • Things you talk about with your friends.
      • Body parts.
    • Talk well about:
      • How much you love her. Compliment her.
      • Her interests and thoughts. If you don't know what to say for a moment, ask her what she thinks about something, or just tell her that you think her hair is so beautiful.
      • Things that the two of you have in common, such as shared experiences or hobbies.
  4. Give her an enchanting compliment. Everyone loves compliments, girls are no exception. A compliment is a perfect hint that you want to kiss her, while she feels beautiful and adored. Here you can quickly read how to do that:
    • Focus on something you really like about her. If you can, name something that is really special and unique compared to other people you know. A compliment that you really mean always sounds better than something you make up, so think about it.
      • Give never a compliment on physical features such as her butt, figure, weight, etc. If you want to use her looks, stick to her eyes, her hair and her smile; stick with these areas for now.
    • Think about how you put it. You can just saying "Hey, I like your smile so much", but that's not exactly memorable. You want her to remember the compliment in the exact wording because it made her laugh. Here are some examples:
      • "Your smile makes me dizzy."
      • "Your smile is the most beautiful sound in the world."
      • "Honestly, your eyes are the most beautiful thing I've ever seen in my life."
    • Say it in a romantic way. How you deliver it is important - even the sweetest compliment can go wrong if you just mumble a little. Try these methods:
      • Lower the tone of your voice a little. This will make you look more intimate.
      • Lean in slightly when you say it. You can also lower your voice - another trick that makes the compliment a bit more private.
      • If you feel really brave you can lean over and whisper in her ear. This is also a good test to see if she likes you or if she doesn't like having you so close to her. If she responds well, the way is probably clear to kiss.

Method 2 of 2: Start the kiss

  1. Take a closer look. If you're not sure she wants you to kiss her, try touching her gently first. If it looks like she likes having you in her space, you can move on. Here are some possible moves, listed from least to most intense:
    • Hold her hand. If you walk next to her and she has her hand at her side, grab it very casually. Or if you're sitting next to each other and she doesn't have her arms crossed, go for it.
    • Put your arm around her shoulder. You don't have to make it big - if she's sitting close to you, go ahead and put your arm lightly around her shoulder. If she slides closer, you can hold her a little tighter.
    • Give her a hug. Hold it for four or five seconds before letting go of her. If she likes it, you can try to kiss her.
  2. Watch for signs of whether she's interested. Keep in mind that you won't be able to see these signals clearly in every girl - some girls are really shy and closed, even when they are well interested in a boy. But here are some common signs that you are heading in the right direction:
    • She starts conversations with you, makes jokes, or tries to get your attention in some other way.
    • She looks at you and quickly looks away when you see it.
    • She blushes when you talk to her.
    • She bites her lip.
    • She often licks her lips (not in a sexy, flirty way, but unconsciously, because her lips might be dry from the nerves).
    • She leans toward you for more contact when you try to touch her.
    • Her breathing and heart rate are faster when you are close.
  3. Break the barrier. If you think that going from a hug to a kiss on the mouth is a big transition, you can get one first small trying to kiss.
    • Slowly bring her hand to your mouth and gently kiss (so absolutely do not spit) the back of her hand. This seems like an old-fashioned and chivalrous gesture, but most girls love it.
    • Kiss her on the cheek. Don't try to smack like you're kissing your aunt. Keep your lips soft and lightly press her cheek. If you are very brave you can descend to the corner of her mouth or to her ear.
  4. Make eye contact. Before kissing her, look her in the eye and hold the gaze. This is a clear signal that you want to kiss her. If she pulls back or suddenly changes the subject now, don't kiss her. If she returns the look, keep going.
  5. Slowly lean towards her and pause for a moment. Bring your face closer to hers, very calmly so that she may have time to withdraw. Tilt your head a little the other way than she doesotherwise your nose will get in the way. Stop just before reaching her lips.
    • If she steps back or starts talking, that means no. Don't let it put you off and try again some other time.
    • If she's not moving, that probably means you can go ahead and kiss her (or even better, maybe she'll get that last bit closer to you to kiss).
  6. Keep your kiss light and soft (at the beginning). This is especially important if you're kissing this girl for the first time - you don't want to appear aggressive or inexperienced. Gently run your lips over hers, keeping the pressure as gentle as possible. Once you've done that a few times, shift the focus to kissing her lower lip so that you have it between your lips.
    • Try to avoid smacking as much as possible - the noise can be distracting. If you find yourself smacking, you can either pucker your lips less or swallow some saliva.
  7. Know where to put your hands. Don't hold your hands at your sides like you're a bag of salt - use them to make your kiss even better! Here are some good places you can get them:
    • On the sides of her face, so that you hold her head with both hands.
    • At the back of her head, so they are tangled in her hair.
    • On her shoulders.
    • Around her waist.
    • If she seems to want to kiss, but is shy or timid, here's something you can try: Use your hands to take her hands and place them on your shoulders. It's a quick and easy way to get her closer, and you take the risk of getting rejected from her - so you save her from any possible failure.
  8. Try French kissing (optional) - after she has accepted the regular long kiss. If you're ready for a more passionate kiss, try French kissing. Run the tip of your tongue gently over her lower lip a few times. She'll get the message and open her mouth a bit if she's interested.
  9. Take a breather, but do it in a romantic way. As incredible as it sounds, you will have to stop kissing once. But instead of just stopping abruptly, you can do it in a cute way.
    • Pull your lips away, but rest your forehead against hers. Stand for a while while you catch your breath.
    • Back off and put your cheek against hers so that your mouth is near her ear (if you want to say something sweet, now is a good time).
    • Hook your hands in hers, pull back and look into her eyes. You will probably smile on your own, but if not, smile at her.
  10. End with a sweet touch. When you end the kiss, do it with gentle caress. Run your hands through her hair, pat her cheek, or kiss the back of her hand. It seems like a small step, but doing something like that ends the kiss in a positive way and she looks forward to the next time.


  • Make yourself as attractive as possible to the kiss. Brush your teeth, floss, and use mouthwash before you see her, and keep mints or gum handy when you're out and about. Showering, shaving and making sure you smell good are also essential. Keep your braces clean if you have them.
  • Try not to French kiss too soon; sometimes a girl is shocked and pressured, or it could be a girl who is uncomfortable with your tongue in her mouth.
  • If she pulls out or wants to quit, don't continue. Get the hint. Know that you do not have (or no longer) permission and accept "no" for the answer.
  • Don't expect her to kiss you first. It is safer to assume that they are you not will be the first to kiss, so see it as your responsibility to determine the time and place of the kiss.
  • When it's cold outside, it's a good opportunity because it gives you a good excuse to hold her close to you. While holding her, turn your face towards her and talk to her while your faces are close together.
  • Be infectious. She's probably just as nervous as you are, so she might be sending out signals that indicate she's closing (like crossed arms and looking away) but it could be the nerves. Be sweet, tender and thoughtful and take your time. You will notice when she thaws. But if she says no, she means it too; do not insist.
  • Note: if you go too fast it can be a turnoff; so don't be pushy!


  • Remember to tilt your head slightly. Otherwise your noses will collide and that is certainly an awkward moment.
  • Don't go down with your hands if she's uncomfortable with it. Place them gently on her hips, but never on her buttocks or breasts until you know each other a little better.
  • Don't be a slobber. If she wipes her face afterwards, slow down next time.
  • If she says no or if she says she's not interested, don't see it as a personal letdown. It is her choice whether or not to respond, and it is not a personal reflection of your dignity. Sometimes it just doesn't click, or it is too fast and overwhelming for her. Have patience and above all, respect her wishes. Think about how you would feel if someone just kissed you when you don't want to.